*** Please note access to sessions will not be granted without proper badge.

+Room locations are subject to change. On-site registration packages will contain FINAL room location.

Friday, October 10th, 2008

8 AM - 12 PMExhibits/Vendor/Sponsor Check in


3 PM - 10 PMRegistration


3 PM – 10 PMLost and Found MorrisRoom

3 PM - 7 PMVIP LOUNGE, Sponsored by______

3 PM – 6 PMExhibits Open, Passaic and Bergen Room

6 PM – 9:00 PMOpening Cocktail Reception


Sponsored by Haiti’s Centre de Facilitation Des investissement (CFI) – Haiti’s Center to Facilitate Investment, 3rd Floor Atrium

Saturday, October 11th, 2008: FOCUS ON HAITI: “BEYOND BAND-AIDS

Camden and Hudson Room

*** Please note access to sessions will not be granted without proper badge[GM1].

7:00 AM - 8 :00PMRegistration

7:00 AM - 8 :00PMlost and Found: MorrisRoom

8 :00PM – 7:00 PMExhibits Open

7:00 AM –7:30 AMBreakfast/ get to know you

Morris, Camden and Hudson Room

7:45 AM -8:00 AMWelcome: Hon. Sybil Elias and Dr Bernier Lauredan




Overview/moderation: Max Antoine_II.

Video and evidence of the storm damages:Disaster office

Impactson hunger and agriculture:Mr. Jonas Gay

Impacts on environment and Infrastructure: Mrs. Germain

Impacts on jobs and governance:PM. Office

9:00AM – 9:40AM:Hunger and Sustainable Development:Moderator


Where are the arable lands and who is cultivating them:Mr. Jonas Gay

Origin of Hunger and Required resources to Feed Haiti:G. Germain

Practical Skills and Education tools for NationBuilding Fr. Armand

Self-Reliance and True Independence from Imported FoodFAES

Next steps action: Talent, skills, and knowledge transfer to Haiti:Audience

10 AM –10:40AMInfrastructure as a deterrence to Economic Development


Lack and Effect of consistent electricity, water and roads:

Lack and Effect of legal infrastructure and JusticeCamille Leblanc, esq.

Lack and Effect of Insecurity.UN

Impact on Cost of living & creation of a larger middle class:Chamber of commerce

Potential solutions toward an eventual end of the issues:Audience

11 AM –11:40 AM Deforestation and Water Management Initiatives


Effect (natural disasters) of deforestation on the environment:Mr.Germai

Sustainable water management methodsMr. Celestin

The Pandiassou experienceFr. Armand

Prevention initiatives, guidelines, and infrastructure game plan:Israna Germain

Proposed Solutions to resolve this issue; Audience

12 PM – 12:50 PMLunch & Entertainment


1 PM – 1:40 PM Haiti as Perceived by Haitian-Americans


Perspective of Haitian-Americans regarding state of Haiti

Population & Social Classes,


International Relations: Mr. Raynald Clerisme

What can we do specifically to change these images/perspectives?Audience

2 PM – 2:50 PMForeign Aid: Does it help or hurt the Haitian Society?

Overview/moderation: Stuart Leiderman

Sources & Destinations*World Bank.

Foreign Aid Dependency & Relation with DSNCRP*Minister of Finance

Can the Haitian government set aid guidelines to foster independence?

What does it take to Free Haiti from? Cases & Assessment;Audience

3 PM – 3:50 PMHaitian Diaspora and the Motherland


The Importance of Security for Investments in HaitiPlacide Michel(c)

Need to harness the Diaspora’s talents and skills and resources

Need to Channel Our Remittances to a centralized Diaspora Bank, Marcel Fontin (P)

Creation of a secured Diaspora Bond

Advantage of Investments in Haiti i.e. land, creating businesses… Amb Guy Lamothe. (C)

4 PM – 4:50 PMDeliberations

5 PM – 8 PMBreak

5 PM – 8 PMVIP Lounge Open

6:30 PM – 8:00 PMGala Only Attendees Check in MorrisRoom

7:30 PMDoors Open for Gala, Camden and Hudson Room

8 PM - 12 AMGala Dinner & Celebration, Camden and Hudson Room


*** Please note access to sessions will not be granted without proper badge[GM2].

7 AM - 3 PMLost and Found, MorrisRoom

7 AM – 2 PMExhibits Open,Passaic and Bergen Room

7 AM – 7:30 AMNon-denominational Worship Service, Atlantic Room

7 AM – 7:45 AM Breakfast

7:45 AM – 8 AMWelcomeCamden and Hudson Room


Expert panels of invited Haitian-American officials, dignitaries, community and interest group representatives who will present first-hand reports and initiatives from Haitians in America.

8 AM - 8:40 AM“Haitians in America” –State-by-state roll call, statistics

9 AM –9:40 AMImportance of Haitian-American Involvement in U.S. Politics


How to get involved in local, state, national and international politics?

Why is it important to be involved in the U.S.?

Next steps action: How can we be more involved in U.S. politics? (Volunteer in offices, how to seek office etc.)

10 –10:40 AM -Rights of Haitians Migrating to the United States of America


Immigration law governing admission to the US, Joseph Champagne, Esq.

Legal Residencies, Citizenship and their Advantages,Lyonel jean Baptiste, esq.

Deportation/Removal Proceedings, Temporary Protective StatusMichelle Karshan

Uneven application of Immigration Law toward Haitians Landrew Belizaire, Esq.

Next steps action: Awareness, solutions: Lakou USA: Stuart Leiderman

10 –11:40 AMsocioeconomic status: “Poverty in Haitian America”


Education as bar to social and economic successDr. Nicole Loiseau

Employment and Employability of Haitians

Housing & Health Care Access

Community services Access

Next steps action: Better services, language barrier, interpreters, seminars in home language, ad,

11-12 Paths to Achievement in America


Business/Entrepreneurship, Professions

Public Service, Government


Arts & Entertainment

Next steps action: can we serve as mentors to H.A.s and next generation?

12-1Lunch, performance, exhibits


Panels of invited Haitian-American political and civic leaders, professionals and others in response to the needs and initiatives presented by the morning’s presenters and discussions from the assembly.

1 PM – 2 PM “Dual Citizenship: Stimulus or Sidetrack?” –Is it possible?


A look at pros and cons

Tax benefit for Haiti Option for attracting, bringing back and retaining the financially stable,, professional and educational resources of the Haitian Diaspora Process, consequences, opportunities

2- 4 closing General Session


Summary of Weekend Events


Next Steps

DSNCRP=(Document de stratégie nationale pour la croissance et la réduction de la pauvreté) have to do with foreign aid?

Sources Destination: = (Bank (Gov., Banks, Agencies, NGO’s, Churches, Private etc.), (Government of Haiti, Sector, contractors, communities

Another country which Mr. Conyers has worked diligently to help is the country

of Haiti. In the 108th Congress, Mr. Conyers is an original co-sponsor of a

Haiti Trade bill, which will provide duty-free status to Haitian garments that

are either assembled or knit to shape in Haiti, as long as the yarns and fabrics

are from the US or from countries with which the US has an agreement. Mr.

Conyers is committed to directing multi-lateral funding to Haiti, specifically,

one hundred fifty four million dollars in loans that have been approved by the

Inter-Development World Bank (IDB) but have yet to be released. In this regard,

Mr. Conyers met with the Board of Directors at the IDB and the Undersecretary of

Treasury . In addition, he has written numerous letters to the State Department,

the President and to Members of Congress in an attempt to get the much needed

funds to Haiti.

Haitian Government:

  1. Mr. Jonas Gay, Minister of Agriculture
  2. Mrs. Marie Jose Garnier, Minister of commerce
  3. Dr. Charles Manigat, Minister of Haitian Abroad
  4. Mr. Olrich Nicolas, Minister of Foreign Affairs
  5. Jean Marie Claude Germain, Environment minister
  6. Mr. Gerard Germain, former Minister of Social Services
  7. Mr. Raynald Clerisme, former Minister of Foreign affairs
  8. Mr. Kelly Bastien, Senate President
  9. Max Antoine, II, Executive Director, Border
  10. … PM Chief of staff
  11. Ambassador Guy Lamothe, CFI
  12. Fr. Franklin Armand, PFI
  13. Fr. Accilien Joseph, PFI
  14. Agronome Wilson Celestin, PNLC
  15. Israna Germain, Program National des Lacks collinaires
  16. Groupement Paysan KOMPA
  17. Mr. J Edouard Alexis, LEspwa
  18. Eric Graham, Hamsaham
  19. Harry Adam, FAES
  20. Sophia Buteau De Lacombe, MINUSTAH
  21. Mr. Pierre Leger, Pres. Chambre de commerce south
  22. 2 Journalists ( TNH)
  23. 4 Mayors, Border
  24. Sweet Mickey
  25. Jean Baden Dubois, THL Haiti
  26. Mr. Camille Leblanc, Esq
  27. Pasteur Jeune
  28. Desroche, Civil society
  29. University Quiesqueya
  30. Andy Apaid , civil society

Afternoon SATURDAY response

  1. Jean Herve Charles, MSW, Esq.
  2. Senator Rudy Boulos
  3. Marcel Fontin
  4. Placide Michel
  5. Paul Latortue
  6. Stuart Leiderman
  7. Carline Murphy
  8. Dr. Tatiana Wah


Event office: 22 Ball Street, Suite 100, Irvington, New Jersey07111-3536

Ph: (973) 371-0089 Fax (973) 372-767

Presented by The Haitian League (THL)

and Haitian-American Leadership Council (HALEC)

[GM1]1Badge colors are detailed at end of potential schedule suggestion

[GM2]1Badge colors are detailed at end of potential schedule suggestion