The Ontario Early Years Centre Dufferin offers information and support to parents and caregivers of children 0 – 6 years of age. These are offered at the centres in Orangeville (519) 941-6991 #2205, Shelburne (519) 925-5504 and Grand Valley (519) 928-3383, and are facilitated by staff from the County of Dufferin and from other local agencies. Free child care is usually provided. Registration required.


Make the Connection: a program for parents and babies ages birth to 1 year. Parents are encouraged to interact with their babies in ways that promote secure attachment, communication, and brain development. There is a combination of hands-on activities, parent reflection and discussion, and, personalized photographic feedback.

Feelings After Birth...Post Partum Adjustment Support Group: Support and resources are offered to women who are experiencing the additional stress of post partum depression, anxiety, anger, irritation and other mood issues. Facilitated by Public Health nurses, Infant and Childhood consultants, and Early Years staff.

Best Dads! This is facilitated by Family Transition Place; it usually involves a “dinner with Dad” time (where the kids and their fathers can eat together) and also a “Dads only” time, at which point the children are looked after by child care providers.

Toddler Series: This is facilitated by the Early Years Centres with speakers from Public Health and Early Literacy. It features a variety of toddler related issues including toileting, sleeping, mealtime, and discipline.

Winning at Parenting: This workshop involves viewing the video by Barbara Coloroso and then discussing the theory and techniques that she has presented.

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish: This is a six-week series with videos and (optional) supplemental reading. This workshop offers some specific communication skills that facilitate healthy relationships between children and adults, with the goal of enhanced co-operation and self-esteem.

Siblings without Rivalry: This is a six-week (audiocassette and books) course by the same people who present the “How To Talk...” videos and books. It focuses on siblings as unique individuals, with unique needs.

Parenting A Child With A Challenging Temperament (also known as “Raising a Spirited Child”): This is a 3 part series presented by staff from Dufferin Child and Family Services (Infant and Childhood Development). Parents are offered additional insight into temperament (and the fit between themselves and their children) and discipline techniques.

Kids Have Stress Too! This three part series is designed to help parents/caregivers (of children between the ages of 4 and 9 years) better understand how stress is part of everyday life and to help them teach their children ways to manage it.

Skills for Single Parents is a one-session workshop that is in a ‘video-and-discussion’ format. It touches on the following issues: feelings, co-parenting, managing single-parent life, dating, and single parenting.

Unconditional Parenting is a video by Alfie Kohn. It starts with the question, “What are our long-term goals for our children?" It then follows that we need to work with them rather than doing things to them, in order to reach those goals. Kohn argues that punishments (including time-outs) and rewards (including positive reinforcement) may sometimes produce temporary compliance, but they do nothing to help kids grow into responsible, caring, ethical, happy people. Kohn concludes with ten important guidelines to help viewers reconnect to their own best instincts as parents. The video is presented over 3 or 4 sessions, and includes group discussion of the material.

Good Discipline, Good Kids and Keeping Peace at Home are one-or-two session workshops (in a ‘video-with-discussion’ format – sometimes offered together as a three-part series) based on the work of Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish (authors of “How to Talk so Kids will Listen” and “Siblings Without Rivalry.”) In “Good Discipline, Good Kids” the focus is on conflict resolution strategies that promote respect, cooperation and good communication. “Keeping Peace at Home” also promotes good communication skills and adds such things as sibling fights, problem solving and family meetings.

Parenting with Humor is a one-session video-and-discussion workshop that focuses on “lightening up”, letting some things go, and having fun with your kids.

Raising Sexually Healthy Children, a one-session video-and-discussion workshop, gives some ideas about how and when to talk with children about sex and their changing bodies.

Preventing Abduction is a one-session workshop that looks at keeping kids safer from abduction and abuse. Facilitated by Safe Communities in the Hills.

The Essentials of Discipline Series: The Toddler and Preschool Years: a one or two part series; a video and discussion focusing on kids 1 – 4 years.

How Boys and Girls Differ: The First Six Years: a one session workshop (video and discussion on how kids develop differently and ways that parents can enhance development.

Yelling, Threatening & Putting Down: What to Do Instead: A one-session workshop with some positive discipline ideas for kids.

Let’s Talk Parenting (also known as Coffee & Conversation): an informal discussion about kids and parenting. Participants bring their concerns (and their successes!) to share with others.

Other (one –session) videos that can be viewed and discussed as a group (ie might be offered if enough people ask for them or can be borrowed and viewed at home):

· Kids.Calm – Childhood Stress

· Kids and Food

· My Brother Bit Me! Parenting Siblings

· Disciplining Kids: How to Talk to a Child

· The Not So Terrible Twos: The Third Year of Life

· Infancy: Landmarks of Development

· The Developing Child Series: Toddlerhood – Emotional Development

· Preschoolers: How Three & Four Year Olds Develop

· Toddler Milestones

· Toilet Training

Healthy Relationships is a 3 week series facilitated by Family Transition Place (with an Early Years facilitator sometimes sitting in). The topics covered include the following: identifying healthy and unhealthy relationships, boundaries, anger, assertiveness, conflict resolution, and, self-esteem.

Emotional Wellness is a 3 week series facilitated by Family Transition Place (sometimes an Early Years facilitator also sits in). It is for women only, and provides information on both positive and problematic emotions, how to increase self awareness about these emotions, where these emotions come from, and, how to regulate emotions.

Healthy Me Series is facilitated by Family Transition Place (with an Early Years facilitator sometimes sitting in). This is for women only. Topics include: self awareness, assertive communication, self care. There is discussion and information provided with the goal to enhance empowerment and to feel good about yourself.

Updated August 2015