Essay Question Examples

Part 1

1Managers operating in THE sectors have to manage in a context which is highly distinctive in its characteristics and they need to be able to respond in appropriate and distinctive ways. Discuss with reference to relevant examples.

2Critically evaluate the role of the mission statement for a THE organisation of your choice.

3‘There are considerable differences of view on the form, purpose and content of mission statements, and such differences are clearly illustrated by the diversity of mission statements in the THE sectors.’ Discuss.

4Discuss the extent to which a mission statement and corporate objectives are useful to the many SMEs operating in THE.

5What are the key features of a strategy? How would you distinguish a strategic plan from an operational plan? Use relevant examples drawn from THE to illustrate your answer.
Part 2

6Evaluate the effectiveness, in analysing the competitive environment, of applying Porter’s Five Forces model to a sector of THE of your choice.

7‘Human resources are critical to the successful implementation of strategy in most organisations operating in THE.’ Critically evaluate the validity of this statement.

8Lynch (2003), argues that there are some industries where people are not just important, but they are the key factor for successful performance (as for example in tourism, hospitality and events) where a company has a direct, intangible interface that relies on individual employees to give interest and enjoyment to customers. Critically evaluate the validity of this view with reference to relevant examples.

9What factors do you consider to be important, and why do you consider them so, in assessing the bargaining of suppliers when applying Porter’s ‘Five Forces model’ to relevant examples drawn from THE?

10What would you consider to be the key considerations that managers should be aware of when presenting a coherent and rigorous SWOT?
Part 3

11‘Alliance formation in the global travel and tourism industry increased throughout the 1980’s until by the early 1990’s most of the world’s major airline, hotel and car rental firms were linked by a web of cross-shareholdings, joint ventures and sales and service agreements.’ (Dev et al., 1996). Discuss the motivations of travel companies in forming alliances.

12‘Porter’s generic strategies have little value in today’s tourism industry’ (Poon, 1993). Critically evaluate this statement.

13‘In making choices between competing strategic options for future development THEmanagers should consider the use of a rigorous framework and utilise a variety of different techniques.’ Discuss.

14‘Over recent years THE companies have used a diverse range of strategic methods to provide international growth, and the reasons for using such methods are equally diverse.’ Discuss, with reference to examples from THE.

15Many travel companies have been committed to the notion of vertical integration during recent years. Make a critical appraisal of the advantages and disadvantages of vertical integration and explain the circumstances in which it is most likely to succeed or fail.

16Portfolio planning provides a sound and rigorous technique, which can be usefully applied to the management of complex organisations. Discuss with reference to relevant THE organisations.

17Managers of THE organisations have various strategic methods available to them when considering future development options. Discuss the various methods, illustrating your answer with relevant examples from THE organisations.

18Assess the means by which strategic options might be evaluated and chosen for THEorganisations.

19‘Over recent years THE companies have used a diverse range of strategic methods to provide international growth, and the reasons for using such methods are equally diverse.’ Discuss, with reference to examples from THE companies you are familiar with.

20Discuss, with reference to relevant THE examples, what you understand by the term ‘hybrid strategy’.

21What do you understand by the term ‘stability’ in relation to strategic directions? Provide relevant THE examples to illustrate your answer.

22Distinguish between market penetration and market development. Provide relevant THE examples of both options to illustrate your answer.
Part 4

23A recovery strategy recently implemented by an airline involved moving to product- and market-centred groupings, flattening the structure, reducing bureaucracy, and decentralisation of decision making. Explain the meaning and purposes of these changes.
Part 5

24‘Utilising a form of emergent strategy is the only viable option for companies operating in the tourism, hospitality and events.’ Discuss.

25The structure of an organisation represents one of the key factors affecting the successful implementation of corporate strategy. Discuss with reference to THE examples of your choice.

26‘Globalisation represents one of the key drivers for change in the many parts of THE’. Critically evaluate this statement.

27Critically evaluate the role of ‘globalisation’ as an increasingly important strategic issue facing world tourism, hospitality and events and distinguish ‘globalisation’ from ‘internationalisation’ in such contexts.


28Explain how and to what extent the managers of THE companies should recognise that their ethical responsibilities extend beyond the boundaries of their organisations.

29 ‘Strategic management concepts and techniques are useful only to the management of large integrated THE companies, but are of little use in managing the many SMEs operating in THE.’ Discuss.

30‘It is necessary for prudently managed companies operating in THE sectors to take full account of the strategic issues facing their companies.’ Discuss.

31Analyse the dominant organisational culture in a THEsector of your choice and assess the implications that such a culture might have.

32Discuss what you understand by the term ‘sustainable competitive advantage’, with reference to relevant examples from THE organisations.

33‘When well managed major organisations make significant changes in strategy, the approaches they use frequently bear little resemblance to the rational-analytical systems so often touted in the planning literature’ (J. B. Quinn). Discuss with reference to THE organisations of your choice.

34‘In turbulent environments, the speed at which changes develop is such that firms which use emergent strategy formulation endanger their own survival. Such firms are pre-empted by more competitors with more foresight who plan their strategic moves in advance’ (I. Ansoff). Critically evaluate this statement with reference to relevant THE examples.

35‘It is necessary for prudently managed companies operating in THE sectors to take full account of the strategic issues facing their companies.’ Discuss with reference to what you consider the key strategic issues to be in a THE sector of your choice.

36‘There are a number of strategic management conceptual frameworks which can be successfully utilised by managers in tourism, hospitality and events.’ Critically evaluate this statement.

37Explain why the rational/deliberate approach to strategy has been criticised on the basis of ‘over rationality’.

38‘In managing strategically tourism, hospitality and event managers need to be aware of the principles and theory of strategic management, but they also need to pay attention to the distinctive characteristics of the industry and the managerial responses which are appropriate’. Discuss this statement using relevant examples.

39‘The Service Profit Chain and the Balanced Scorecard represent useful tools which can be utilised by managers in THE.’ Critically assess the validity of this statement.