Spanish I

CJHS Room 41/CHS cafeteria stage

Teacher: Tarrah White


Clarksville School District website:

CJHS phone: (479) 705-3224/CHS phone: (479) 705-3212

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Welcome back! I hope you and your child had a relaxing summer and that both of you are ready to begin the new school year. Along with this letter, you will find information regarding the Spanish 1 course as well as a Contact Information formto be filled out and returned. Please fill out the form and have your son/daughterreturn it to me by Tuesday,August 23, 2016. If you have any questions about the course or your child’s progress, please do not hesitate to contact me.

The following is a list of online resources I plan to use this year to keep students and parents informed:

  • Schoology social media style website for submitting homework electronically, testing, and staying up to date on the latest Spanish class news
  • Remind (Remind 101) receive text message reminders for quizzes, tests, and projects *PLEASE SIGN UP IF YOU WISH TO RECEIVE TEXT MESSAGES*
  • Planbook teacher lesson plans accessible at school website, click on: Jr. High School, Staff Directory/Homework, Tarrah White, Homework/Lesson Plans
  • Home Access Center/HAC view student grades, absentee reports, etc. accessible at school website, click on: Parents, Home Access Center
  • Quizlet flashcards and study games

Thank you for taking the time to carefully read this information and I hope you’ll join me in making this an exciting and successful academic year.


Tarrah White

Spanish teacher

Spanish I

CJHS Room 41/CHS cafeteria stage

Teacher: Tarrah White


CJHS phone: (479) 705-3224/CHS phone: (479) 705-3212


Students will learn beginning level Spanish vocabulary and grammar using the four components of language—listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Students will acquire basic language skills through interactive lessons related to everyday subject matter such as colors, numbers, days of the week, foods, greetings, describing people and things, expressing feelings, communicating wants and needs, etc.

Text: Exprésate, Level 1, Exprésate Cuaderno de Actividades,and Exprésate Cuaderno de Vocabulario y Gramática

Attendance Policy:

  1. Students are expected to attend class everyday and be on time.
  2. Tardiness will only be excused with a note from the office or other faculty.
  3. It is the student’s responsibility to check for missed work.
  4. If a student is going to be absent for a school function, he/she must collect assignments beforehand.
  5. Students who are absent without a doctor’s excuse or did not participate in a school function forfeit that day’s participation points.
  6. All assignments, including tests and quizzes, will be made up according to the number of days missed.

Classroom Rules:

  1. Be on time.
  2. Be prepared.
  3. Be respectful. (This includes words and actions.)
  4. Be positive.
  5. Be a person of integrity.

Consequences for not adhering to school policy and/or classroom rules:

  1. First offense—verbalwarning.
  2. Second offense—the teacher will issue one or all of the following: 100 sentences stating the appropriate future behavior, noon detention, conference after class, notify parent/guardian.
  3. Third offense—referral to the Principal’s office.

*Severe Clause—if the offense is severe or occurs repeatedly, steps may be skipped.


  1. Textbook (provided)
  2. Vocabulary and grammar workbook (provided)
  3. Laptop (provided)
  4. Planner (optional, but preferred)
  5. Paper
  6. Pencils(with erasers)
  7. Pens (blue or black only)
  8. Folder (for loose papers)
  9. Earbuds

Grading Policy:

Class work/homework50%


  1. Participation is required for all class activities.
  2. Bell work/class work that is not completed will become homework.
  3. Cheating on any assignment will result in a zero.
  4. Plagiarism is considered cheating.