P.O. BOX 443
PORTAGE, WI 53901-0443
SREA Board of Directors Meeting
Tuesday, October2, 2013, 6:15 p.m.
Location: Bidwell Room, Portage Public Library
Present: Miles Oakey, Micki Fuerst, Joe Duesler, John Prest, SarahMautz
Absent: Roger Lochner
Guest: Gary Guckenberger, unit502
Meeting called to order at 6:15 p.m. by president, Miles Oakey.
Secretary’s Report (Sarah Mautz): Copies of August and September2013 meeting minutes furnished. Discussion. Motion made by Joe Duesler, seconded by Micki Fuerst, to approve minutes. Motionpassed50.
Joe Duesler made a motion, seconded by John Prest, that the board’s verbal and email approval in September of unit6005 owners’ request for installation of a flag pole be read into these minutes and a copy of the approval letter from the board, dated October2,2013, be filed with the minutes. Motionpassed50.
Miles read two thank you notes to the board that he received after SREA’s annual meeting. The thank you notes are to be filed in the secretary’s SREA files.
Miles received a resignation letter from Floyd Loomis, who is resigning after 15years of SRE bookkeeping duties. The letter is to be filed in the secretary’s SREA files.
Treasurer’s Report (Micki Fuerst): Copies of August2013 balance sheet, fiscal-year-to-date income statementfor October2012 through August2013, and budgeted reserve account report for October2012 through September30, 2013furnished. Discussion. Motion made by Miles Oakey, seconded by Joe Duesler, to accept Treasurer’s report. Motion passed50.
Unit511 recently sold to Jensine Wech. Unit 612 recently sold to Kelly Bellmore.
SREA Plant Beautification Fund Account balance as of September30:$218.99. Donation of $20 received from Miles Oakey received this date.
Buildings and Grounds Report (Joe Duesler): Siding project work on duplex building624-626 is substantially complete. Some caulking to be done on upper gables. The door that sticks at unit626 is being looked at. SREA to rake over the limited common area at unit 626 where a tree was removed earlier this year.
4Seasons completed the yard work at units110 and111; Alliant Energy will pay a portion of that cost.
Request received from owner of unit409 for board approval to install replacement windows, including restoration of siding, at unit owner’s expense. Discussion. Motion to approve replacement windows that will be standard double hung units for the upstairs bedrooms, and additional permission for the larger window unit that matches the windows that were permitted for the porch. The alterations to widen the window by 10inches will be solely at the unit owner’s expense, including the siding and window trim being replaced. Micki Fuerst moved to approve this motion; Sarah Mautz seconded. Motionpassed302.
Request received from owner of unit509 for board approval to replace porch windows, at unit owner’s expense. Discussion. Miles Oakey made a motion to approve, Joe Duesler seconded. Motionpassed401.
Request received from owner of unit502 to install gas fireplace, at unit owner’s expense. Discussion. Miles Oakey made a motion to approve this request, Micki Fuerst seconded. Motionpassed50.
Utilities Report(Micki Fuerst): The flow meter is still not working properly. Mike Kenseth of General Engineering is working with the technicians on it.
Roads Report (John Prest): Road projects to be considered in the future are Court1 and Court4. Court1, road leading into Court1 and one double driveway estimate received from Gasser Construction Company, approximately $29,000.00.
President’s Report (Miles Oakey): Until tonight, SREA president not in receipt of any names of anyone interested in being appointed to SREA board of directors to fill vacancy left by Tom Thompson. Gary Guckenberger, unit502, is present at this meeting. Also, Marge Druce, unit6005, expressed an interest to be a board member. Letters of interest from prospects are necessary.
Discussion of annual meeting. A total of 62 units were represented; 38 in person, 24 by proxy.
Discussed current practices for estate sales and garage sales. Miles asked Sarah Mautz and Joe Duesler to work on developing a request approval form that would be presented to the Board for further discussion.
Old Business: Addendum to October 2013 SREA Board of Directors meeting: In reviewing last year’s minutes it was noted that a Board approval for the siding project of units509/510 was not recorded in the October2012 minutes. Addendum attached.
New Business: President Miles Oakey handed out to board members a letter received from SRE’s attorney, John Miller, dated October2, 2013, re Saddle Ridge Estates Matters.
Next Scheduled Meeting: Wednesday, November13,2013, 6:00 p.m., at Portage Public Library, Bidwell Room.
Adjournment: John Prest made a motion to adjourn meeting, seconded by Joe Duesler. Motionpassed50. Meeting adjourned 7:55p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sarah Mautz, Secretary, SREA Board of Directors
Addendum to October 2, 2013 Board of Directors Meeting
October 2, 2013 SREA Minutes - page 1
P.O. BOX 443
PORTAGE, WI 53901-0443
October2,2013 SREA Board of Directors Meeting
Re: Siding Project of Unit 509/510
Discussion of the siding project was recorded in the July 2012 minutes. Siding of this duplex would be one of our fall siding projects. Approval was granted by Board members by verbal agreement and email in October2012. Cost at $21,000. Passed 601. In December2012 by email the Board members were notified that because of the size and detail of this duplex there would be additional cost of $4,750 to complete the project. Approval passed601.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sarah Mautz, Secretary, SREA Board of Directors
October 2, 2013 SREA Minutes - page 1