Module : / Financial Accounting
Course : / Cost Object Maintenance
Work Instruction
Changing a Cost Element Group / KAH2
Use this procedure to change a cost element group.
Perform this procedure when a cost element group requires changing.
Menu Path
Use the following menu path to begin this transaction:
· Select Accounting è Controlling è Cost Center Accounting è Master data è Cost element groupè Change cost element group to go to the Change cost element group screen.
Transaction Code
Additional Information
· You can combine cost elements with similar characteristics to form cost element groups, for example, Consultancy Income, Fee Income, Contracted Staff Costs, Non-contracted Staff Costs, Office Costs, etc.
· Cost element groups can be used for either cost or revenues elements.
· Cost element groups are used widely for reporting, for example, in defining the row structure of a report. Sub-totals are produced for each node in the cost element group.
· You can also use cost element groups whenever you want to process several cost elements in one operation, for example, in cost centre planning, or in periodic cost distribution and assessment.
Filename: KAH2WI.DOCReference: KAH2 / Version: Prelim
Last Modified: 02.21.2002 13:15:00 / Work Instruction
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/ Title: / Changing a Cost Element Group
Module : / Financial Accounting
Course : / Cost Object Maintenance
1. Start the transaction using the menu path or transaction code KAH2.
Change Cost element group: Initial Screen
2. As required, complete/review the following fields:
Field Name / R/O/C / Description /Cost element group / R / Enter the name of the cost element group.
3. Click on or .
Change Cost element group: Structure
This screen displays the existing hierarchical structure of the cost element group.
4. To create an additional cost element at the same level click on or to create additional cost element groups at a lower level click on . To add more cost elements to the hierarchy click on .
5. To delete a cost element click on the cost element to highlight it and click on .
Change Profit center group: Structure
6. Highlight the cost element you wish to remove and click on .
7. To save any changes go to Group è Save
The system displays the message " The changes have been saved".
8. You have completed this transaction.
You have made changes to a cost element group.
To create a cost element group, use transaction KAH1. To display a cost element group use transaction KAH3.
Filename: KAH2WI.DOCReference: KAH2 / Version: Prelim
Last Modified: 02.21.2002 13:15:00 / Work Instruction
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