Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Ingham Parish Council
Date: Monday 16th January 2017
Venue: Ingham & Cammeringham Village Hall
Attendance: Councillors: K. Wagstaff (Chairman), M. Dickinson, M. Nicholson, R. Gale, L. Dicker
Also attending: G. Monks (Clerk), D. Booth (Village Caretaker), District Councillor Patterson, 9 members’ of the public.
134/January 2017 Public Session
Owners of the land to the rear of 3 The Green provided an overview of the planned development and the reasons for it. Members’ of the public stated their concerns about this development which included concerns over the adequacy of the size of the access road and concern about the safety of pedestrians using this proposed access.
135/January 2017 Apologies for absence
Councillors J. Wicks, N. Brown & N. Ridout, PCSO McFaul
136/January 2017 Consideration of public session matters
Planning matters were discussed under the appropriate agenda item.
137/January 2017 Declarations of interest and dispensations from members in accordance with the Local Government
To be declared under the appropriate agenda items.
138/January 2017 Village Caretaker Report
The Village Caretaker has completed safety checks, litter picks and has emptied litter bins. A pot hole on Long Lane has been reported to the Clerk.
139/January 2017 Notes of the Monthly Meeting of Ingham Parish Council held on Monday 12th December 2016
Proposed by Councillor Dickinson, seconded Councillor Nicholson and RESOLVED unanimously that the Notes of the Monthly Meeting of Ingham Parish Council held on Monday 12th December 2016 be approved as Minutes.
140/January 2017 Police Report
PCSO McFaul sent apologies. The Clerk read out a report by the PCSO that noted that on 8/1/17 suspicious circumstances were investigated in the Village but nothing was found. Air rifle noise on West End was also reported on 27/12/16.
141/January 2017 Clerk’s Report on matters outstanding
The Parish Council are monitoring the following issues: 386/May 2011 The condition of the path outside 5 High Street; 562/December 2011 – The subsiding roadside on Stow Lane; 297/ January 2014 - Anglian Water dyke near to the playing field; 638/April 2015 - Collapsed drain under Church Hill – Temporary bollards have been erected by LCC Highways until the repair work is undertaken.
Other outstanding items include:
337/March 2014 - Double yellow lines on Lincoln Road - District Councillor Patterson will continue to press where possible, however the need may be affected by the proposed changes to the originally approved development;
907/April 2016 - Pot holes at the junction of Church Hill and Middle Street have been re-reported to Highways for repair;
034/September 2016 - Drainage issues/ pot holes on Ingham Lane near the junction with A15 – LCC will clear out the grips and clean and jet out the gullies.
092/November 2016 - Grange Lane Hedge – LCC Highways have flail cut the hedge and removed vegetation from the Highway. A road sweeper has been arranged; Best Kept Village signs – installation by Highways is awaited;
118/December 2016 - SORN car – the car parked on Grange Lane is being addressed by Highways; New Bins and seat – these have been received and will be installed in the Spring;
Street Light The Hollow – a faulty street light has been reported to LCC;
Long Lane pot hole – reported to LCC Highways;
Bins on The Green not emptied – reported to LCC Highways.
142/January 2017 P3 Liaison Officer’s Report
Councillor Dicker reported that footpaths are very muddy. Lincolnshire Fieldpaths Association have been advised of the fieldpath adjacent to Cow Hill, to ensure it is protected.
143/January 2017 Items raised by Councillor’s for future Agendas
Councillor Dicker noted that he had read about pop up skateparks. District Councillor Patterson said he would ask Grant White at WLDC if there is funding for these. A steam cleaning service for war memorials is available. Councillor Wagstaff will view the war memorial in the village to assess whether this is needed.
Councillor Nicholson reported the findings at the Ingham Practice Patients Group which included that the open surgery will be stopped from 3/4/17 to be replaced by appointments only.
144/January 2017 County Council Issues
No report received.
145/January 2017 District Council Issues
Councillor Patterson reported that Council Tax will be increasing for 2017/18. There will be no additional Green Bin charges for this period. Community Awards will begin in April. Hare coursing has been reported to the police all over the district. There is also frequent fly tipping occurring in the area.
146/January 2017 PAYE Q4
Proposed Councillor Wagstaff seconded Councillor Nicholson and RESOLVED unanimously to pay HMRC £90.40.
147/January 2017 Approve mid term Internal Audit Report and invoice payment
The Clerk presented the mid term audit report that states that ‘the accounts have been maintained to the highest of standards’. Proposed Councillor Nicholson seconded Councillor Wagstaff and RESOLVED unanimously to pay the audit fee of £30.
148/January 2017 Monthly Financial report including resolution to make payments
Cheque Number Payee Amount
1401 Mr G Monks (salary December 2016)
1402 Mr D Booth (salary December 2016) 8
1403 HM Revenue & Customs (PAYE Q4) £90.40
1404 Bridget Solly (Interim Audit Fee) £30
1405 G Monks (mileage) £34.20
Proposed by Councillor Nicholson, seconded Councillor Dickinson and RESOLVED unanimously to pay cheques 1401 to 1405.
149/January 2017 Budget
Proposed Councillor Wagstaff seconded Councillor Dicker and RESOLVED unanimously to finalise the budget.
150/January 2017 Planning Matters to be Reported and Considered
Planning Application 135522, Land to rear of 3 The Green, Ingham LN1 2XT, proposed Councillor Wagstaff seconded Councillor Nicholson and RESOLVED unanimously to object to this application and submit the following comments ‘Following a call for land by WLDC in 2011, an extraordinary Parish Council meeting was held (28/11/11) in Ingham to assess the suitability for development of 9 different plots in the village. It was decided that plot 6 (the same plot as this application applies to) was unsuitable for development due to ‘problems with vehicular access to the plot and the impact on pedestrian access to Ingham Village school’; The proposed development would lead to up to 20 extra cars and delivery/ service vehicles to use the narrow access road across the Village Green, presenting a serious hazard to pedestrians, particularly children, CLLP Further Draft Policy LP13 General Requirements (p); The proposed access road is part of the Village Green and therefore cannot be kerbed or extended in any way, CLLP Further Draft Policy LP22: Local Green Spaces; Ingham Primary School is not currently full, however, if all recent planning applications that have been submitted/ granted were developed, there would be significant pressure on the school. There would also be an impact on the success of applications by Ingham students to local secondary schools; The Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Further Draft prescribes a growth target for Ingham of 63 dwellings. Should all existing /granted planning applications be developed then there would be 87 new dwellings (92 including this application for 5 dwellings) CLLP Further Draft Policy Appendix A (pg127); Surface water should not drain into the foul sewer.
151/January 2017 Risk Assessment Play Area and Playground
The Clerk presented the inspection report that he had completed on 15th January 2017, highlighting extensive bird fouling on the small playhouse (cleared), rotten slats on the disabled picnic bench (Councillor Wagstaff will attend to this), loose slat on the litter bin close to the shelter (the Caretaker will be asked to re-secure) and a loose kickboard in the school playground.
152/January 2017 Defibrillator
The Clerk updated the Parish Council, explaining that defibrillators have been received and cabinets was awaited.
153/January 2017 Neighbourhood Planning
The Clerk informed Councillors that the parish boundary had been submitted to WLDC as the defined area for the plan. There will now be a 4 week period in which the public can respond. Training has been offered to Councillors likely to be on the Steering Committee and the Clerk will try to arrange a suitable time for this. Councillors’ Nicholson and Dicker have been approached by parishioners asking to also be on the Steering Committee when it is formed.
154/January 2017 Summer Fair
The Parish Council agreed that the playing field, car park and The Green can be used for the Summer Fair on 24th June 2017, with the proviso that the appropriate insurance is in place and the areas used are returned to their original condition following the event.
155/January 2017 Road Name Plate
There are no road name plates that need urgent replacement in the Village.
156/January 2017 Christmas Tree
The Parish Council agreed that a new Christmas Tree is needed for Christmas 2017. A member of the pubic suggested that a tree lighting ceremony would be a good idea. The Parish Council agreed.
157/January 2017 Correspondence Received
All correspondence was discussed as part of agenda items with the exception of a letter from LCC Highways saying that a 20% transitional relief payment was available toward grass cutting costs in 2017/18, a letter from Scottish Widows informing us of a decrease in interest rate for the savings accounts, a letter of thanks from Ingham and Cammeringham Village Hall Committee for the grant aid paid, and a street lighting project update from LCC Highways.
158/January 2017 Date of next Parish Council Meeting
The next Monthly Meeting will be on Monday 13th February 2017.
Meeting Closed at 21.10
159/January 2017 Proposal to move to closed session, in accordance with the Public Bodies (admissions to meetings) Act 1960, that in view of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the press and public be temporarily excluded and they are therefore instructed to withdraw from the meeting for the following items of business.
Proposed Councillor Wagstaff seconded Councillor Dickinson and RESOLVED unanimously to move to Closed Session.
Meeting ended: 21.13