Safeguarding and Welfare Requirement: Information and Records
Providers must maintain records and obtain and share information to ensure the safe and efficient management of the setting, and to help ensure the needs of all children are met
10.2 Admissions
Policy statement
It is our intention to make our setting accessible to children and families from all sections of the local community. We aim to ensure that all sections of our community have access to the setting through open, fair and clearly communicated procedures. Children can be registered from birth on the Register of Interest list held by the Admissions Secretary. We have two separate age groups: the younger year (2.5-3 year olds) and the older pre-school year (3-4 year olds).
- Available playgroup places are split evenly between by children’s term of birth: Autumn (September to December born children), Spring (January to April born children) and Summer (May to August born children).
- Children begin after they are 2.5 years of age, so in the younger year group, the Spring born children have a staggered intake from September of the first term. At the discretion of the Manager and Committee, Summer born children will be offered places from the beginning of the Spring Term, although timing cannot be guaranteed.
- Once the application forms have been issued for the first intake of any particular age group, any new applicants will be placed on a standby list.
- In the event Reigate Parish Playgroup does not have enough places available to meet demand, places are allocated in the following priority order
oSiblings of children already at the Playgroup or siblings of children who have previously attended Reigate Parish Playgroup and where those children are still pupils at Reigate Parish School at the time of the sibling’s entry to the Playgroup.
oChildren who live within the Playgroup catchment area. This is RH2 postcodes and a specific area of Redhill RH1. The Admissions Secretary can advise on the geographical criteria.
oAll the children who have applied for a place who do not meet the above criteria.
- In each of the above categories, places are allocated on the basis of the child’s exact age at the date of registration, with the youngest first.
- In the first year group (Stars), there are six places for each term group, with a further four per term for the second year (Rockets).
- Stars attend for three afternoon sessions per week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday).
- Rockets attend for three morning sessions and one afternoon session per week.
- If a parent chooses not to send a child for a session, they will still have to pay for that session as it cannot be offered to another child. If a child is entitled to Free Early Education for 2, 3 and 4 year olds, Playgroup will assist with the claim. Any sessions not covered by the funding must be paid for by the parents.
- All admissions to Playgroup are at the discretion of the Committee, who are elected annually at the Playgroup AGM.
- Playgroup reserves the right to change this Admissions Policy without prior notice.
- Our setting and its practices operate in a way that encourages positive regard for and understanding of difference and ability - whether gender, family structure, class, background, religion, ethnicity or competence in spoken English.
- We support children and/or parents with disabilities to take full part in all activities within our setting.
- We are flexible about attendance patterns to accommodate the needs of individual children and families, providing these do not disrupt the pattern of continuity in the setting that provides stability for all the children.
- Failure to comply with the terms and conditions may ultimately result in the provision of a place being withdrawn.
This policy was adopted by / Reigate Parish Playgroup / (name of provider)
On / 03/05/2018 / (date)
Date to be reviewed / May 2019 / (date)
Signed on behalf of the provider
Name of signatory / Tania Hillsdon
Role of signatory (e.g. chair, director or owner) / Co-Chair
Other useful Pre-school Learning Alliance publications
- Seasonal Hello Posters (2006)