There is a Sheep Shearing School being held on September 15th and 16th in Hebron, OH. This is sponsored by OSU Extension and the Ohio Sheep Improvement Association. Cost is $50; class size limited to 15. Registration deadline is September 1st. Applications are available at or at the Extension office.

The Ohio State Precision Ag Team will be hosting a free workshop for tech savvy soybean growers on Friday, September 8th from 9a-4p at Beck’s Hybrids in London, Ohio (just east of the Farm Science Review site on SR40). The day will focus on understanding the potential value of digital tools for soybean production and how growers are utilizing these tools and services. Topics of discussion will include data warehousing, production benchmarking, analysis, in-season monitoring, crop modeling, and recommendations.

Confirmed speakers include Jeremy Wilson of MyAgData, Mike Hannewald of Beck’s Hybrids, and Dr. Laura Lindsey from The Ohio State University. Industry professionals will also be presenting. The day will end with a panel discussion comprised of producers, retailers, an independent agronomist and a commodity representative.

Please take a tablet, laptop, or other smart device with you to the workshop. Space is limited to the first 75 registrations. To register for the free workshop that includes lunch and breaks, visit

There is a lot of "buzz" on bees and other pollinators in the news.People are interested and want to know what they can do to help the cause. Well, the OSUBee Lab is your go-to source for information about bees, as well as other pollinators.

The website is host to factsheet and bulletins, recorded webinars, and a calendar of upcoming events. Many educational programsare offered online as well through the Bee Lab.There is a wealth of information that is updated on a regular basis. The website can be found at The latest addition to the website includes fivePollinator Quick Guides; click on the “news” link.

When you visit the Farm Science Review this year, be sure to check out the Agronomy Demonstration Plots. These crops were planted to demonstrate various challenges farmers face, as well as possible solutions. All demonstration plots were planted to illustrate research findings about what works and what doesn’t for various hurdles that farmers face.

You’ll see diseased soybean plants, some tarnished by pesticide that spread further than intended, late-planted corn that will still yield well, corn that tolerates glufosinate (a common weed killer), and a patch of oats and cereal rye that shows how cover crops can help hold the soil in place amid heavy rain.

One plot shows the progression of corn plants as they changed over years of selective breeding to make them more hearty and offer a higher yield of corn. On display isTeonsinte, the ancestor to modern corn, plus several varieties before modern day hybrids were available. These varieties offer a far shorter growing season than Teosinte, larger cobs, and resistance to various diseases.

These Agronomy Plots are located on the east end of the Review site, between the parking area and the entrances at Gates B and C. Farm Science Review is Tuesday, September 19th through Thursday, September 21st. Tickets are $7 ahead of time at your local OSU Extension office; $10 if you wait and pay at the gate. Children 5 and under are free. For more information, visit

Stanley made his first visit to the Darke County Fair last week. He was really impressed! Attending has now been added to our yearly To-Do list; and this from a guy who’s never been really keen on fairs. Go figure!!