Minutes of meeting held 7.30pm 27 February 2009
Westbury Leigh Community Hall
Present:16 residents
Sandhole Lanehas been partially cleared by Wiltshire County Council but it is still in a poor state, partly because of the recent bad weather.
“Old School Green”
Ian Taylor took the action of contacting Fleur de Rhe Philippe (Wiltshire County Councillor responsible for Highways)about a sign for “Old School Green”. There may be funding available in the form of a community grant – Ian will contact John Parker at West Wilsthire District Council to find out.
Sue Taylor is still pursuing the District Council/Persimmon about the removal of the school sign. David Bradshaw will ask the Persimmon Site Manager to do it.
Sue Taylor is trying to make contact with Sinclair Pet Products about the removal of the Canac sign by the Camargue Road roundabout. Other residents have contacted Wiltshire County Council.
Garden Group
The next trip will be to Malmesbury Abbey to see the tulips on 26 April. Contact Lynne Sonnet or meet the group at the car park at 10am.
Village Open Afternoon
Further ideas included:
- Face painting
- Bouncy castle
- Fire engine
- Miniature gardens competition
Activities may be a problem because of liability insurance. Even one day cover could be prohibitively expensive.
The open gardens should be available from about 11am so that their owners can be free to run stalls in the afternoon.
Brian Osborne will check whether WestburyLeighPrimary School really are interested in participating.
The item for White Horse News should be given well in advance to ensure it is printed. It could be an article rather than just a notification.
Everyone should bring ideas to the next meeting, when firm actions will be allocated.
Any other business
The Association’s funds are £270, including £10 just received from Westbury Country Market for an ad in the next newsletter.
There is a small copse at the bottom of Church Lane which is owned by Persimmon. The trees, which are specimens, are under a preservation order. It is unlikely that Persimmon will take any interest in the copse, so the residents of Church Lane and Silverthorne Close propose to get an expert (probably Acer from Westbury Leigh) to identify the trees and advise on their care. If funding as a community project can be obtained there could be an information board at the copse and it could be a pleasant local amenity.
There is a “brambly patch” nearby, the ownership of which is unknown. Ian Taylor will contact West Wiltshire District Council about it.
Next meetings:
Newsletter editorial group: 8pm 28 April at 18 Westbury Leigh
Village Association: 7.30pm 13 May