RWG Meeting Agenda November 19-20, 20151
Randy Spacek, RWG Chair, called the meeting to order and determinedthere was a quorum present for the conducting of business. Attendees were asked to introduce themselves by name and affiliation.See Exhibit A.
Mr. Spacek announced the group would review the charter later in the agenda.The group reviewed the member list to ensure the information was correct.Cheryl Garrett, WECC staff, offered to update and fix the spreadsheet.Kraig Patterson, WECC staff, will post it to the RWG restricted site.
2.WECC Antitrust Policy Open Meeting Reminder
Mr. Patterson reviewed the WECC Antitrust Policy.
3.Approve Agenda
Mr. Spacek introduced the proposed meeting agenda.
On a motion made by Curtis Sanden and seconded by Dan Shield, the group approved the agenda.
4.Review Minutes
Mr. Spacek introduced the minutes from the July 9-10, 2015 RWG meeting.There were no changes or corrections to the minutes.
On a motion made by David Beach and seconded by Brian Richter, the group approved the minutes.
5.Review of Previous Action Items
Mr. Spacek reviewed the action items carried over from the July 9-10, 2015meeting of the RWG. Action items for review were[JR1]:
Review of RWG White Papers and Guidelines
- EHV Transmission Line Protection Guide (2006) - the group reviewed the white paper, and approved it as written after minor changes.
On a motion made by Jonathan Meyer and seconded by Gene Henneberg, the group approved the whitepaper.
- Installation and Maintenance for Protection Relay Systems (2006) – the group held a discussion on page 7 of the white paper, and the bullet point under “Verify that the relay system operates properly as follows.”There were no changes made.The document will go to the Operating Committee (OC) for approval.
- Remedial Action Scheme Design Guide (2006) – The group discussed whether this should be a white paper.Mr. Gene Henneberg reviewed the document.It was decided that Dean Bender will review the guide and bring it back to this group.
6.CommitteeReports – Members
- RWG Chair Report – Mr.Spacek gave an update regarding the Technical Operations Subcommittee (TOS). It discussed PRC-005.The Telecommunications Work Group still believes that its battery systems are not covered under that standard, which doesnot make a distinction between station batteries relays and communication batteries.Mr.Spacek explained that group still needed to go through a formal process[JR2].
- Report of the Remedial Action Scheme Reliability Subcommittee– Gene Henneberg that at its recent meeting,RASRS reviewed eight–10 RAS schemes.There is another meeting scheduled to review schemes in a closed session webinar.
- Report of the System Protection and Control Subcommittee– Joe Uchiyama gave an update that the SPCS is revising PRC-004.
7.Review Charter
Randy Spacek led a discussion reviewing the charter and changes needed to be made on section 2.d, on quorum and voting; and on section 2.a, on nominating a member to be the TOS chair.After a lengthy discussion on these and other points, the group will submit the charter to WECC Legal and the WECC technical writer, and will approve it at the next meeting.
8.Closed Session
The group went into a closed session at 1:10 p.m. MT.They discussed the following items:
- 2012-2013 Misoperation Report Approval
- 2013-2014 Misoperation Report Assignments and database development
- Regional Misoperations Review Process and PRC-004-3
9.Bulk Electric System Inclusion Guideline
10.Review of New Action Items
- WECC staff will update and fix the RWG contact spreadsheet and post it to the restricted site.
- Gene Henneberg and Dean Bender will review the remedial action scheme design whitepaper and report back to the RWG.
- The RWG will submit the proposed charter to Legal and the technicalwriter, and will approve it at the next meeting.WECC staff will have the Legal Department review the language added to or changed in the charter.
11.Review Upcoming Meetings
April 21-22, 2016...... Salt Lake City, Utah
July 14-15, 2016...... Salt Lake City, Utah
November 17-18, 2016...... Salt Lake City, Utah
The meeting adjournedat12:00 p.m. MDT on Friday, November 20, 2015.
Exhibit A: Attendance List
Name...... Affiliation
David Beach...... Portland General Electric
Xing Chen...... British Columbia Hydro
Cheryl Garrett...... WECC
Gene Henneberg...... NV Energy
Doug Kirby...... Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
Jonathan Meyer...... Idaho Power
Bill Middaugh (via webinar)...... Tri-State Generation and Transmission
Kraig Patterson...... WECC
Randy Porter...... PacifiCorp
Brian Richter...... Xcel Energy
Curtis Sanden...... Southern California Edison
Dan Shield...... Alberta Electric System Operators
Randy Spacek...... Avista
Joe Uchiyama...... United States Bureau of Reclamation
Don Loftis...... CSU
Western Electricity Coordinating Council
[JR1]Were there any action items? I see white papers and guidelines being reviewed below, but that looks like it should be a separate heading1.
[JR2]For what?