Jennifer’s Modeling Experience
My very first photo session was when I was 18 years old with a small business called Abby of London studios located in Stuart, FL. It is minutes away from my neighborhood. I paid them to take about 400 photos of me and they hired a make-up artist for 4 hours. The whole shoot was done inside their studio and all of the photos taken were glamour shots. They used me for a few commercial ads afterwards to promote special prices for their photography.
The next modeling shoot that I did was with the freelance photographer Dale Metz located in Orlando, FL. I had a TFP (Time for Prints) arrangement with him and all the shots taken in his home studio and our session lasted for 3 hours. Most of the shots were with a small amount of make-up, which I did myself. Dale took headshots, casual, dress, uniform, and some editorial photos in black and white.
My third modeling session was with a freelance photographer located in Daytona Beach, FL. This was another TFP session and the whole session was a lingerie shoot. It was the middle of January and it was cold! We went to a public park and I wore 5 different lingerie outfits. The shoot lasted about 5 hours.
My next modeling shoot was shot by Michael’s Photography located in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. This was yet another TFP session and the prints ranged from movie action to lingerie and swimwear. We shot mostly on the top of a parking garage with a helicopter-landing pad. This was my funniest photo shoot yet! This shoot lasted about 3 hours.
My next sessions after Ft. Lauderdale consisted of another TFP with a photographer located in LA, California and traveled to Orlando, FL for a photo shoot with me. His company’s name is LA Photography and he makes marine calendars for boaters. Our shoot was done in a hotel room and the prints that were taken were sexy, lingerie, and implied nudity. This shoot lasted about 2 hours.
Neil Louis, the owner of Kansas Photography, is also another photographer that traveled out of state to do a TFP session with me. Our shoot lasted about 6 hours and we shot all over downtown Stuart, FL. Photos taken were fashion, swimwear on the beach, casual, dress, lifestyle, personality, sexy, and headshots. This shoot downtown lasted about 5 hours.
I have also done a TFP with a photographer from Trinidad and Tobago in Stuart, FL. During this session fashion, swimwear, headshots, sports, billiards, personality, action, sexy, shy, naughty and nice, speedskating, dancing, singing, acting, and misc. shots were taken. This modeling shoot lasted about 7 hours. This was the longest TFP that I have ever done.
My first paid modeling session was for a comic book creator in Palm Coast, FL. His name is Austin Guerin and he is the artist of the comic book “White Angel”. I dressed up as his main character and our session lasted about 1 hour. I am on the cover of his Issue #4 comic book and it is published for people in Florida to see.