October 25, 2017

Ryan Halder, Kum & Go LC

6400 Westown Pkwy

West Des Moines, IA 50266

Josh Erramouspe

1880 Fall River Drive, Suite 200

Loveland, CO 80538

Dear Applicant and/or Consultant:

Subject: PPR-17-041

The purpose of this letter is to provide you with the review agency responses to the above named development application that have been received to-date by Planning and Community Development.

You are encouraged to directly contact those agencies that did provide review comments if the comments require additional action by the applicant/applicant’s representative. You are also encouraged to directly contact those agencies that did not provide review comments if such response is required by state statutes and the El Paso County Land Development Code.


Current Planning

1.  See Redlines for comments

2.  The county needs confirmation that proposed changes to Peterson BLVD or the off ramp have been approved.

3.  Applicant is required to apply for a Building Permit with PPRBD

4.  Applicant is required to apply for a Driveway Permit

5.  Separate Sign Permit is required for any proposed signage.

6.  Schedule a pre-construction meeting with inspections

7.  Landscaping must be installed prior to Certificate of Occupancy.

Engineering Division

1.  Upload the SDI Worksheet and the completed EPC MS4 Post Construction form with the Site Development Plan application. Attached is the EPC MS4 Post Construction form.

2.  Provide a confirmation that the underground water quality and detention facility met the requirements of the Colorado Division of Water Resources for groundwater injection.

3.  Submit the following documents for review:

•  SWMP Report. See Appendix E of the ECM for the checklist.

•  Operations and Maintenance Manual for the underground detention facility.

4.  Submit a completed Pond Maintenance Agreement. The attached standard template is for a facility that is maintained by the owner.

If the pond is to be owned/maintained by an HOA or a Metro District then notify staff so we can forward the appropriate template.

5.  Submit a completed Financial Assurance Estimate Form. Contact staff for a copy of the FAE excel spreadsheet.

6.  Submit a standalone street construction plan set for the proposed modification to Space Village Ave. Contact CDOT and the City of Colorado Springs regarding their submittal requirements for the off-site improvements proposed to Peterson Road and US-24 off-ramps.

The site plan will not be approved until these off-site improvements are approved.

7.  Redline comments to the following documents will be uploaded by the project manager.

•  Grading and Erosion Control Plan

•  Prelim/Final Drainage Report

•  Site Development Plan




Utility Comments: (gas, electric)

Action Items:

1.  Show and label the existing electric line, and easement with width and Reception number, located along the southern portion of the site.

Information Items:

1.  The applicant or their engineer should contact Development Services for an estimate of any system development charges, fees, Recovery Agreement Charges or other costs that may apply to this development (668-8111).

2.  CSU requires an Application for Gas Line Extension to be submitted along with a Load Data form or an Application for Gas Service Line Approval and/or Application for Elevated Pressure Approval prior to electric and natural gas system design for service to the project. Refer to the CSU Line Extension and Service Standards or contact Field Engineering at 719-668-4985.

3.  Natural gas extensions: CSU may require an extension contract and an advance payment for the estimated cost to construct the necessary gas extensions.

4.  Improvements, structures and trees must not be located directly over or within 6 feet of any underground gas facilities and shall not violate any provision of the applicable natural gas regulations or Colorado Springs Utilities’ policies.

5.  Improvements, structures and trees shall not be located under any overhead utility facility, and shall not impair access or the ability to maintain utility facilities.

6.  Landscaping shall be designed to provide the required clearances for utility facilities, to allow continuous access for utility equipment, and to minimize conflicts with such facilities.

7.  Applicant must grant easements as required for any existing or proposed utility facilities; and improvements shall not encroach upon any utility easement. It shall not be permissible for any person to modify the grade of the earth on any easement without the written approval of Springs Utilities.

8.  If it is necessary to relocate any existing utility facilities, then such relocation shall be at the Applicant’s expense, and if required, Applicant shall grant new easements for the relocated facilities. Additionally, all existing utilities on this property that do not have recorded easements will require easements to be granted to Colorado Springs Utilities. The easement widths shall meet current Colorado Springs Utilities Line Extension and Service Standards.

If you have any questions, please contact Mike Gackle at . or 719-668-8262.


Developer is currently going through the District's development process.



1.  Not sure where the address of 6809 Space Village Ave come from; it is written on the site plan end tab but this address is not available. For consistency sake with the rest of the surrounding development I believe it would be best to assign a Space Village Ave address to the Kum & Go store. Please utilize 6807 Space Village Ave for the store and 6805 Space Village Ave for the gas canopy.

2.  Is the only access to this site from behind the convenience store from Space Village Ave? I am not seeing any other curb cut for access from Peterson Blvd. Is the Kum & Go store going to utilize the existing curb cut for the stripe building to the south?

3.  Please see notes from last submittal regarding Peterson Blvd & Peterson Road.

4.  If the Kum & Go Store is to plat with the existing surrounding buildings, please indicate the addresses in use on site for those buildings for the plat. Please clarify what is to be included in the plat.


Please accept the following comments from El Paso County Public Health regarding the project referenced above:

1.  There is a finding for sufficiency in terms of water quality for drinking water obtained from Cherokee Metropolitan District which is a Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Water Quality Control Division, regulated central water supply. The water system is assigned PWSID# CO-0121125 by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

2.  There is sufficient wastewater treatment capacity at the Cherokee Metropolitan District wastewater treatment facility to treat the projected wastewater flows from this proposed 1.77 acre commercial site. A letter from Cherokee Metropolitan District dated 08Sept2017 indicates there is sufficient water and wastewater capacity for this development project.

3.  This development site has earthmoving activity in excess of one acre, but less than twenty-five acres, and requires a Construction Activity Permit from El Paso County Public Health. Go to http://www.elpasocountyhealth.org/service/air-quality for more information.

4.  Radon resistant construction building techniques/practices are encouraged to be used in this area. The EPA has determined that Colorado, and the El Paso County area have potentially higher radon levels than other areas of the country.

5.  El Paso County Public Health requires interior finish plans to be submitted for review and approval prior to commencement of construction.

Mike McCarthy, R.E.H.S.

El Paso County Public Health Environmental Health Division 719.575-8602



Airport staff recommends no objection with the following conditions:

1.  Provide proof of previous avigation easement or Airport Activity Notice and Disclosure recordation for this property.

2.  Based on elevation data, the Airport requests that the applicant file Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Form 7460-1 “Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration” for any new vertical development at this site, including temporary construction equipment, and provide FAA documentation to the Airport before the commencement of construction activities.

3.  More information about the airspace evaluation submittal process is available on the FAA’s Obstruction Evaluation/Airport Airspace Analysis website at: https://oeaaa.faa.gov/oeaaa/external/portal.jsp


1.  The primary concern at this point is the condition of the existing 24" culvert under Peterson Blvd. I think someone should check that it is OK. Things I would check:

•  Obstructions (e.g. cave-in, vegetation, dead bodies, live bodies, etc.)

•  Sump conditions due to failure of the pipe bedding.

•  Breaks in the pipe.

•  Slope of pipe adequate to handle the design flows.

•  Discharge end of pipe causing erosion (no flaired end or riprap to dissipate energy).

•  Based on the drawing, it appears that this line goes to the triangle island northeast of the Platte off ramp, not positive though. We do not want any flow or discharge onto Peterson AFB property or easements

Comments received from any of the non-responding agencies following the issuance of this letter will be forwarded to the applicant/applicant’s representative and will be added to the end of this letter for record keeping purposes.

Due to the number of comments and necessary revisions to the plan(s) an additional detailed review will be necessary. Please address the comments as listed above. A detailed letter needs to accompany the revisions to allow for an expeditious re-review timeframe. The letter should include each comment listed above and, immediately thereafter, include a response from the applicant addressing the comment.

If any review agency has an issue that needs resolution or requires a revision, you will need to provide the necessary documents, drawings, etc., to the Planning and Community Development Department in the form of a resubmittal. The Planning and Community Development Department will then forward the resubmitted items directly to the appropriate review agency. If you have any questions pertaining to specific agency comments please contact the appropriate agency directly.

Please contact me if you would like to schedule a meeting with myself or the multi-disciplinary team.

When all the comments have been addressed and corrections made please submit the required documents as requested on the attached resubmittal matrix.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me at 719-520-7943

Best Regards,

Gabe Sevigny

El Paso County Planning and Community Development Department

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