EN ISO 3095:2005 / Railway applications – Acoustics – Measurement of noise emitted by railbound vehicles (ISO 3095:2005) / CEN/TC256 / 2005-12-20
EN ISO 3381:2005 / Railway applications – Acoustics – Measurement of noise inside railbound vehicles (ISO 3095:2005) / CEN/TC256 / 2005-12-20
EN 12663:2000 / Railway applications – Structural requirements of railway vehicle bodies / CEN/TC256 / 2000-10-09
(…) defines minimum structural requirements for railway vehicle bodies.
(...) specifies the loads vehicle bodies shall be capable of sustaining, identifies how material data shall be used and presents the principles to be used for designverification by analysis and testing.
The railway vehicles are divided into categories which are defined only with respect to the structural requirements of the vehicle bodies.
These structural requirements should not be confused with operating requirements. It is the responsibility of the operator to decide as to which structural category railway vehicles shall be designed. Some vehicles may not fit into any of the defined categories; the structural requirements for such railway vehicles should be specified by the operator using the principles presented in this European Standard.
(...) applies to all railway vehicles within the EU and EFTA terrotories. The specified requirements assume operating conditions and circumstances such as are prevelent in these countries.
EN 13129-1:2002 / Railway applications – Air conditioning for main line rolling stock
Part 1: Comfort parameters / CEN/TC256 / 2002-11-18
(…) applies to main line rail vehiclwa which carry passengers with the exception of suburban vehicles, metros, tramways and driving cabs.
(...) establishes comfort parameters for compartments or saloons (double-decker or not). These comfort parameters apply in a similar way to the areas reserved for train staff, with the exception of the catering services areas.
The conditions under which the physical parameters mentioned in this European Standard are measured are defined in prEN 13129-2.
EN 13129-2:2004 / Railway applications – Air conditioning for main line rolling stock
Part 2: Type tests / CEN/TC256 / 2004-09-16
EN 13230-1:2002 / Railway applications – Track – Concrete sleepers and bearers
Part 1: General requirements / CEN/TC256 / 2003-02-03 / Foi editada em 2004-09-30 a Norma Portuguesa NP EN 13230-12004 “Aplicações ferroviárias – Via – Travessas de betão – Parte 1: Requisitos gerais”
This part of prEN 13230 defines technical criteria and control procedures which have to be satisfied by the constituent materials and the finished concrete sleepers and bearers, i.e.: precast concrete sleepers, bearers for switches and crossing, and special elements for railway tracks.
The main requirement of concrete sleepers and bearers is the transmission of vertical, lateral and longitudinal loads from the rails to the ballast or other support. In use, they are also exposed to moisture which can result in detrimental chemical reactions within the sleeper and to frost damage.
In this standard, mechanical tests are defined which provide assurance of the capability of sleepers or bearers to resit repetitive loading and provide sufficient durability. In addition, controls are introduced in the manufacturing process and tests set out which will ensure that the concrete will not suffer degradation in service through chemical reaction and frost damage.
EN 13232-4:2005 / Railway applications – Track – Switches and crossings
Part 4: Actuation, locking and detection / CEN/TC256 / 2005-12-20
(...) determines the interface between moveable parts and the actuation, locking and detection equipment, and defines the basic criteria of switches and crossing with moveable parts in respect of the interface.
It concernes:
- rules parameters and tolerances for alternative positions of the moveable parts;
EN 13232-5:2005 / Railway applications – Track – Switches and crossings
Part 5: Switches / CEN/TC256 / 2005-12-20
The scope of this European Standard is:
-establish a working definition for switches and their constituent parts and identify the main types;
-specify the minimum requirements for the manufacture of the switches and /or constituent parts;
-specify codes of practice for inspection and tolerances of both full and halft sets of switches and their constituent parts;
-establish the limits and scope of supply;
-list the methods by which s witches and their parts should be identified and traced ;
-list the different and varying ways by which s witches can be described using the following parameters:
-geometry of the switches;
-types of construction;
-performance requirements;
-design criteria;
tolerance and inspection.
EN 13232-6:2005 / Railway applications – Track – Switches and crossings
Part 6: Fixed common and obtuse crossings / CEN/TC256 / 2005-12-20
The scope of this European Standard is to:
-establish a working terminology for fixed crossings and their constituent parts, and identify the main types;
-specify the different and varying ways be which crossings can be described using the following parameters:
-geometry of the crossing;
-types of construction;
-design criteria;
-manufacturing processes;
tolerance and inspection.
EN 13232-7:2006 / Railway applications – Track – Switches and crossings
Part 7: Crossing with moveable parts / CEN/TC256 / 2006-05-10
EN 13232-9:2006 / Railway applications – Track – Switches and crossings
Part 9: Layouts / CEN/TC256 / 2006-10-23
EN 13260:2003 / Railway applications – Wheelsets and bogies – Wheelsets – Products requirements / CEN/TC256 / 2003-11-04
(…) specifies the characteristics of new wheelsets for use on European networks:
(...) is applicable to wheelsets comprising elements that conform to the following European Standards:
-prEN 13262 for wheels;
-prEN 13261 for axles;
-EN 12080 for axlebox rolling bearings.
(...) is not applicable to repaired wheelsets.
Some characteristics are given as a function of a categoty 1 or of a category 2. These categories can sometimes be divided according to the characteristics defined. Category 1 is generally chosen when the operating speed exceeds 200 Km/h. The wheelset then comprises wheels and axle of category 1 as specified in prEN 13262 for the wheels and prEN 13261 for the axles.
EN 13262:2004 / Railway applications – Wheelsets and bogies – Wheels – Products requirements / CEN/TC256 / 2004-07-06
(...) specifies the characteristics of railway wheels for use on European networks.
Four steel grades, ER6, ER7, ER8 and ER9 are defined in this standard.
Some characteristics are defined according to a category 1 or a categoty 2. Category 1is generally chosen when the train speed is higher than 200Km/h.
These categories can sometimes be subdivided, depending upon the characteristics.
(...) is applicable to solid forged and rolled wheels which are made from vacuum degassed steel and have a chilled rim. They are to have already been used in commercial conditions on a European network in a significant quantity, or to have satisfied a technical approval procedure according to EN 13979-1 for their design.
NOTE 1 The definition of other wheels may be found in other documents, such as UIC leaflets or ISO standards.
NOTE 2 The technical approval procedure is not within the scope of this standard.
NOTE 3 “Rim-chilled” describes heat treament of the rim, the aim of which is to hardem the rim and to create compressive residual stresses in the rim.
EN 13272:2001 / Railway applications – Electrical lighting for rolling stock in public transport systems / CEN/TC256 / 2001-11-21
(…) specifies the design criteria of electrical lighting illumination levels in the interiors of public transport railway rolling stock for all operating conditions.
For the design of the lighting system it is necessary to take into account the tasks that are to be performed in the given area, as well as meeting safety requirements.
In additionto providing task-related illumination levels, the design of the lighting should, wherever possible, provide a comfortable and pleasing visual environment.
The specification of minimum lighting levels is necessary to ensure that tasks requiring a particular attention can be safely performed.
EN 13481-1:2002
EN 13481-1:2002/A1:2006 / Railway applications – Track – Performance requirements for fastening systems
Part 1: Definitions / CEN/TC256 / 2002-11-18
(...) defines the terms and definitions used in prEN 13146 and in EN 13481.
EN 13481-2:2002
EN 13481-2:2002/A1:2006 / Railway applications – Track – Performance requirements for fastening systems
Part 2: Fastening systems for concrete sleepers / CEN/TC256 / 2002-11-18
(...) is applicable to fastening systems for use on concrete sleepers in ballasted track as follows:
-main lines having a radius of curvature greater than 150 m and subject to a maximum design axle load of 260 kN;
-light rail systems having a radius of curvature greater than 80 m and subject to a maximum design axle load of 130 kN.
The requirements apply to:
-direct fastening systems and systems which incorporate a baseplate;
-fastening systems for the rail sections in prEN 13674-1 and prEN 13674-4.
(...). This standard is for type approval of a complete fastening assembly only.
EN 13481-5:2002
EN 13481-5:2002/A1:2006 / Railway applications – Track – Performance requirements for fastening systems
Part 5: Fastening systems for slab track / CEN/TC256 / 2002-11-18
(...) is applicable to fastening systems for use in attaching rails to the uppermost surface of concrete or asphalt slabs in non-ballasted track construction as follows:
-main lines having a radius of curvature greater than 150 m and subject to a maximum design axle load of 260 kN;
-light rail systems having a radius of curvature greater than 40 m and subject to a maximum design axle load of 130 kN.
The requirements apply to the following:
a)direct fastening systems;
b)indirect fastening systems;
c)fastening systems for the rail sections in prEN 13674-1 and prEN 13674-4;
d)fastening systems which incorporate concrete elements which each have not more than one supperting element per rail.
In the case of (d) the concrete element is considered to be part of the fastening system. If the system includes concrete elements which each have more than one supporting location per rail, those concrete elements are considered to be part of the slab and not part of the fastening system.
(...). This standard is for type approval of a complete fastening assembly only.
EN 13674-1:2003 / Railway applications – Track – Rail
Part 1: Vignole railway rails 46 Kg/m and above / CEN/TC256 / 2003-12-03
(...) specifies Vignole railway rails of 46Kg/m and greater linear mass, for general and high speed railway track usage.
Seven pearlitic steel grades are specified covering a hardness range of 200 to 390 HBW and include non heat treated carbon manganese steels; non heat treated alloy steels; and heat traeted carbon manganese and low alloy steels.
There are 21 rail profiles specified in this Standard.
Two classes of rail straightness are specified, differing in requirements for straightness, surface flatness and crown profile. Two classes of profile tolerances are specified.
EN 13674-2:2006 / Railway applications – Track – Rail
Part 2: Switch and crossing rails used in conjunction with vignole railway rails 46 Kg/m and above / CEN/TC256 / 2006-09-18
EN 13674-3:2006 / Railway applications – Track – Rail
Part 3: Check rails / CEN/TC256 / 2006-09-18
EN 13715:2006 / Railway applications – Wheelsets and bogies – Wheels – Wheels tread / CEN/TC256 / 2006-05-10
EN 13848-1:2003 / Railway applications – Track – Track geometry quality
Part 1: Characterisation of track geometry / CEN/TC256 / 2004-03-08
(…) specifies the requirements for the homologation of track geometry quality parameters as measured by various measuring devices. These measuring devices are described in Parts 2, 3, 4 of the standard. (...) applies to all track geometry parameters including track gauge, longitudinal level, alignment, cross level (cant/ superelevation) and twist. It defines each parameter and specifies the requirements for measurement, the analysis methods and the presentation of results.
EN 14067-4:2005 / Railway applications – Aerodynamics
Part 4: Requirements and test procedures for aerodynamics on open track / CEN/TC256 / 2006-05-10
(...) applies to train-induced aerodynamic loading on open track caused by:
-trains passing a permanent or temporary structure;
-trains passing a person who is alongside the track;
-two trains passing each other.
(...) applies to open air structures of any structures of any length and closed structures of a length less than 20 m enveloping the tracks. For closed structures enveloping the tracks that are longer than 20 m prEN 14067-5 applies.
For effects caused by cross winds, the aerodynamic phenomena are described in prEN 14067-6.
In addition, this European Standard applies to the resistence of motion for trains in open air.
EN 14067-5:2005 / Railway applications – Aerodynamics
Part 5: Requirements and test procedures for aerodynamics in tunnels / CEN/TC256 / 2006-05-10
EN 14363:2005 / Railway applications – Testing for the acceptance of running characteristics of railway vehicles – Testing of running behaviour and stationary tests / CEN/TC256 / 2005-08-09
(...) regulates the testing for acceptance of the running characteristics of railway vehicles (hereafter called vehicles). The testing of the running characteristics applies principally to all vehicles used in public transport which operate without restriction on standard gauge tracks (1 435 mm).
NOTE 1 The testing of the running characteristics of:
-railways with different track layout, e.g. tramways, metros and underground railways;
-railways with non-standard gauge tracks
can be conducted by analogy with this document.
The testing of running characteristics is part of the type testing of vehicles which
-are newly developed,
-have had relevant design modifications, or
-have changes in their operating regimes.
The testing and acceptance of running characteristics refers to the complete vehicle including the running gear. If a running gear, which has already been tested and accepted, is to be used under a vehicle body of another design, this is considered to be a design modification. The procedure as described in 5.2 is used.
NOTE 2 In addition to the testing of running characteristics for the acceptance of vehicles, the regulations can be generally applied in other technical tasks, e.g.:
-the checking for compliance against development contracts;
-the optimisation of components, vehicles or running gear;
-the testing of influences, influencing parameters and relationships of dependence;
-the monitoring of track or vehicles in operational use.
Testing of running characteristics consists of preliminary approval tests (mainly stationary tests) and tests of running behaviour (on – track tests).
The application of the full method and the stated limit values reflect (unrestricted) international operation.
Variations from the conditions specified in this document are allowed as specified by the article 7.1 of directive 91/440 od EC.
Testing for acceptance of vehicles is based on some reference conditions on track. If these are not respected on certain lines, appropriate measures will be taken (speed modifications, additional tests, etc.).
For national or multinational operations the infrastructure managers concerned may authorize variations to the defined conditions. Permissible deviations are indicated in this document.
It is allowed to deviate from the rules laid down if evidence can be furnished that safety is at least the equivalent to that ensured by complying with these rules.
EN 14531-1:2005 / Railway applications – Methods for calculation of stopping distances, slowing distances and immobilization braking
Part 1: General algorithms / CEN/TC256 / 2005-07-04
(...) specifies a general algorithm to be used in any type of vehicle application. It enables the calculation of the various aspects of the performance: stopping or slowing distances, dissipated energy, force calculations, immobilization braking.
Typical examples of calculations for freight wagon, coach and locomotive are given in Parts 2 to 6 of this European Standard.
NOTE (...) does not specify the performance requirements which can be found in the different standards specified in Clause 2.
(...) enables the verification that the design respects the requirements according to the railway application type.
EN 14535-1:2005 / Railway applications – Brake discs for railway rolling stock
Part 1: Brake discs~pressed or shrunk onto the axle or drive shaft, dimensions and quality requirements / CEN/TC256 / 2006-05-10
(...) specifies requirements for the design, dimensions, performance, and testing of the brake disc, hereafter called “disc”. (...) applies to discs secured at the axle or drive-shaft of railway rolling stock by a cylindrical or conic tapered interference fit.
For each discrete unit so fitted, one or more disc brake rings, each having two axially separated friction faces, may be deployed.
(...) applies to discs designed to be fitted to rail vehicles used on the main national networks, urban networks, underground railways, trams and private networks (regional railways, company railways etc.).
NOTE (...) should be used in association with the standards prEN 15328 and CEN/TC 256 N 185 covering brake linings.
EN 14601: 2005 / Railway applications – Straight and angled end cocks for brake pipe and main reservoir pipe / CEN/TC256 / 2005-07-04
(...) is applicable to manually operated end cocks designed to cut-off the brake pipe and the main reservoir pipe of the air brake and compressed air system of rail vehicles; without taking the type of vehicles and track-gauge into consideration.
(...) specifies requirements for the design, dimensions, testing and certification (qualification and/or homologation), and marking.
EN 14752:2005 / Railway applications – Bodyside entrance systems / CEN/TC256 / 2006-05-10
(...) apply to passenger bodyside doors of all newly designed railway vehicles such as tram, metro, suburban, mainline and high-speed trains that carry passengers. (...) also apply to existing vehicles umdergoing refurbishment of the door equipment, as far as it is reasonably practicable.
(...) makes reference to manual and power operated doors. For manual doors clauses referring to power operation are not applicable.
(...) does not apply to doors for equipment access, inspection or maintenance purposes and for crew only use.
Doors or hatches specifically provided for escape of emergency conditions are excluded.
EN 14813-1:2006 / Railway applications – Air conditioning for driving cabs
Part 1: Comfort parameters / CEN/TC256
EN 14813-2:2006 / Railway applications – Air conditioning for driving cabs
Part 2: Type tests / CEN/TC256
EN 50119:2001 / Railway applications – Fixed installations – Electric traction overhead contact lines / CLC/SC 9XC / 2001-07-17 / A versão portuguesa NP EN 50119 está em fase de elaboração
(…) applies for the design and construction of electric traction overhead contact lines in railway and tramway applications (see clause 4).
(...) is intended to be used by the system designer for the new construction of electric traction overhead contact lines or for the complete transformation of existing lines according to the client performance objectives. This documents does not deal in detail with railway traction electrical supply systems or EMC requirements and is not applicable to feeders which are remote from the track.
EN 50121-1:2006 / Railway applications – Electromagnetic compatibility
Part 1: General / CLC/TC 9X / 2006-11-08 / A versão portuguesa NP EN 50121-1:2001 foi editada em 2002-01-24, devendo ser anulada até 2009-07-01
1.1 This Part 1 of the European standards séries EN 50121 outlines the structure and the content of the whole set. This part alone is not sufficient to give presumption of conformity to the essential requirements of the EMC-Directive and must be used in conjunction with other parts of this standard.