Goal TeamOne: “Build Pathways”

First Solo Team Meeting

1:00 p.m., January21, 2010

Sand Lake Center, 2-120

Note - The goal team agendas and meeting notes are accessible by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page:

Welcome and Introductions

ConvenerJennifer Robertsonasked all present to introduce themselves.

In attendance were:

Beverlee Andrews, Karen Borglum, Jacquelyn Cole, Jeff Cornett, Kimberly Finley, Jeff Goltz, Joe Lynn Look, Adrian Manley, Marjorie McKillop, Jessica Morales, Melissa Pedone, Jennifer Robertson, Adriana Rodriguez, Joyce Romano, Heidi Shugg, Sally Witcamp.

Susan Kelley was present to provide support from the College Planning Council.

Team members unable to attend were:

Daryl Davis, Gerald Jones, Sonya Joseph, Maryke Lee, Cathy Penfold Navarro, Bobbie Sartor, Nicole Schneller.

Review of the Charge to the Goal Teams, Team Principles and Roles

CPC Co-chair SusanKelleyand Jennifer Robertsonreviewed the charge to the goal teams, the “five questions” that each team will address, the principles that the team developed to guide their work and the roles they wish to have filled by team members.(See Attachments A and B for the Nov. 10 meeting notes, which include the list of principles and roles, and which are also at this web site: .)

Review of Notes from November 10 Joint Meeting

Jenniferasked the team whether any entries required clarification or if anything were missing that should be added to the record. The team agreed that the ntoes from November 10 meeting were accurate as written. (See Attachments A and B forthe Nov. 10 meeting notes, which may also be found at this web site: .)

Review of Strategic Issues and Major Goal-Related Initiatives and Projects

Jennifer asked the teams to break into two groups.

The groups reviewed and discussed the Strategic Issues included in the 2008-13 Strategic Plan, noting those that have relevance to the goal, and suggesting any strategic issues that have emerged that the team suggests be added, if any.

The groups also reviewed the list of major goal-related initiatives and projects, and identified missing initiatives.

One group began to discuss where we want to go ultimately with this goal, how much change we might bring about by 2013, and how we might measure that change. Those notes are in Attachment C.The entire team will discuss this at its next meeting, on February 11.

The team met as a whole to discuss the small group findings and agree on the attached lists.(See Attachments D and E.)

On these lists, assignments were made for team members who volunteered to:

- update information on the strategic issues for the purpose of reporting on the issues at the Big Meeting on March 19, using an issue brief format that will be provided to the team. (Attachment F is the form to be used.)

- gather current information about the initiatives for the team’s review at its second meeting.(Attachment G is the form to be used.)

It was noted that after reviewing the work underway on initiatives and projects that comprise the major work under the goal, the team will decide what to recommend that the College measure to gauge project toward the goal. This discussion will take place at the next meetingand be concluded before Spring Break.

Next Meeting

The team agreed to meet on February 11, at 1:00 at the Criminal Justice Institute. Reports on the strategic issues and the initiatives are due to Susan Kelley at , by February 5. Forms are attached for use by those members who volunteered to report on each. (See Attachments F and G.)

Team members may refer to the Situational/Needs Analysis in the Strategic Plan as they consider the Strategic Issues. The Analysis may be found at:

The team decided that the convener would rotate for each meeting, and Joe Lynn Look agreed to convene the second meeting.

Jennifer Robertson was thanked by the team for her work organizing the first meeting, and for her hospitality at the Sand Lake Center.