Title Here
The abstract should be 250 words maximum. The abstracts should be a succinct, yet effective, summary of your manuscript and, where applicable, should include basic information on theoretical approach, methodology, findings, and conclusions. Note that the abstract should not be indented.
Keywords: place from three to five keywords here, separated by commas
“This space may be used for an epigraph” (Contention, 2012)
There is no need to start with the heading “introduction”. Please note that each paragraph is indented. The manuscript should be anonymous and should not contain any information about the author(s). In text citation should be formatted as following when in brackets (Surname, YEAR; Surname & Surname2, YEAR). When the citation is part of the main body of the text use ‘and’ instead of the character ‘&’. For instance, Surname and Surname (YEAR) claim that. After the first time a citation is presented in the text (Surname1, Surname2 & Surname3, YEAR) and when it contains more than three authors the following format should be adopted (Surname1 et al., YEAR).
When in doubt about a rule, check the sixth edition APA manual. There all the information about formatting and style are clearly detailed.
Heading Level 1
Heading Level 2
Heading level 3 (note the capitalization of the letter and the period).
Heading Level 4.
Heading Level 5 (very rare).
[Figure 1 about here]
[Table1 about here: indicate the position of tables and figure in the manuscript. However, when submitting tables and figures are to be placed at the end of the manuscript]
Surname, N. (YEAR). Title. Contention: The Multidisciplinary Journal Of Social Protest, 1, 1-10. doi: where appropriate (you can skip the DOI if you don’t find it)
Surname, N., & Surname2, N2. N2. (YEAR). Title of a Book Chapter In N. SurnameEditor, N. N. SurnameSecondEditor & N. SurnameThirdEditor (Eds.), Title of the Book (pp. 1-10). City of Print: Publisher.
Surname/Name Institution, N. N. (YEAR). Title: subtitle. Retrieved Month Daynd YEAR from web link
Surname, N., Surname2, N., Surname3, N., Surname4, N. N., & Surname5, N. N. N. (YEAR). Journal Article Title. Contention: The Multidisciplinary Journal Of Social Protest, 1, 1-10. doi: where appropriate
Table 1.
Name table. Table Content.
Format / Table / X / XX / X
(X) / X
(X) / X
(X) / X
X / X / 1
(.1) / 1
(.1) / 1
(.1) / 1.1
X / 1
(.1) / 1
(.1) / 1.1
(.1) / 1.1
X / X / 1
(.1) / 1
(.1) / 1.1
(.1) / 1.1
X / 1
(.1) / 1
(.1) / 1.1
(.1) / 1.1
Note: some table contains a note that explicates the content of table and aid interpretation.
Figure 1.
Name figure 1. Title Figure.
Figure 2.
Name Figure 2. Title.
Note: Note to aid interpretation of the figure.
[i] Endnotes/Footnotes
Endnotes should be placed at the end of the manuscript and should be avoided where unnecessary. All footnotes should be converted to end notes. Please, note that endnotes numeration should be indicated in the manuscript with the same number (subscript) and should be in Western Arabic numerals (e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc..)