Young Women and Girls’ Advocate

Project Information Sheet

The Young Women and Girls’ Advocate works with young women aged between 11-18 years, who have experienced or are at risk of sexual violence. The Advocateaims to provide weekly informal 1-to-1 support to high risk young women, such as girls involved in ‘gangs’ or girls under 14, while consulting with professionals on other cases.

To be eligible for 1-to-1 work with the Young Women and Girls’ Advocate:

  • The young woman must live, attend school, or access services in Newham, Tower Hamlets, Barking & Dagenham, or Waltham Forest.
  • The young woman must be between the ages 11-18.
  • The young woman must have experienced sexual violence – including but not limited to sexual exploitation, rape, ‘gang’ sexual involvement, prostitution and trafficking.

The Advocate’s work will be based on specific issues relevant to each young woman, which will be agreed with her, allowing her to have control over the service and to engage voluntarily. The Advocate can offer both practical and emotional support to a young woman, including promoting her needs to the professionals working with her. The Advocate will also try to reduce the risks in a young woman’s life and increase the protective factors around her.

If a young woman wishes to report a crime of sexual violence, she will be supported throughout the criminal justice process by her Advocate. Where offending behaviour is identified, the Advocate will work proactively to encourage the young woman to engage in positive activities within her community and support her to understand how sexual violence has shaped her experiences.

The Advocate can address topics such as:

  • Safe relationships – recognising abuse
  • Self-esteem/ confidence – knowledge of consent and rights
  • Managing risks/ safety planning – without blame
  • Sexual health– support attending clinics/ accessing contraception
  • Identity/ values – including attitudes to sexual violence within community
  • Trauma work – coping mechanisms (including self-harm) and recognising emotions
  • ‘Gang’ involvement – sexual violence/exploitation in groups

nia provides a woman-centred approach and endeavours to help young women to question the role of women and themselves in society. The Advocate is independent of statutory services.

Professional’s Referral Form

Before completing this form please read the attached project information sheet and ensure that you have the young woman’s consent to complete the form and make the referral. Furthermore, please be aware that the young woman will have access to the information in this referral form.

Name / D.O.B.
Mobile/ Contact Number / Age
Ethnicity / Language
Religion / Faith / Belief / Sexuality
Children? / Pregnant?
Connection to referral borough
Is the young woman aware of this referral? / Does she agree?
Name of Parent/Guardian
(if different from above)
Contact Number
Are parents aware of this referral? / Do they agree?
Name of Social Worker
Contact Number
Is young woman LAC/ CP/ CIN?


Name of Referrer
Contact Number
Date of Referral

For a young woman to be considered for 1-to-1 work with the Young Women and Girls’ Advocate, she must have experienced sexual violence. The other information requested below helps to assess the level of risk to the young woman and determine whether she is suitable for 1-to-1 work.

Experience of sexual violence(e.g. rape, attempted rape, prostitution, sexual exploitation, trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, forced/coerced to watch pornography/ sexual acts, forced/coerced to perform & film sexual acts etc.)
Please provide details:
Involvement in ‘gang’/ peers with negative influence
Please provide details:
Excluded from school, accessing PRU and/or NEET
Please provide details:
Is disabled or has SEN
Please provide details:
Known to mental health services/ CFCS/ CAMHS
Please provide details:
Uses drugs or alcohol
Please provide details:
Is a Looked After Child
Please provide details:
Regularly going missing from home, care or school
Please provide details:
Known to Youth Offending Team/ association with offending
Please provide details:
If this referral is for group sessions, how does the young woman interact with her peers in a group environment?
Please inform us of any other information you think is relevant


If the young woman meets our criteria and can be supported by the Young Women and Girls’ Advocate, we aim to notify you within seven working days of receiving your referral. We will confirm the referral in writing (via email), using the contact details you have provided above. If the young woman cannot be supported by the Young Women and Girls’ Advocate, we will notify you the reasons why and offer consultation on her case.

Once a young woman has been accepted, the Young Women and Girls’ Advocatewill carry out an assessment on that young woman, in liaison with the referring agency and the young woman herself. We will do this in order to establish a more detailed understanding of risk and protective factors present in her life and so that we can tailor an appropriate response that is led by the young woman’s needs.

If you would like to discuss your referral in more detail or would like more information about the role of theYoung Women and Girls’ Advocate, please do not hesitate to make contact using the details below.

Once you have completed this form please return with any attachments to the appropriate professional for your area:

Name: / Zuzana Feltham
Email: /
Tel: / 0207 683 1270
Name: / Amanda Boateng
Email: /
Tel: / 020 7683 1270
Area: / HEAD OFFICE (for attention of either advocate)
Tel: / 020 7683 1270
Fax: / 0207 288 1751
Post: / Nia –ELRC Young Women and Girls’ Advocate
P.O. Box 58203
London, N1 3XP

Nia Registered Charity Number 1037072 Page 1 of 5

Updated 08012015