Ryan Bartel Foundation Acceptance of Others Scholarship Award – 3 @ $1,000 each


Graduating Senior from Woodgrove High School, Loudoun Valley High School or Heritage High School who will be continuing his/her education in a career/technical school.

In memory of Ryan Bartel, Woodgrove HS Class of 2015, this award recognizes a student who consistently:

  • Demonstrates through their actions, acceptance and respect of others
  • Seeks out, recognizes and embraces the differences and uniqueness of every individual
  • Does not pass judgment of others at face value
  • Offers unconditional support and comfort to those who need it, especially when they see someone alone or struggling
  • Stands up for what is right and
  • Is not afraid to intervene and say ‘Enough’ to any form of bullying.

Students cannot nominate themselves; students have to be nominated anonymously by their peers or other members of the school. Students are encouraged to look around, consider their peers and reflect on those who show consistent practice of the above traits and to then nominate the person they think most deserves this unique award. The nomination must include:

  • a short essay that describes the nominee
  • an outline of at least two events where the above traits were demonstrated
  • the name of at least one other witness of these events. Witnesses can be students, teachers, administrators or support staff.

Deadline: April 30, 2018

Ryan Bartel Foundation Acceptance of Others Scholarship Award

Nomination Form

Due to Career Center April 30th, 2017

Nominator’s Name:______

Nominee’s Name:______

Please attach a typed, short essay that describes the individual you would like to nominate that includes examples of at least TWO events where acceptance of others was demonstrated, and also includes at least one other witness to yourself. Witnesses can be students, teachers, administrators or support staff.

Certification of witness:

Witness name: ______

Witness signature: ______

Position at School