(For Vessels on the Australian International Shipping Register)

Maritime Labour Convention 2006

Issued under the authority of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority

With respect to the provisions of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006, the following referenced ship:

Name of Ship / IMO Number / Gross Tonnage

Is maintained in accordance with standard A5.1.3 of the Convention.

The undersigned declares, on behalf of the abovementioned competent authority, that:

(a)The provisions of the Maritime Labour Convention are fully embodied in the national requirements referred to below;

(b)These national requirements are contained in the national provisions referenced below; explanations concerning the content of those provisions are provided where necessary;

(c)The details of any substantial equivalencies under Article VI, paragraphs 3 and 4, are provided under the corresponding national requirement listed below;

(d)Any exemptions granted by the competent authority in accordance with Title 3 are clearly indicated in the section provided for the purpose below; and

(e)Any ship-type specific requirements under national legislation are also referenced under the requirements concerned.

1.Minimum age (Regulation 1.1)

  1. Marine Order 11(Living and working conditions on vessels) 2015, Division 4 Section 20 sets a minimum age of 16 years.
  2. Specific working arrangements for seafarers under the age of 18 years are outlined in Schedule 2 of Marine Order 11 (Living and working conditions on vessels) 2015.
  3. Marine Order 70 (Seafarer certification) 2014 prescribes that a person who works on board the vessel as a cook shall not be under 18 years of age.

2.Medical certification (Regulation 1.2)

  1. Marine Order 9 (Health – Medical fitness) 2013, details requirements fitness and certificate requirements for seafarers.

3.Qualifications of Seafarers (Regulation 1.3)

  1. Marine Order 2 (Australian International Shipping Register) 2013 makes modifications to Marine Order 70(Seafarer certification) 2014, that prescribes qualifications specific to vessels on the International Register.
  2. Marine Order 70 (Seafarer certification) 2014, Marine Order 71 (Masters and deck officers) 2014, Marine Order 72 (Engineer officers) 2014 and Marine Order 73 (Ratings) 2014prescribes qualifications required on board Australian Vessels.

4.Seafarers’ employment (work) agreements (Regulation 2.1)

  1. The Navigation Act 2012, Section 54 requires that a vessel cannot be taken to sea with a seafarer who does not hold a current Work Agreement.
  2. The Shipping Registration Act 1981, Part VA- Seafarers, Division 2 specifies matters about work agreements on vessels registered on the Australian International Shipping Register.
  3. Specific details regarding the content of work agreements can be found in Marine Order 11 (Living and working conditions on vessels) 2015, Division 4, Section 21 and Schedule 3.

5.Use of any licensed or certified or regulated recruitment and placement service (Regulation 1.4)

  1. Seafarer Recruitment and Placement services must register with AMSA in accordance with Marine Order 11 (Living and working conditions on vessels) 2015, Division 3.

6.Hours of work or rest (Regulation 2.3)

  1. All watchkeepers shall have the minimum number of hours of rest as prescribed in Marine Order 28 (Operations standards and procedures) 2013.
  2. All seafarers shall have the minimum numbers of hours of rest as prescribed in Marine Order 11(Living and working conditions on vessels) 2015, Division 4.
  3. Specific provisions regarding hours of work for seafarers under the age of 18 years is contained in Schedule 2, Marine Order 11 (Living and working conditions on vessels) 2015.
  4. Marine Order 11 (Living and working conditions on vessels) 2015,Division 4, Section 29 requires vessel owners to post a notice of shipboard working arrangements in an area easily accessible by all seafarers.

7.Manning levels for the ship (Regulation 2.7)

  1. Marine Order 21 (Safety of Navigation) 2013, Division 2 specifies the requirements for Australian vessels to carry a minimum safe manning document issued by AMSA.

8.Accommodation (Regulation 3.1)

  1. Australian vessels constructed before20 August 2013, shall be required to conform to the standards of Marine Order 2 (Australian International Shipping Register ) 2013.
  2. An Australian vessel that was constructed before 20 August 2013 and complies with Marine Order 14 (Accommodation) Issue 1, as in force on 30 June 2013, is taken to comply with Divisions 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and subsection 61(1)(b) of Marine Order 11 (Living and working conditions on vessels) 2015.
  3. Marine Order 11 (Living and working conditions on vessels) 2015.

9.On-board recreational facilities (Regulation 3.1)

  1. For Australian vessels constructed on or after 20 August 2013, the requirements in relation to recreational facilities are outlined in Division 10 of Marine Order 11 (Living and working conditions on vessels) 2015.
  2. For Australian vessels constructed before 20 August 2013, the requirements in relation to recreational facilities are outlined in Marine Order 14 (Accommodation)Issue 1,as in force on 30 June 2013.

10.Food and Catering (Regulation 3.2)

  1. Section 62 of the Navigation Act 2012 requires that the owner of a vessel must provide or ensure the provision of free provisions to seafarers on board.
  2. Division 11 of Marine Order 11 (Living and working conditions on vessels) 2015deals specifically with the minimum food handling and storage procedures on vessels.

11.Health and Safety and accident prevention (Regulation 4.3)

  1. The Occupational Health and Safety (Maritime Industry) Act 1993 prescribes matters pertaining to safe working practises on Australian Vessels.

12.On-board medical care (Regulation 4.1)

  1. Division 3 of the Navigation Act 2012 prescribes that it is an offence to take a vessel to sea without proper medical supplies. Owners of Australian Vessels must ensure, where specified drugs are carried on board, that there is a register of drugs in an approved form.
  2. Division 12 of Marine Order 11 (Living and working conditions on vessels) 2015deals with medical carriage requirements on Australian vessels.

13.On-board complaint procedure (Regulation 5.1.5)

  1. The Shipping Registration Act 1981, Part VA- Seafarers, Division 2 requires an on board complaints system.
  2. Marine Order 11 (Living and working conditions on vessels) 2015,Division 18 prescribes matters about the requirement for owners of regulated Australian vessels to ensure that there is an on-board complaints system.

14.Payment of wages (Regulation 2.2)

  1. Marine Order (Living and working conditions on vessels) 2015,Division 4 specifies matters regarding the payment of wages to Seafarers serving on regulated Australian vessels.

Name...... Title......

Signature...... Place...... Date......

(seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)

Page 1 of 2AMSA420(05/15)

Substantial equivalencies

The following substantial equivalencies, as provided under Article VI, paragraphs 3 and 4, of the Convention, except where stated above, are noted (insert description if applicable).

No equivalency has been granted.

Name...... Title......

Signature...... Place...... Date......

(seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)


The following exemptions granted by the competent authority as provided in Title 3 of the Convention are noted:

No exemption has been granted.

Name...... Title......

Signature...... Place...... Date......

(seal or stamp of the authority, as appropriate)

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