Illicit Discharge Inspection Quarterly Summary Report
Contact Name:
Reporting Period: January – March April – June July – September October – December
Year: 20
I. Field Activities1. Describe field surveys. / Industrial Areas / Commercial Areas / Residential Areas / Other (describe)
Number of screening points
Channel Miles
2. List how many discharges were identified by the following methods. Include only discharges that could have been prevented by BMPs. Do not include fluid releases associated with minor traffic accidents.
a. During field surveys at defined screening points: / b. Calls from:
identified by maintenance crews / maintenance crews
identified by illicit discharge inspectors / other agencies
3. List he number of times the following materials were identified.
Paint / Concrete Cutting Slurry/Washwaters
Concrete / Vehicle Cleaning Washwaters
Construction Debris / Building/Sidewalk Washwaters
Medical Wastes / Other Washwaters
Food Wastes / Sewage
Industrial Wastes (solvents, metals, corrosives, cooling tower blowdown, etc.) / Automotive Fluids (antifreeze, used motor oil, fuels, etc.)
Other (describe):
II. Follow-up Activities
1. Describe whether sources of discharges were identified.
Number of sources that were identified
Number of incidents when source of discharge was not identified
2. Describe whether discharges were abated.
Number of discharge incidents that were abated.
Number of new discharge incidents where discharge is continuing, as of the end of the reporting period. (ATTACH INSPECTION REPORT)
Number of continuing discharges that have already been reported in previous quarter(s).
3. Describe enforcement activities conducted.
Verbal Notice / Warning Notice
Administrative Action / Administrative Action w/ Penalty and/or Fine
Legal Notice
This form was modified from Municipal Urban Runoff Program: A How-To Guide For Developing Urban Runoff Programs for Small Municipalities, by the City of Monterey, City of Santa Cruz, California Coastal Commission, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments, Woodward-Clyde, and Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, 1998.