Table of Contents - "S_550_599.doc"_
S-550. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Quantum Wormholes
S-551. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Beyond Relativity
S-552. from Paul Devine regarding Motion of a Charged Particle in a Plasma
S-553. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding dark energy-matter and E=mc2
S-554. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding manipulating the weak nuclear force
S-555. from "Misty Rainbow" regarding Stine's "Wishing Machine"
S-556. from Paul Devine regarding the Equation of Motion solved from a Wave Equation
S-557. from "Misty Rainbow" regarding Telepathy between Particles
S-558. from "DesertMan" regarding Stine's "Wishing Machine"
S-559. from "DesertMan" regarding reviews of Stine's "Wishing Machine"
S-560. from "DesertMan" regarding more "wishing machines"
S-561. from "DesertMan" regarding "Materialization of Thought Forms"
S-562. from "DesertMan" regarding misc.
S-563. from "DesertMan" regarding an "Erotic Wishing Machine"
S-564. from [deleted] regarding Montauk and Rome ADL
S-565. from Tom Skeggs regarding remote-viewing Rome ADL (Montauk)
S-566. from Tom Skeggs regarding an alternate design for the 'Star Chamber'
S-567. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding "Gravity Dooughnut Promises Time machine"
S-568. from Paul Devine regarding Time Machine / Oberth / Corso
S-569. from Mike D'Agostino regarding "Gravity Dooughnut Promises Time machine"
S-570. from [deleted] regarding UFO stories
S-571. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Bearden, Lazar, UNITEL
S-572. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding comparing FTs to the "British Roswell" and UNITEL
S-573. from "DesertMan" regarding misc. Psionics
S-574. from Paul Devine regarding alleged expert consultations by Corso
S-575. from Paul Devine regarding the rumored government drug trade
S-576. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Donald Keyhoe's 1955 book
S-577. from Paul Devine regarding Corso and Roswell
S-578. from Paul Devine regarding Corso and other conspiracies
S-579. from Paul Devine regarding 2-dimensional Time
S-580. from Paul Devine regarding the alien agenda
S-581. from Paul Devine regarding Hermann Oberth and the G-Field
S-582. from Paul Devine regarding Walter R. Dornberger
S-583. from Ed Halerewicz regarding Pentagon Plans for Hollywood
S-584. from Paul Devine regarding Field Unification Theory a la Einstein
S-585. from "Stephen" regarding Tesla and Ramanujan
S-586. from Paul Devine regarding Dornberger/Bunge Group/Mesmer/Mozart
S-587. from "A.D.A.M." regarding Preston Nichols and the Delta-T antenna
S-588. from Paul Devine regarding Ramanujan's "goddess"
S-589. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Scalar Wave theories
S-590. from Paul Devine regarding Alien Abductions
S-591. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Tom Bearden
S-592. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding removing Bearden's archived material from my site
S-593. from Paul Devine regarding "2012"
S-594. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding "2012"
S-595. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding nuke tests and environmental effects
S-596. from Paul Devine regarding "growing pains" in new science
S-597. from Paul Devine regarding Montauk, remote-viewing, 2012, etc.
S-598. from StealthSkater regarding math models vs. reality
S-599. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding conspiracy theories
S-550. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Quantum Wormholes
From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <>
Date: Thu, June 2, 2005 3:51 pm
Subject: Re: Wormhole wanderers face a deadly dilemma
--- wrote:
> "Wormhole wanderers face a deadly dilemma"
The same garbage over-and-over again. A QM wormhole won't work. Period! And no one can talk seriously about exotic energy because no one knows what it is let alone if it even exists.
-- Edward Halerewicz, Jr.
Truss Technician/Independent Researcher
S-551. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding Beyond Relativity
From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <>
Date: Thu, June 9, 2005 7:38 pm
Subject: Re: is Las Vegas 'Spook Central'?
--- wrote:
> Title: - Los Alamos whistle-blower beaten outside bar - Jun 7, 2005
> Ed --
> That somewhat reminds me of Gene Huff's account of Bob Lazar's (alleged) immediate supervisor -- somebody by the name of "Dennis" ... -- in David Darlington's Area-51 book. The last time anyone saw this Dennis guy was at a casino where he was supposed to meet Lazar in public after Lazar had been caught.
> In the Dan Burisch saga, it is said that -- surprising to me, if true -- Las Vegas is the "Spook Central" of the World (meaning spies). And that many of the "Q" clearance operatives have "front" jobs as casino security guards. Burisch was one himself (if you believe the story). [BTW, I sent a CD copy of my site to Burish's Las Vegas address. It was acknowledged on the GLP board that they received it. But I never heard anything more which leads me to believe -- contrary to Bill Hamilton's assertions -- that the whole Burisch thing was more of an exercise to gauge the success of swaying public opinion by use of the Internet.
> I'm a little confused about GR. Einstein was supposed to have explained gravity by the warping of space-time caused by the localized concentration of matter-energy. Case closed. So then gravity isn't a particle (graviton) but a bending of the space-time fabric. The quest for a quantum form of gravity seems to imply that physicists regard GR as only an interim -- and not fundamental -- solution. Is that right?
> Did they ever figure out exactly what causes a negative or positive charge? I've read about the strong and weak force. Is "charge" the electromagnetic force? And what about the attractive or repulsive force between unlike and like "charges". Is this just an offshoot of the electromagnetic force? Our physics classes never got into that great of fundamental details.
> Tim Ventura reported that the famous Gulf Breeze UFO sightings may have been the testing of a manmade advanced propulsion system. The photos that I saw always looked more "manmade" than "alien". I can't remember the source of this. I think I was channel surfing back in the 90s. But I happened on some sort of documentary that showed the Bell rocket-pack. And then it switched to something more modern. It looked like the basket of a "cherry picker". A man was standing inside it. And then the footage showed -- from the occupant's perspective -- a flight path through trees and woods. It was said that this would have application as a front-line military observer. It somewhat reminded me of Star Wars III when they were riding those cycles through the forests. But this footage wasn't at that tremendous speed. It was very believable. Even the footage quality looked like from a consumer camcorder and not a professional Hollywood movie camera.
> I had read rumors that Dean Kamen's "Segway" was a follow-on act to something that was a lot more secret. Purported to be a revolutionary hovercraft of the type I saw in that documentary, it was sometimes called "Ginger" or simply "It". Never heard anything more about it. Nor have I seen any more on that former documentary. Don't know if it ties into NASA's Breakthrough Propulsion Project or not. Still like to know how do they generate the considerable power that any such device must require.
I thought the story was odd. A scientist working at a place that I personally would love to apparently gets severely beaten for some sort of money issue?
As per Einstein, he invented GR because all of mechanics/electromagnetics, etc. could be explained etc. except for Gravity. And that was the reason he invented GR. The 'graviton' is simply trying to use Quantum Mechanics to explain Gravity. Einstein did not think that Relativity was the end of Physics. Nor does anyone else explaining that search. If anything, Einstein showed that space and time were notfundamental as Newton assumed but energy in the form of electromagnetism.
Charge +/- only differs in the direction of electric vectors around a particle. I'm sure you seen such diagrams over-and-over. Though QM has shown why proton and electron charges have the same magnitude, it is because they use the EM force and thus use-and-release equal amounts of photons. The strong and weak nuclear force use the quark model with 3 charges +/-n/3 where n is either 1 or 2.
The strong force is a lot like EM but much stronger and with the three charge, which do not carry photons of equal spin, so its fundamentally different right there. The weak force is simply radioactive decay. We know what causes some of it but not others. Some things that it predicts (e.g., proton decay) has never been observed.
Neutral/non-neutral charges, valence shell electron repulsion theory (VSPR). Just basic Chemistry, really. You can get some statistics out of this with Quantum Mechanics. But it is electromagnetism and is well known.
-- Edward Halerewicz, Jr.
Truss Technician/Independent Researcher
S-552. from Paul Devine regarding Motion of a Charged Particle in a Plasma
From: "paul devine" <>
Date: Sun, June 19, 2005 6:32 pm
Subject: Equation of Motion of a Charged Particle in a Thermodynamically Cold Alfven Plasma.
I've finally re-located it -- the Equation of Motion, which it is the job of Field Unification Theory (a la Ed Witten [and myself]) to generalize! It's in the SECOND (1973) edition of *Electromagnetics* by John D. Kraus. It's the basis of all my comments to you on FUT! I shall pass it along as a second, separate sending in pdf format. It is the last P.D.E. -- Equation (13) in section 15-10 on page 742 of that document. But just a few, brief comments first.
(1). The important thing about the partial differential equation is the third mixed partial with respect to the magnetic vector component at the far right-hand side of the equation. Since nothing else in the differential equation is a mixed partial and since everything else in it is of second degree, this is what complicates matters. It is the basis -- the reason -- for the cubic (think "third degree" here) terms in the P3-titled documents in pdf format that I sent you earlier. Laplace Transform theory converts a differential equation into an algebraic equation, a third derivative into a cubic equation (a polynomial of degree 3). And thus the earlier material with variables raised to the third power.
(2). The definition of "plasma" that Kraus uses is in section 15-8, second paragraph. You will notice that the temperature is assumed to be essentially zero.
(3). Thus -- as complicated as is all this present FUT work, based as it is on the equation of motion of a charged particle in an Alfven plasma -- it is still not complicated enough for somewhere along the line, it is going to be necessary to make the temperature to be significantly non-zero. But, sufficient for the day are the troubles thereof (not to coin a phrase or anything)!
P.S.: I got your message about Lazar, and will respond to it ASAP. As usual, I could generate about half-a-dozen responses to any one single message from you ( :) )! P.
S-553. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding dark enery-matter and E=mc2
From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <>
Date: Mon, June 20, 2005 10:56 am
Subject: Re: how universal is E=mc2?
--- wrote:
> If the Higgs particle (or field, as some physicists say) gives 'mass' to 'matter' and 'matter' can be thought of a sort of solidified 'energy' by E=mc2, does ('Dark-Energy')=('Dark-Matter')^2 ?
No. Technically, anything that does not give off light on its own could be considered 'dark matter'. Secondly, one does not think of 'dark matter' as being tied to 'dark energy'. Dark energy would imply antigravity if that would be true. Than no matter state would exist. The Higgs field only gives mass when the field is broken. The difference between the broken field and the original field would drive the quantity of mass if the Higgs field really existed.
-- Edward Halerewicz, Jr.
Truss Technician/Independent Researcher
S-554. from Ed Halerewicz, Jr. regarding manipulating the weak nuclear force
From: "Edward Halerewicz, Jr." <>
Date: Mon, June 20, 2005 11:22 am
Subject: Re: the weak nuclear force -- fundamental or variable?
--- wrote:
> Ed --
> Rightly or wrongly, I always thought that the neutron could be crudely thought of as being composed of a proton and an electron. And it was the weak nuclear force that triggered its radioactive decay. I'm well aware of the logarithmic half-life statistical correlations. But does anything "external" accelerate the decay? If you start with so many atoms of a radioactive substance and then spread them across the galaxy, will measurements of each remote sample obey the same decay rate? Does the decay rate change if the atoms are dispersed (implying that there may be some force-of-nature that is exerting an influence). Sooner-or-later when you get down to fewer-and-fewer atoms, that equation has to break down.
> The reason I ask the question is that I know that certain properties of a substance can be changed by external forces. One of the problems on my Masters thesis was modeling heat flow from a rod via both convection and radiation while one end of the rod was conducting heat via from an oven. My results were then used by another grad student to measure how ultrasonics changed the rod's thermal conductivity. I have seen claims of other properties being subject to change by external forces, including radioactive decay.
> If that is possible, then use that means to accelerate the decay of something that emits a positron. And there you would have a matter-antimatter reactor whose rate of heat generation can be controlled.
> -- Mark
Well, from the Standard Model of particle physics your conception of the neutron is wrong. The proton's charge due to quarks would be +2/3 + 2/3 -1/3=+1, while the neutron is -1/3 -1/3 +2/3=0. The quarks of course deal with the strong nuclear force creating the difference between the strong and electromagnetic forces as I've mentioned before. But the weak nuclear force does trigger nuclear decay, though.
As per half-lifes, they are constant. They would change only say near a black hole. But that deals with General Relativity theory and locally due to the Special Theory of Relativity -- the decay rate would still be constant. The weak force is an internal rather than external effect on an atom. Dispersing atoms would not change this. Nuclear chain reactions such as fission would fall to zero, but that would deal with chain reactions and not the weak force per say.
As for ultrasonics changing heat flow, of course it would. 'Heat' is simply moving energy. If you introduce a sound wave affecting the molecules of course, there is going to be change.
Now, the weak force can sometimes interact weakly with the strong and EM forces -- the so-called electro-weak-strong force (at high energies) -- so some change is possible by other forces. But being spread out across space would not be a factor. There are already reactions that easily produce positrons. The trick is to catch them and trap them before they interaction with electrons.
[StealthSkater note: What I was trying to do was suggest a "backdoor" approach to creating a pseudo Element-115, whose antimatter decay could be converted into heat and then into electricity for a small onboard power unit. If properties like thermal conductivity can be changed, what about radioactive decay rates? Is there a way to "goose" the weak force to accelerate the decay? If so, pick an element that ejects antimatter particles and then modulate (i.e., control) the decay rate and thereby the end power generation.]
-- Edward Halerewicz, Jr.
Truss Technician/Independent Researcher
S-555. from "Misty Rainbow" regarding Stine's "Wishing Machine"
From: "Misty" <>
Date: Tue, June 21, 2005 5:44 am
Subject: Re: a few articles that didn't make it on the CD ...
> Nicky --
> There are a few documents that didn't have time to make it on the CD that you currently have in your hands. They are worth reading.
> One is an updated Lazar_15.doc that replaces the one on the CD. I took more from Darlington's book. It can be downloaded from
> Another showcases modern-day "Women on the Frontiers of Physics". Many of the "best-of-the-best" scientific minds are women. Downloaded from
. You may have heard of some of them.
>The last was taken from a PBS-NOVA documentary on how Crick&Watson "stole" Rosalind Franklin's x-ray crystallography data that led them to discover the double helical structure of DNA. They got the Nobel Prize, while she died unceremoniously at 37 from the cancer she received from all those x-rays. Read "The Secret of Photo 51" at
. It is gratifying that her sacrifices and contributions are finally receiving due recognition.
>-- Mark
> P.S. I also was one of the local "renegade boys" in my semi-pro roller-skating days. Terrorizing parking garages, receiving all sorts of calls from irate parents, living by the motto "If you fall, you die!" ... Ah, the good ol' days when they didn't have all these hidden cameras!
Hi Mark,
Great stuff, thanks. It's strange how men have discovered everything in Science. Oh well, at least we were men before and discovered things in Science. (Like me in the pyramid --
I need to find someone clued up to talk to myself the Atlantean time-traveler in the pyramid, who can have a live conversation through time. It takes about 15 seconds for the telepathy to travel each way. But I did it once with my friend. It worked, but she was too indifferent. I need someone who really is enthusiastic for it to work as doubt blocks my telepathy. I don't know what frequency "doubt" operates on. But I think some telepathy operates at 8hz. Preston Nichols says that our consciousness uses the 435 MHz.