Dual Base Procedure Sheet
Hardware / Firmware Requirements
Trimble 4700/4800 V1.20 (4000/4400 cannot be used)
Trimble TSC1 V7.50.
TrimMark 2e
TSC1 Style Sheet Settings (only changes noted)
Base Options
Broadcast FormatCMR Plus
Station Index XX (example 10)
Rover Options
Broadcast FormatCMR Plus
Use Station IndexAny
Create Job using normal procedures
Starting 1st Base Station
Go to Start Base Receiver procedure.
Input Point name:
(Start 1st Base Receiver preferably using known point instead of “Here” position.)
Input Code:
Input correct Antenna height(Uncor):
Input where the Antenna is measured to:
Input Station Index value. (example 10)
Leave Transmit Delay = 0 ms.
Press [Start] or [Enter]
Starting 2nd Base Station
Go to Start Base Receiver procedure.
Input Point name:
Input Code:
Input correct Antenna height(Uncor):
Input where the Antenna is measured to:
Input Station Index value. (example 11, must be different from 1st base)
Input Station Delay = 500 ms.
Press [Start] or [Enter]
Starting Rover
Select Start Survey as normal.
The Rover will compile a list of available base stations with the radio reliability index of each station.
Select the Base Station you wish to use.
The system will then initialize on that base station and you may begin your survey.
Changing Base Stations.
Escape [ESC] to the Survey Menu and select Swap Base Stations.
The list of available base stations will again appear and allow you to choose which base you wish to use.
When you select a different base station, the TSC1 will end the survey, restart the survey and reinitialize on the new base station.
You may then proceed to survey as before.
Other helpful tips.
*When using Pacific Crest Radios, if the base’s have a chance to see each other, make sure you go into the PDL Config Software and change the digisquelch on each base station to “Off” to ensure no communication is being received between the base stations.
When using different model receivers for bases, it is easier to set up a style sheet for starting one base and a different style sheet for the other base and rover.
Make sure your base and rover radios have the same frequencies in the same order.
Remember that your base points must be tied together in your survey or your vectors from the different bases will not coincide.
If you have QC2 turned on for your quality control, you can perform a least squares adjustment on your observations in Trimble Geomatics Office.
Multiple bases will not overcome radio interference on the channel you are using.
This procedure is not generating an averaged position from simultaneous vectors.