Belleview/South Marion Chamber of Commerce

5331 SE Abshier Blvd (Hwy 441), Belleview, FL 34420

Phone: (352) 245-2178 Fax: (352) 245-2178

Craft/Vendor Booth Application for Founder’s Day

Location: City Hall Park beside City Hall & Chamber Office

Saturday, May 6th, 2017 10:00 am-3:00 pm

We provide a 12 x 12 space only. Your tents, tables and canopies are not provided.

Application deadline is Monday, April 24th, 2017 at 3 pm. $10 Late Fee

Organization/Business Name: ______

Contact Name: ______Phone: ______

Address: ______Fax: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip Code: ______


Craft Booth- $30.00 _____ Type of Craft: ______

Non-Profit Booth- $25.00 _____

Commercial Booth/Member- $35.00 _____ Commercial/ Non-Member- $70.00 _____

Commercial Food/Member- $100.00 _____ Commercial Food/ Non-Member- $125.00_____

Non-Profit Food- $35.00 _____ Type of Food: ______

Electric- $10.00 _____ Total Amount- $______

Make checks payable to: BSMCC

I agree to indemnify the Belleview/South Marion Chamber of Commerce or anyone connected with the show and exhibit and hold them harmless against all actions, claims, liabilities, losses, costs, and expenses which, in any way may arise in connection with or resulting from Founder’s Day, including claims for bodily injury or death of persons, and for loss of or damage to property, whether the same is due to negligent act of omission of this organization, their agents, employees, or otherwise.

The fees include: space rental, advertisement, processing and security. The registration deadline is Monday, April 24th, 2017 at 3 pm. $10 Late charge for applications received after the deadline. No money will be refunded after registration deadline April 24th, 2017. Set up must be completed by 9:30 am on Saturday, May 6, 2017. All booths must remain open until 3:00 pm. Those vendors who choose to dismantle booths and leave early, will not be invited back to a Chamber sponsored event. No Rain Date is Scheduled .This is a rain or shine event. Application fees are non-refundable in all circumstances and will be realized as a donation to the BSMCC Special Events Fund. The No parking by booths after 9:30 am. Remit application to: Belleview/South Marion Chamber of Commerce, 5331 SE Abshier Blvd., Belleview, FL 34420. You will receive confirmation of acceptance after application and payment is processed. There will be a fee of $25.00 for all returned checks.

Signature: ______Date:______

If you have any questions please call the Chamber at (352) 245-2178. Thank you for your participation!

Cash ______CK # ______Amount ______Entered by______