Safety Briefing Form for NSS Walk/Trip Leaders

Please tick boxes as you give the briefing, complete, sign and put time of briefing.

Please introduce yourself and co-leaders to the group and tell the group the estimated duration, something of the route and terrain, and the estimated return time or end time & location.

Please ensure that you stress the safety concerns and related safety precautions below to your group before starting the walk/trip. Add in or stress any items specific to your walk/trip. Please circle anything you have stressed and delete anything irrelevant and not mentioned by you.

1. Dehydration and sunburn: Precautions – adequate water, carried to leave hands free; wearing of sunhats; use of sun block;

2. Minor personal injury, falling, falling in water: (off jetty, out of boat). Precautions – wearing comfortable clothes and suitable shoes; in good medical condition (Leader(s) do visual check); take care when stepping on and off boats; take care on slippery ground after rain;

3. Poisonous creatures which sting/ bite: (possible specific examples – e.g. hornets, ………..). Precautions – remind participants not to touch anything that they are not familiar with unless supervised by leader(s).

4. Lightning Precautions: Immediately seek shelter at the first sign of lightning activity. Leaders to brief on emergency and evacuation procedure, e.g. quickest route out of area, back to starting point.

5. Getting separated or lost. Precautions – stay behind the leader, do not separate from the group. Inform the leader if leaving early.

6. Other relevant points:

7. Trail etiquette: - not to feed monkeys, eat in front of monkeys or carry plastic bags in front of monkeys; not to pick plants; not to disturb animals.

Briefing given by: …………………………………… Date & time: …………………......

Witnessed by a participant:


No. of participants: ………………………………….

Location of walk/ trip: …………………………………….

Co- Leaders (names) ………………………………………………………………………………….

Please send in to Ter Yang at NSS Office. Fax: 6741-0871 Email: