/ Title: / Valuation of Open Items in Foreign Currency
Module: / Financial Accounting
Course: / General Ledger
Work Instruction
Valuation of Open Items in Foreign Currency / F.05


Use this procedure at month end to valuate open item in a foreign currency.


Perform this procedure when it is necessary to valuate open items in a foreign currency.



Menu Path

Use the following menu path to begin this transaction:

·  Select Accounting è Financial Accounting è General ledger è Periodic processing è Closing è Valuate è Valuation of open item in foreign currency to go to the Open Item Foreign Currency Valuation screen.

Transaction Code


Additional Information

·  This activates program SAPF100.

Filename: F05WI.DOC
Reference: FIF.05 / Version: Prelim
Last Modified: 06.22.2001 16:18:00 / Work Instruction
Page 1 of 9
/ Title: / Valuation of Open Items in Foreign Currency
Module: / Financial Accounting
Course: / General Ledger


1. Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code F.05.

Open Item Foreign Currency Valuation

This process uses a Variant.

2. Click on .

ABAP Variant Directory of Program SAPF100

3. Position your cursor on the variant name UNIV. Double click or select a variant and click on .

Open Item Foreign Currency Valuation

4. As required, complete/review the following fields:

Field Name / R/O/C / Description /
Key date for OI Overview / R / Enter the appropriate date.
Example: 31.10.2000
Document date / R / Enter the appropriate date.
Example: 31.10.2000.
Posting date / R / Enter the appropriate date.
Example: 31.10.2000.

Note the Posting required check box is set to on . To view a report of the information before creating postings you can deselect .

Note if you do not deselect the check box a Batch session will be created.

5. Click on .

This process with take some time. Normally, the check box is left deselected to produce an on screen report.

Open Item Foreign Currency Valuation

6. To print the report click on .

Open Item Foreign Currency Valuation

7. As required, complete/review the following fields:

Field Name / R/O/C / Description /
Output device / R / System will default the printer set as your default, amend as appropriate.
Example: MIS1

8. Click on to output the print to your printer.

9. You must now run the BDC job SAPF100 to release the created batch job.

From the Batch session you will be able to obtain the document created. You should review this document and ensure the values posted agree to the report totals.


You have updated SAP for foreign currency changes.



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Filename: F05WI.DOC
Reference: FIF.05 / Version: Prelim
Last Modified: 06.22.2001 16:18:00 / Work Instruction
Page 1 of 9