4 May, 2001




«State» «PostalCode»

Dear «FirstName»

"The true meaning of life is to plant trees,

under whose shade you do not expect to sit."
-Nelson Henderson

I want to take a moment to thank you for leading the way with your gift to the Annual Fund in 2000. You have our deep and abiding appreciation for your quick and generous response to that initiative.

No family pays the full cost of a Matthew Flinders education. Tuition fees and government funding combined, serve to keep the College ‘ticking over’ with little or nothing available to provide much-needed resources for our students. Resources such as new or replacement library books, sporting and musical equipment, or to sustain and upgrade technological tools. These student necessities are vital if we are to maintain our place as the pre-eminent independent School on the Sunshine Coast. And more importantly, if we are to continue to produce graduates equipped to deal with the next challenge, whether further study, or to join the workforce.

We are confident that with the help of our School community, or School ‘family’, we will succeed. Thanks to the money raised by the Annual Fund, we are able to provide those resources. And we are confident that, with the help of all our School community, our students will benefit from the constant upgrading, refurbishment and replacement of those necessities.

You can see why the support of our community is vital. And why we ask all our community.

We are proud to include you among our “family”, and would love to count on you as a consistent supporter. In 2000, your commitment to the Annual Fund was $«Amount». I hope you will consider not only renewing your commitment, but that you would consider increasing it. I assure you that your gift will make a significant difference, and that the students will be grateful for your support.

Every gift counts. But please remember that the size of your tax-deductible gift isn’t important. Can we count on you to again show leadership with a gift to this worthy Fund.? Through the help and support of our community, we can achieve great things.

The academic, spiritual, and cultural experience of a Matthew Flinders education is significantly enhanced when students have access to a full range of resources. Please help us to help them by sending your donation in the attached envelope.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely