Ruth V. Johnson’s Diary

For the year 1992

Transcribed by Nancy Martin & Mary Winsett

January 2003

Jan 1st 1992 (Wednesday): New years day & we had leftovers today. No one here but us. Sprinkled rain.

Jan 2nd 1992 (Thursday): Went shopping but didn’t do much.

Jan 3rd 1992 (Friday): Today is payday. Rained .3 inch of rain.

Jan 4th 1992 (Saturday): Alice & Don are trimming up their pecan trees. We went up for a little while & had supper up there.

Jan 5th 1992 (Sunday): Went to church this morn but Alice & Don & Bill & Ruth was down & brought wood they had cut.

Jan 6th 1992 (Monday): They cut wood all day today trimming trees. Did laundry. Warm today. Rained tonight. Got .4 inch of rain.

Jan 7th 1992 (Tuesday): Alice & Don got back on road today. Bill is having to fix his truck as he hit a deer & done a lot of damage. Went to WMU had 9 present.

Jan 8th 1992 (Wednesday): Got out a rug I had promised to do for Ruth (a hooked rug) but made my shoulder so sore I may have to let her finish it.

Jan 9th 1992 (Thursday): Went shopping Arvie went with me as we had to get fuel.

Jan 10th 1992 (Friday): Didn’t do much today. Mary called this morn & they are all fine.

Jan 11th 1992 (Saturday): Moped floors today & hooked on rug.

Jan 12th 1992 (Sunday): Rained last night 1 inch of rain. Went to church twice.

Jan 13th 1992 (Monday): Arvie had to go back to hospital for a check up with Doctor Bowman & he is doing fine. Rained this morn got .2 inch. Turned cold & very windy.

Jan 14th 1992 (Tuesday): Today is Nancy’s birthday 41 years old today. 32 degrees this morn but no wind.

Jan 15th 1992 (Wednesday): Went to church tonight.

Jan 16th 1992 (Thursday): Went shopping & Arvie went & had a haircut.

Jan 17th 1992 (Friday): Went walking & is trying to rain.

Jan 18th 1992 (Saturday): Snowed last night & has snowed all day. If the ground would have been frozen we would have had 7 or 8 inches, but it has melted down to about 2 ½ inches.

Jan 19th 1992 (Sunday): Cold this morn 28 degrees. The melted snow & water is frozen but roads are good. Went to church & I went to 5pm meeting.

Jan 20th 1992 (Monday): Nearly all the snow is gone but so muddy everywhere. 40’s today. Did laundry.

Jan 21st 1992 (Tuesday): This would have been Bonnie’s birthday. Went to WMU meeting had 7 at meeting.

Jan 22nd 1992 (Wednesday): Went to Bible study but took Arvie to Dr. Grimmett with his foot has turned black but he said didn’t have to worry, gave him medicine. Went walking.

Jan 23rd 1992 (Thursday): Went shopping Arvie stayed home. Got 2 more puzzles on sale. Ha.

Jan 24th 1992 (Friday): Didn’t do much today rained some & had to walk with umbrella.

Jan 25th 1992 (Saturday): Finished up Ruth’s Christmas ornaments I made for her. My thumb sure is sore but they are pretty.

Jan 26th 1992 (Sunday): Went to church twice. Trying to rain again just sprinkles. Cold 40 degrees this morn.

Jan 27th 1992 (Monday): Did laundry but had to dry everything in dryer. Cloudy & still sprinkles.

Jan 28th 1992 (Tuesday): Samuel & Velma came up for a little while.

Jan 29th 1992 (Wednesday): Went to Bible study.

Jan 30th 1992 (Thursday): Went shopping & then went to Baby shower for Cheryl & Mark Babb, gave her the baby quilt I had made. Beautiful day.

Jan 31st 1992 (Friday): Beautiful day sun shining. Not to cold.

Feb 1st 1992 (Saturday): Went up to Alice’s & cut up some of the wood & made myself sick. Just can’t do stuff like that.

Feb 2nd 1992 (Sunday): Went to church twice. Arvie didn’t go. Beautiful day the groundhog saw his shadow.

Feb 3rd 1992 (Monday): Alice & Don got home tonight. Did laundry. Rainy looking, had to dry clothes in dryer.

Feb 4th 1992 (Tuesday): Alice & Don had their dentist appointments today. Went to WMU with 5 present.

Feb 5th 1992 (Wednesday): Didn’t get to go to church tonight & Arvie didn’t want to go. Alice called & they are cutting wood & getting their taxes done. She came down & got mail.

Feb 6th 1992 (Thursday): We went shopping & Ruth went with us to go to the bank.

Feb 7th 1992 (Friday): Didn’t do much finished up a puzzle.

Feb 8th 1992 (Saturday): Cleaned out some of my book shelves getting rid of all Reader’s Digest.

Feb 9th 1992 (Sunday): Went to church this morn but didn’t go tonight as Alice & Don & Bill brought a load of wood down about 5pm so we didn’t get to go. Alice & Don is going back on road tomorrow.

Feb 10th 1992 (Monday): Did laundry. Beautiful day 32 degrees this morn but fair.

Feb 11th 1992 (Tuesday): Read a little & am beginning to get where I can rest at night from cutting wood.

Feb 12th 1992 (Wednesday): Rained & thundered part of night & all day today. Couldn’t even go walking. Thundered all day.

Feb 13th 1992 (Thursday): Got 2.4 inches of rain yesterday & last night. Warm today 57 degrees this morn & supposed to get in the 70’s today. Went shopping.

Feb 14th 1992 (Friday): Sprayed fruit trees & pruned them with dormat spray.

Feb 15th 1992 (Saturday): Kept quiet today. Read some. Warm & sunny.

Feb 16th 1992 (Sunday): Went to church twice. Joe Enscore taught training union. Beautiful day.

Feb 17th 1992 (Monday): Did laundry & a pretty day. I do my walking everyday.

Feb 18th 1992 (Tuesday): Went to WMU. I went at 12 noon & put my quilt together. Had 7 at WMU 6 average for February.

Feb 19th 1992 (Wednesday): Quilted a little & it quilts pretty good. Went to church tonight.

Feb 20th 1992 (Thursday): Went shopping. Warm today. Arvie & I went to Chinese Restaurant for dinner.

Feb 21st 1992 (Friday): Rained off & on all day today got .5 inch of rain.

Feb 22nd 1992 (Saturday): Arvie painted pecan trees with tar & cresote today. He is real tired.

Feb 23rd 1992 (Sunday): Went to church twice. Had a good crowd 109 in Sunday school. Leah & Ray is coming pretty regular.

Feb 24th 1992 (Monday): Did laundry. Quilted some. Windy today clothes got dry outside.

Feb 25th 1992 (Tuesday): Rained all day long. Couldn’t get out to go walking even. Got 2.7 inches. Pond is fuller than it has been all winter.

Feb 26th 1992 (Wednesday): Quilted some just like 2 blocks being all way across once. Sun is shining but 35 degrees this morn. Went to

Feb 27th 1992 (Thursday): Went shopping & Arvie went as he had to have cow feed. Sure is wet.

Feb 28th 1992 (Friday): Quilted a little & worked on Pastor for home missions. This is David’s birthday 30 years old.

Feb 29th 1992 (Saturday): This is leap year & have 29th. I do my walking everyday 5 days a week. Alice called this morn & they were in Wyoming.

Mar 1st 1992 (Sunday): Went to church twice. Leah & Ray & children were at church.

Mar 2nd 1992 (Monday): Did laundry. Sun shining warm to warm. Quilted some today.

Mar 3rd 1992 (Tuesday): Went to WMU at Sheryl Dunn’s potluck our Home Missions Program. Had 10 present & it rained all day. Got 2 inches.

Mar 4th 1992 (Wednesday): Rained a little today but not much & sun came out. Went to church, 3 deacons told off Bro Paul.

Mar 5th 1992 (Thursday): Went shopping. Ruth went with us. Warm today.

Mar 6th 1992 (Friday): Rained some today & stormed tonight got a little (Big hail) really hailed north of us. Got .8 inch of rain.

Mar 7th 1992 (Saturday): Pretty today & 75 degrees. Went walking but losing a lot of my walking because of rain. Went to Blitz meeting tonight at church.

Mar 8th 1992 (Sunday): Went to church twice Blitz meeting tonight 85 degrees today. Going to storm some more.

Mar 9th 1992 (Monday): Our Sunday School class had to fix noon meal for Blitz people. So I went down there at 10:30am & we had plenty food. Rained all day got 2.3 inches.

Mar 10th 1992 (Tuesday): Went to Blitz tonight sure got a good teacher Erlene Rogers. I didn’t go last night as it was storming.

Mar 11th 1992 (Wednesday): Went to Blitz again tonight. Quilted some.

Mar 12th 1992 (Thursday): Went shopping this morn & then to Blitz again tonight.

Mar 13th 1992 (Friday): Well tonight is last night of Blitz & it sure has been good. I have learned a lot.

Mar 14th 1992 (Saturday): Raked up some limbs & burrs in yard as they were a mess.

Mar 15th 1992 (Sunday): Went to church & Bro Paul resigned this morn. I sure hated to see that but some people in church is terrible. That’s bad to write but it is true. Went tonight also. Leah & Ray & family were there again.

Mar 16th 1992 (Monday): Did laundry. A beautiful day. Quilted some more. Don’t like much having it done.

Mar 17th 1992 (Tuesday): Arvie added a quart of oil to car. Quilted 4 blocks o quilt & just like 12 more blocks. Went to WMU just 5 present. Rained this afternoon & night. St. Patrick’s Day.

Mar 18th 1992 (Wednesday): Quilted 4 more blocks on quilt like 8 more blocks. Got 2.1 inches of rain yesterday & last night. Went to Business Meeting at church & what a mess. Of all the arguing & confusion. Deacons want to take back over & Kevin offered to preach Sunday.

Mar 19th 1992 (Thursday): Went shopping. Went to new Shop & Save store, they have good prices on things but all off brand.

Mar 20th 1992 (Friday): First day of spring but real cool today. Quilted 3 more blocks just lack 3 more.

Mar 21st 1992 (Saturday): Got my quilt all quilted. Now to hem it. Cool this morn 36 degrees.

Mar 22nd 1992 (Sunday): Arvie’s birthday, I cooked him a cake yesterday. No one came. Betty called & they have 8 inches of snow. Rainy here. Went to church once.

Mar 23rd 1992 (Monday): Did laundry. Haven’t started hemming quilt yet, just sewing down border.

Mar 24th 1992 (Tuesday): Got all of border sewed down on my quilt now to hem it. Cool here 40 degrees this morn.

Mar 25th 1992 (Wednesday): 48 degrees this morn & didn’t make a fire. Finished quilt.

Mar 26th 1992 (Thursday): Went shopping.

Mar 27th 1992 (Friday): Picked up some in yard. Washed curtains in two west bedrooms today & cleaned windows.

Mar 28th 1992 (Saturday): Vacuumed rug & walls in back bedroom today. So I got 1 room cleaned in spring cleaning.

Mar 29th 1992 (Sunday): Went to church twice.

Mar 30th 1992 (Monday): Did laundry. Beautiful day. Warm.

Mar 31st 1992 (Tuesday): Warm today in 70’s & calm. Vacuumed in front bedroom today got it all clean.

Apr 1st 1992 (Wednesday): Took down drapes and panels in back bedroom & living room & cleaned windows. I started to much today, took me all day to do that & I am sick. Have kidney infection to boot. Went to Dr. Grimmett tonight & he gave me medicine to get off the Xanax. He said that was addictive.

Apr 2nd 1992 (Thursday): Had to sleep in chair about all night as I over did myself & my heart is acting up.

Apr 3rd 1992 (Friday): Real cool this morn had to cover up my tomatoes I have planted in 2 tires. 31 degrees.

Apr 4th 1992 (Saturday): Still cool & I am feeling a little better & am not taking xanax or Dr. Grimmitt’s relaxing pill either rested good last night.

Apr 5th 1992 (Sunday): Went to church & back to church council meeting tonight.

Apr 6th 1992 (Monday): Rained today got .5 inch of rain.

Apr 7th 1992 (Tuesday): Went to WMU today had 7 present & we are going to Canfield for prayer retreat Thursday.

Apr 8th 1992 (Wednesday): Went shopping today because we are going over there tomorrow. Went to business meeting & Bro. Caldwell came & moderated & every thing went to smooth. Then arguing broke out after meeting. All over Negro problem.

Apr 9th 1992 (Thursday): Went to Canfield 6 of us & we won the Banner. Had a real enjoyable time.

Apr 10th 1992 (Friday): Got water problems today another leak. Got water out at well.

Apr 11th 1992 (Saturday): Steve came over & fixed our water leak. Thank God. Sure nice to have water again.

Apr 12th 1992 (Sunday): Went to church twice. Trying to rain some. All the ones that were being so hateful at church didn’t come today. Peaceful.

Apr 13th 1992 (Monday): Rained .4 inch last night. Did laundry & beautiful day. Alice & Don came down with load of wood, but we had to leave as Dad had a Doctors appointment in El Dorado at 2pm. Only have to go back one more time I hope. Today is Bill’s birthday 50 years old.

Apr 14th 1992 (Tuesday): I raked in the front yard some this morn.

Apr 15th 1992 (Wednesday): Fixing supper for Alice & Don & Ruth & Bill tonight.

Apr 16th 1992 (Thursday): Went shopping & bought cow feed and groceries. Got Bill a birthday gift (shirt).

Apr 17th 1992 (Friday): Rested mostly today. Alice & Don are busy up their place.

Apr 18th 1992 (Saturday): Fixed eggs for dinner tomorrow & some for Nikki for Easter.

Apr 19th 1992 (Sunday): Easter Sunday. Alice went to church today. They came down for dinner & all were here except Steve. They hid & hunted eggs all afternoon with Nikki.

Apr 20th 1992 (Monday): Did laundry a beautiful day but windy.

Apr 21st 1992 (Tuesday): Went to WMU at Sybil Wistrand’s today 6 were present. Went to council meeting tonight.

Apr 22nd 1992 (Wednesday): They brought more wood down from Alice’s.

Apr 23rd 1992 (Thursday): Went shopping. Arvie went with me & this is last cow feed buying.

Apr 24th 1992 (Friday): Sure needs mowing around here. Can’t get the mower started. Went up to Alice’s.

Apr 25th 1992 (Saturday): Got .3 inch of rain last night. We sure need rain.

Apr 26th 1992 (Sunday): Went to church twice. Arvie went to Dr. Grimmett.

Apr 27th 1992 (Monday): Alice & Don are supposed to go on road today. Did laundry.

Apr 28th 1992 (Tuesday): Went to nursing home today at Meadowbrook (6 went) we had a birthday party for 10 of them. I saw Mrs. Weaver & Margaret Rowe.

Apr 29th 1992 (Wednesday): Rained all day today. Got 2 inches of rain. Sure was glad to see it. My tomatoes in the tires are blooming.

Apr 30th 1992 (Thursday): Went shopping today by myself. Bought quite a bit at Sav-a-lot sure lot cheaper.

May 1st 1992 (Friday): Mowed yard today & it sure looks nice. Arvie is bush hogging out in front.

May 2nd 1992 (Saturday): Washed my curtains & cleaned window here in den & kitchen this morn.

May 3rd 1992 (Sunday): Went to church no church tonight.

May 4th 1992 (Monday): Did laundry a beautiful day only cold. 45 degrees this morn.

May 5th 1992 (Tuesday): Went to WMU 5 present. At Sybils house.

May 6th 1992 (Wednesday): Cleaned top of stove & refrigerator. Cold 51 degrees this morn had a fire. This is Nickki Birthday 4 years old & Mike’s 17th birthday.

May 7th 1992 (Thursday): Went to El Dorado this morn. They performed a test on Arvie’s prostate to see if there is any cancer. Went shopping.

May 8th 1992 (Friday): Cut my boards to face out windows on back porch. Am really tired.

May 9th 1992 (Saturday): Took off cans. Finished cutting boards.

May 10th 1992 (Sunday): Went to church twice.

May 11th 1992 (Monday): Went to Magnolia to Dr. Bowman & he said his biopsy was all ok no cancer. Did laundry.

May 12th 1992 (Tuesday): Defrosted freezer in breezeway. Didn’t give much trouble. Got 1.5 inches of rain last night.

May 13th 1992 (Wednesday): Defrosted freezer on back porch today. Nailed boards behind freezer.

May 14th 1992 (Thursday): Went shopping today.

May 15th 1992 (Friday): Freezer is not working right runs all time.

May 16th 1992 (Saturday): Bill worked on freezer but no better.

May 17th 1992 (Sunday): Went to church twice. Bill still working on freezer & decided he had to order a part.

May 18th 1992 (Monday): Did laundry. Put up our boards on south windows.

May 19th 1992 (Tuesday): Put up rest of window boards. Went to WMU with 7 present out at Sybil’s. Rained .6 inch this afternoon.

May 20th 1992 (Wednesday): I went to church & took Arvie to Dr. Grimmett for his leg where he bumped it. Looks bad. Today is Cindy’s birthday 33 years old.

May 21st 1992 (Thursday): Went shopping nice & cool today.

May 22nd 1992 (Friday): Finished up on my windows on back porch got shades back up. Freezer still won’t click off at all.

May 23rd 1992 (Saturday): Bill still working on freezer but don’t look nothing helps. Alice & Don are home for the weekend.

May 24th 1992 (Sunday): Went to church twice. Bro Kluck from Arkadelphia preached. Sure good.

May 25th 1992 (Monday): Memorial Day no mail. Mowed yard. Did laundry so it was work day for me. 60 degrees this morn.

May 26th 1992 (Tuesday): Rained .4 inch overnight. Made 8 diddy bags.

May 27th 1992 (Wednesday): 60 degrees this morn. Worked on some 1993 calendars I bought with sequins on them.

May 28th 1992 (Thursday): Went shopping. Cold 55 degrees this morn. Didn’t wear a jacket & like to have froze the high was 62 all day. Cloudy & rainy looking.

May 29th 1992 (Friday): Got 1 inch of rain last night. Baked an angel food cake & an oatmeal cake. One for me & one for Arvie. Ha.

May 30th 1992 (Saturday): Fair this morn & 52 degrees. I know this must have broke a record.

May 31st 1992 (Sunday): Went to church twice. A Bro Cook preached today. A beautiful day. Cool.

June 1st 1992 (Monday): Got .4 inch of rain last night & this morn & has rained nearly all day. Did laundry. Cut out some more diddy bags. Rained 1st day of June.

June 2nd 1992 (Tuesday): Made diddy bags 6. Went to WMU at Sybil Wistrand’s had 7 present. It really rained while we were there & when we went to leave it really poured but didn’t rain much here at home.

June 3rd 1992 (Wednesday): Made 7 more diddy bags. Got .6 inch more of rain.

June 4th 1992 (Thursday): Went shopping. Got p1.7 inch of rain last night. Getting a little warmer but not hot yet. Arvie let a guy spray our drive with a sealer.

June 5th 1992 (Friday): Arvie feels a little better. He mowed with bush hog out in front & sure looks better.

June 6th 1992 (Saturday): Raining this morn. Got 2 inch today.

June 7th 1992 (Sunday): Went to church twice real pretty day. Stopped & paid the man that fixed our freezer $15.00

June 8th 1992 (Monday): Did laundry. Cleaned off roof on back porch. Straw had really collected up there.

June 9th 1992 (Tuesday): Sandy Scott & Justin & Nikki came over & stayed 3 or 4 hours. Rained terrible & wind blowed fierce.

June 10th 1992 (Wednesday): Picked up a piled up wheelbarrow of limbs & burrs from the yard it looked like a disaster area. Moped & waxed floors. Mike came in today. They all came over for awhile.