Rushmoor Local Children’s Partnership
Planning Group Meeting
Farnborough Grange Nursery Infant Community School
Wednesday 25th January 2012
Present Apologies
Jane Armstrong (JA)Amanda Rowley
John Stacey (JS)Peter Amies
June Bing (JB)Rob Thompson
Karen Nye (KN)Mandy Prentice
Rachel Johnson (RJ)
Sam Severe (SS)
Esther Jones (EJ)
Alison Woolley (AW)
Christine Slaymaker (CS)
Jean Humphrey (JH)
Debbie Wall (DW)
Tony McGovern (TM)
Sue Hathaway (SH)
Cllr Diane Bedford (DB)
Sally Woods (SW)
Item / Detail / ActionPre-meeting – The needs of Rushmoor families / Increase in the number of referrals for social care from 600 to 900 since November 2010 in Rushmoor. Increase in County, but marked increase in Rushmoor. Some aspects of data do require caution. EYFS data is showing areas of concern. RJ provided an update on EYFS work in Rushmoor – a mix of general, targeted and intensive support with focus on observations, tracking, moderation, leadership, management, information sharing, curriculum, and high quality learning.
Minutes of previous meeting 7/12/11 / Agreed for accuracy. No matters arising.
EYFS outcomes in Rushmoor / Update by EJ on 0-5 years provision in Rushmoor. Provision is by voluntary, independent sector and school Year R. End of Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) data shared with group. Assessment of Communication, Language & Literacy (CLL) and Personal, Social & Emotional Development (PSE) at the end of YR a strong marker for later achievement.
Line (e) – National average 59%, County 58.2%, Rushmoor 48.6%. Rushmoor particularly struggles in CLL and the ‘Emotional’ part of PSE.
Line (h) – the gap between bottom 20% and median is increasing. Ethnicity data – 50% of Nepalese children take up no preschool provision, but this doesn’t seem to make a difference in achievement. White British boys are the main group for concern.
Huge payback where there has been intervention. We know that the 3 lowest scoring boroughs are those with the highest levels of deprivation, but there have been more positive shifts in Gosport and Havant than in Rushmoor.
There is now a targeted intervention service from EYFS Hampshire, no longer general strategies. Targeting poor or inadequate provision and the quality of teaching. Pay is not a factor in Rushmoor, and level of staff qualifications only slightly less than County average.
EJ suggested looking at data with a subgroup, before which, a frank conversation with providers is required. Quality of settings is very varied. Can now track where children from private, voluntary and independent sector (PVI) children are transferring to in schools and therefore where outcomes in schools are starting from preschools. Keen to build stronger relationships between PVI and schools, requires a partnership / shared approach. More significant and targeted work in Aldershot.
KOT – Keep on talking, established in Rushmoor and being rolled out, with results. Takes about 18 months for outcomes to reach schools.
Interest in the Havant / Gosport gap compared with Rushmoor. Suggestion that bodies on the ground helps – more children’s centres and staff in those boroughs, more concentrated and full core provision.
Rachel and Sam would be part of a sub group and DB also interested in joining.
KN – at KS1 Nepalese children are outperforming – NOT bringing down standards in Rushmoor. / JA to action sub group
Youth Support Service / SW reported that YSS provision will startin April after Scrutiny panel met the previous Monday to consider applications for the four lots and £136K youth support funding. Recommendations made to County, to be confirmed first part of Feb. Thanks to the panel, especially the young people from Rushmoor Youth Council. TM suggested that more thought was required around young people involvement in the scrutiny panel in order to make the process more appropriate to them.
Also looked at CSI grants. Approximately twice as much money requested in applications than funding available (£80,520)
3 year tenders come into place in 2013, and the Hampshire CYPP is being revised, so JB is preparing a young people’s consultation in the second Spring half term to go alongside attitudes survey and schools audit for more complete picture for LCP and decision makers. It will involve Hart and Rushmoor’s 9 schools and two colleges, plus other young people and uniformed groups.
JH mentioned that consultation work done by Youth offending team would be worth looking at. / Spreadsheet of the YSS and CSI results have been circulated to the LCP members
Support Services Audit / TM reported on the Hart & Rushmoor Schools Support Services audit – the deadline for completions the previous Monday, and 50% of schools completed the whole survey. Brief summary circulated by TM, who will produce a full report for members. Immediate messages from schools include an increasing pressure on schools caused by a reduction in services, and how schools and agencies could work better together to reduce the load on schools. / TM to complete and circulate report
Hants CYPP / Feedback to be supplied by LCP – appropriately our next meeting is two days before the end of consultation period. JA will attend a County meeting next week.
Rushmoor’s Delivery Plan / Peter Amies (PA) is prepared to coordinate a revision of the Rushmoor LCP delivery plan to update previous work and align with existing plans and priorities – meeting planned for 20th February with JA, TM, DW and PA.
Updates and feedback from networks/groups / JA congratulated RVS, via SH, on the report that their volunteers are contributing £2M to the local economy. She also congratulated Farnborough College of Technology and Henry Tyndale School on their outstanding grades from recent Ofsteds.
JS gave further clarification on the rise in number of social care referrals in Rushmoor. Partly explained by an increase in child protection plans, the recession, and the number of referrals by children’s centres. JS reiterated that Nepalese families are not featuring especially in the increased numbers.
SS suggested that the organisation confirmed to be managing the Rushmoor children’s centres be invited to an LCP meeting in the near future. It was agreed that this be the May meeting.
JH reported that YOT is restructuring in April, becoming Hants YOT divided into East and West. Rushmoor will be in the East sector and Jeff Ballard will represent YOT at future meetings.
TM mentioned the official opening of the PIER in January, and JA reiterated the need for an official recognition of County’s involvement in the project, perhaps linked to an LCP conversation with County officers.
Date of next meeting / Dates of future meetings: 28/3/12, 16/5/12, 11/7/12, 2pmat
Farnborough Grange Nursery Infant Community School