- The name of the Club is “Rusting ton Sports and Social Club”.
- The Club shall elect a President and such Vice-Presidents, as they consider desirable.
- The objects of the Club are to provide and maintain a Pavilion for the use of Members of all Clubs and Organisations using the Rustington Recreation Ground and to supply meals and refreshments and to promote social and sporting activities. The Club shall have power to make other lettings outside of permitted licensing hours, as they may deem expedient. The Rustington Parish Council under a lease made between the two parties’ leases the Pavilion to the Club.
- The affairs of the Club shall be conducted and managed by a Committee of Management consisting of theChairman, Secretary, Treasurer, 2 Club Members nominated by the Rustington Football Club, 2 Club Members nominated by the Rustington Cricket Club, and 6 other Club Members. The Committee shall hold office for one year from the date of the Annual General Meeting and nominations shall be made not later than 48 hours prior to the said meeting. 6 Members of the Committee shall form a quorum. The Committee shall meet at least once a month. Minutes shall be taken of all Committee proceedings and shall be open to inspection by any Member of the Club on application to the Secretary. The Committee shall have power to appoint such other Officers as they consider necessary.
- The Management Committee may from time to time appoint from among their number such Sub-Committees as they deem necessary and may depute or refer to them such of the powers and duties of the Management Committee as the Management Committee may determine. Such Sub-Committees shall periodically report their proceedings to the Management Committee and shall conduct business in accordance with the direction of the Management Committee, and shall unless otherwise expressly provided have power to co-opt.
- Ladies and Gentlemen not less than 18 years of age shall be eligible for Membership.
- No person under the age of 18 years may purchase intoxicating liquor on the Club premises. No person under the age of 18 years may consume intoxicating liquor on the premises. No Member or Guest is to purchase intoxicating liquor on the Club premises for consumption by a person under the age of 18 years. Any Member found committing these offences will be expelled from the Club.
- The Annual subscription shall be reviewed each year by the Management Committee and any increase in Membership will be notified to Members. All subscriptions shall be due and payable to the Secretary and are renewable on the 1st of January in every subsequent year.
- Every candidate for admission to the Club shall be proposed by one Member and seconded by another and the candidates name and usual place of residence, together with the name of his or her proposer and seconder shall be placed on the notice board in the Club for a period of 14 days previously to the election, and election shall be at the discretion of the Management Committee. Any omission or inaccuracy in the particulars relating to the description of any candidate shall render his or her election void at the discretion of the Management Committee.
- Immediately upon election of a Member, notice thereof shall be given to him or her, and he or she shall be furnished with a copy of the Club Rules. Upon payment of his or her subscription, he or she shall become a Member of the Club and be bound by these Rules and by such other Rules and bylaws as shall be made from time to time by the Management Committee.
- If such subscription were not paid within 1 month of the date of such notice the election of such Member shall be absolutely void unless he or she can justify the delay to the satisfaction of the Management Committee. No newly elected Member shall use the Club or participate in any of the advantages or privileges of the Club until his or her subscription has been paid.
- Any Member failing to pay his or her subscription within 30 days of the date when it is due shall be notified by the Secretary and if the subscription is not paid within 30 days of the date of notification, the Member shall cease to be a Member of the Club, and his or her name shall be erased from the books accordingly. If such notice has to be sent to a Member, they shall be liable to the sum of £1.00in respect of expenses on the renewal of their subscriptions. The Management Committee may reinstate a Member on grounds satisfactory to them being shown for the failure of due payment. Members failing to renew and who then wish to be reinstated may be liable for subscriptions not paid in previous years.
- Any Member may resign his or her Membership at any time by letter addressed to the Secretary of the Club.
- The Management Committee may expel from the Club any Member whose conduct is in their opinion injurious to the interests of the Club and without assigning any reasons for their so doing. No Member so expelled shall have any claim or remedy whatever against the Management Committee, but the Management Committee may upon being required to do so by requisition signed by not less than 15 Members, give a Member so expelled an opportunity of justifying or explaining his or her conduct.
- Members may introduce visitors to the Club as guests, subject to such restrictions and regulations as the Management Committee shall prescribe but no guest shall be introduced more than 6 times in any calendar year from the 1st January and no Member shall introduce more than 4 Guests at any one time. The Member introducing a guest shall be responsible for all liabilities incurred by that guest. No Member shall introduce as a visitor any person who has been rejected as a candidate for Membership of the Club or any Member who did not renew his or her subscription the current or previous year. A visitor must enter his or her name in the visitor’s book, countersigned by the Member introducing him or her and under no circumstances shall a Member be served with refreshment for his or her visitor until this has been done. When a Member has introduced a guest to the Club and the Member leaves the Club premises, the guest must also leave at the same time. The Member introducing a guest is responsible for that guest at all times while the guest remains in the Club. The Management Committee reserves the right of refusing admission to any visitor without giving any reason for such refusal. On occasions as stipulated by the Management Committee a guest fee may be imposed and unless paid no admission will be allowed to the function.
- Temporary Membership may be granted to relatives and friends of Members on holiday for a period longer than 6 days but no more than 21 days consecutive on payment of £1.00 (One Pound) per week.
- The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held at a date to be decided by the ManagementCommittee but not later than October in any year at which the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer Auditors for the ensuing year shall be elected. At such Meetings the President shall be Chairman,and in his absence the Chairman shall take the Chair. Any Member desirous of moving anyresolution at this meeting shall give notice thereof in writing to the Secretary on or before 7 daysbefore the Meeting. Every Member present at the meeting shall be entitled to one vote. At thismeeting the Treasurer shall produce the Accounts.
- The Management Committee may at any time for any special purpose call a Special General Meeting and they shall do so forthwith upon the requisition in writing of any 20 Members stating the purpose for which the meeting is required.
- The Management Committee shall have power to settle andadjudicate upon disputes between Members arising in the Club and of a kind, which are usually referred to the Management Committee of a Member’s Club.
- Any complaints or suggestions must be made to the Secretary in writing. The conduct of any servant shall not be made the subject of personal reprimand. In all such matters, the decision of the Management Committee shall be final. No Member shall attempt to induce any servant of the Club to leave the Club’s employment.
- The Management Committee shall also constitute a wine committee who shall arrange for the supply of intoxicating liquors and tobacco to Members at such prices as shall be determined by the Management Committee.
- No intoxicating liquors or other articles for the sale of which a licence is required shall be supplied except to Members in the Club.
- The Club shall admit as Visitors Members of affiliated Clubs or Members of visiting sports teams whom are playing matches and are guests of the Club. Such Clubs shall sign the visitor’s book, stating the name of their Club or Organisation. There visitors may purchase refreshments and intoxicating liquor while in the Club premises in accordance with current Licensing Regulations.
- Intoxicating Liquors shall only be supplied during such hours (Subject to the provisions of thecurrent Licensing Regulations) as shall be authorised by the Management Committee. The permitted hours being used at present by the Club are those shown exhibited in the Club premises.
- Any person (whether a Member of the Club or not) who attends a Meeting or function or who takes part in an excursion organised by the Club does so at his or her own risk. Neither the Club nor the Officers of the Club shall be liable to any such person for personal injuries or death or loss or damage to property sustained at the premises occupied by the Club or during excursions organised by the Club.
- The Management Committee may from time to time make, vary and revoke bylaws not inconsistent with these Rules for the regulation of the internal affairs of the Club and the conduct of the Members. All bylaws shall be submitted to the Management Committee for approval and if approved shall, until revoked by the Management Committee, be binding on the Members. Any notice required by these rules and by the bylaws to be given to Members of the Club may be given by prepaid letter addressed to a Member at the last address which he or she has furnished to the Secretary and the notice shall be deemed to have been given at the time when the letter containing it would have been delivered in the ordinary course of post. A Member changing his or her address must notify the Secretary of any change of address.
- These Rules may from time to time be revoked, altered or added to by the Committee, provided that the consent of the Club given by a resolution passed at a General Meeting of the Members of the Club by a majority of the Members present and voting, shall be required for any revocation or alteration of or addition to these rules which would have the effect of:
(a)Altering the objects of the Club or the qualification for Membership.
These Rules Were ReviewedSeptember 2010
And Ratified at General Meeting held on 25Th January 2011