Volume85 – Number 39
Monday – April 21, 2014 /
Bruce Johnson led us in singing “I’m Looking Over a Four-leaf Clover” & “You’re a Grand, Old Flag”.
Bruce Johnson led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, & Four Way Test.
Visiting Rotarians
Helen Kilgore
Assistant Governor
Rotary location will be moving to the Beltline Café effective May 12th. Meetings will be held on the lower level, so please park in the rear of the building. Help is needed to move our equipment. Please let Linda Wilson know if you can help.
April 24th – Last day of the reading project
April 26th – District Assembly
May 3rd (9a-12p) – Parking lot clean-up. Meet at 8:00 at Applebee's for breakfast.
50/50 Raffle
Laura Welti’s ticket was drawn. She did not pick the winning marble. The pot is worth about $100.
Happy news
Happy News was shared by Laura Welti, Dee Kuhlemeier, Larry Main, Helen Kilgore, and Bruce Johnson.
Thompson Brandt was in charge of fellowship.
The topic was Easter.
Linda Wilson discussed Pink Heels coming to town on July 20th and more about the upcoming events.
George Walker talked about Polio Plus and read some passages from a book that he had on Polio Plus & Rotary International.
Submitted by: Gretchen Cross
Next Meeting: April 28, 2014
Sergeant-at-Arms – Steve Jennings, Chair
Pledge/Invocation/Four Way Test – Dee Kuhlemeier
Singing – Jeff Williams
Fellowship – Patty Burke
(See attachment for the April – June meeting planners)
April 28th (Monday)
Program: Rural Urban Day
Presenter: Abe Trone
Consider bringing a guest. Our speaker is from the Lena Veterinary Clinic and traveled last summer as part of a select group of Illinois Farm Bureau leaders on the IFB Market Study Tour of the European Union nations of England, Denmark, Germany, Holland, France, and Belgium. The team of 16 observed livestock production practices and heard about regulatory policies in these nations. Abe’s presentation is quite interesting and eye-opening. I hope you will join us for this special program.
May 5th (Monday)
Scholarship Luncheon
May 12th (Monday) – Beltline Café
Program:Career TEC
Presenters:Newendyke, Haight, Chambers, & Konefes
May 19th (Monday)
Program: Boy Scouts of America
Presenter: Matt Ohms
May 26th (Monday)
Memorial Day (No meeting)
Web Resources
Our Noon Rotary Club Info and Newsletters
Rotary International
Our District 6420
Rotarians on the Internet
Rotary Clubs in the Area - Meeting Locations, Dates, Times
The Rotary Four-Way Test
Of the things we think, say or do:
1. Is it the Truth?
2. Is it Fair to all concerned?
3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?