Thank you for enrolling your child in SafetyTown. The following guidelines have been established to make your child’s experience at SafetyTown an enjoyable and safe one.
- Parents may watch their children, but must remain OUTSIDE of the fenced area. Children are only to be supervised by a SafetyTown staff member. This will assist in avoiding additional distractions and disruptions to the class.
- If a child refuses to enter the class, the responsibility for dealing with the child rests with the parent. We assume responsibility for the children only after they enter the class.
- We also reserve the right to remove disruptive children and return them to their parents. Children will be expected to follow all SafetyTown rules.
- Children will be assigned to groups after registering, but prior to the beginning of the class. Once assignments are made, they cannot be changed. We cannot guarantee that children will be grouped with their friends.
- Each day your child will receive a nametag upon entering the class. The parent/guardian will also receive a matching nametag, This name tag must be presented at the end of each class to pick up your child.
- Class will be held rain or shine. We will move inside if the weather is threatening.
- It is imperative you notify us if there are any marital or custody problems that may arise at SafetyTown. Parents must make prior special arrangements if someone other than the person dropping off the child will pick up the child at the end of class. If this happens the matching nametag must be presented to pickup the child.
- We need to be notified of any health needs or problems your child may have including allergies, particularly to insect bites.
- Children should be dressed appropriately for the weather including sun hats, windbreakers, etc. NO SANDALS OR FLIP-FLOPS, as they may cause falls or problems in the SafetyTown peddle cars. Anyone who comes to SafetyTown with sandals or flip flops, he/she will not be allowed to stay for the day.
- Parents should be careful not to lean on the fence, and children are not permitted to climb or hang on the fence.
- Please DO NOT BRING CONTAINERS of drinks to class. We will provide water for all.
- Prompt arrival of each child is expected to begin scheduled classes on time.
- Your child will be taught his/her name, address, and phone number at SafetyTown. It is extremely important that the information on the attached Registration Form is current and correct, as it would be unfortunate if your child was taught an incorrect phone number and address. Please check with the Safety Town Staff to verify the needed information.
- These guidelines are established for a uniform and organized operation of SafetyTown. Our hope is to educate your child about basic fundamentals of safety while providing hands-on experience in which to learn.
- Any notifications during class or problems should be directed to Tri-County Mall’s Management Office at 346-4482 ext. 100