1.Ages as at 1 st January 2016
2.Horses and ponies must be at least 5years old.
3.Hats must be tgged with the white tag new for 2016.
Check the PC Website for full details of hat standards
4.BODY PROTECTORS AND MEDICAL ARM BANDS must be worn for all cross country events. Failure to do so means elimination, and it is advised that they are worn for all other jumping events too. TACK AND DRESS according to current PONY CLUB RULES displayed on the secretary's caravan. No article of tack to be used for warming up that is not allowed for the competition. Only the competitor is permitted to ride the horse or pony that is taking part.
5.NOVICE RESTRICTION. in an ODE is not to have won 1 st at any ODE.
6 If asked to leave the course by any jump judge, steward or other official they
Must leave the course
7 In cross country events when a steward waves 3 flags when a competitor is
approaching they must stop before the obstacle and await further instructions
from the steward before proceeding.
8 OBJECTIONS - if any - to be made in writing and accompanied by
£15 within 15 minutes of the relevant class result being displayed at any
9 PRE-ENTRY ONLY. Entry fee refunded if withdrawn before closing date .
1 0. Dogs must be kept on leads at all times. Please take your litter home
11 The course for cross country events will be open for inspection at 2pm the day
. prior to the event.
12.NO telephone calls after 9pm PLEASE to the secretary for any event
13.This event is run under pony club eventing rules as per rule books for 2016 available from the secretary prior to the event/or downloaded from the Pony Club website , unless otherwise stated in the schedule
1. Save for the death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the organisers, or anyone for whom they are in law responsible, neither the organisers of this event or The Pony Club nor any agent, employee or representative of these bodies, nor the landlord or his tenant, accepts any liability for any accident, loss, damage, injury or illness to horses, owners, riders, spectators, land, cars, their contents and accessories, or any other personal property whatsoever, whether caused by their negligence, breach of contract or in any other way whatsoever. Entries are only accepted on this basis.
2. The organisers of this event have taken all reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone present at this event. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents. They must obey the instructions of the organisers and all officials and stewards.
3. All non Pony Club competitors are not covered by The Pony Club insurance and must have their own third party cover. The Scunthorpe Branch of The Pony Club and the organisers of this event are not legally responsible for non Members and their insurance will not cover you
Top crop have kindly donated some of the prizes.
Scunthorpe and District Branch of the Pony Club
Jan Laughton One Day Event
Sunday 12thJune 2016
Bagmoor Lane
DN15 9BG
By kind permission of Sir Reginald Sheffield. Bart.
Off the B1430 Scunthorpe to Burton Stather Road
Follow signs to Normanby Hall.
Reg Charity no 1050146
PRE ENTRY ONLY Entries taken on line
Entries close May 30th 2016, before if class full, send entry early to avoid disappointment, pre novice/novice usually over subscribed
Class Rider Horse & PC club if applicable Fee
Name …………………………………………………………………………………..
Telephone Number…………………………………………………………………
Please delete one*
*Return my entry if my class is full
*Please put me on the waiting list
Send to:cheques made payable SDBPC
Mrs. R. Ogg, Eastdale Farm, Coleby ScunthorpeDN15 9AL
01724 732216 no calls after 9pm please
email –
If you know of anyone who would be willing to jump judge at this event please send their name and telephone with your entry, thank you.
Starting times available on website: or send SAE Run under Pony Clubs 2016
Photography- By entry to this competition competitors agree to being photographed by the Official Photographer – David Neve
Non Pony Club Members should ensure that they have valid insurance to cover both themselves and their mounts.
Class 1 Level 1 -60cm (2’) BLUE NUMBER Discs
Rosettes Sponsored by
Cup for Highest placed SDBPC Member
Cup for Best Dressage SDBPC Member
Dressage test – The Pony Club Introductory dressage test 2007
Class 2 16 years and under GREEN NUMBER DISCS Level 2 -75cm (2ft6”)
Rosettes Sponsored by
Rascal shield for best 10years and under- SDBPC member
Trophy for best 12 years and under SDBPC member
Highest placed SDBPC member
Best Dressage -SDBPC member.
Dressage test – Novice Eventing 2013
Class 3 Pre Novice: GREEN NUMBER DISCS.Level 2 -75cm(2ft 6”)
Rosettes Sponsored by
The Bennet Shield to the highest placed SDBPC member.
The Judy Bingham Cup - Best Dressage SDBPC member.
Dressage test – Novice Eventing 2013
Class 4 Novice: YELLOW NUMBER DISCS Level 3 -90cm (3ft)
Rosettes/sash sponsored and supplied byHistonia Equesrtrian
The Prince Romanoff Cup for Best Dressage SDBPC member The Mick Waring Memorial Trophy for Highest placed SDBPC member Dressage test - Novice Eventing test 2013
Class 5 Open: WHITE NUMBER DISCSLevel 4 -1m (3ft 3)
Rosettes Sponsored by
The Jan Laughton Memorial Trophy to the highest placed SDBPC member.
Spy Hill Trophy - Best Dressage - Scunthorpe Pony Club Member.
Dressage test – Intermediate eventing test 2015
ENTRY FEES £45 per class
Includes number and medical cover-(£5)
£5 refund on return of number
Prizes to 3rd rosettes 8th
COMPULSORY Hats must be of PC safety standards,(see PC website) tagged, all phases
Removable silk, non fixed peak, Long sleeved shirt, medical armband & Body protector for XC phase. No jewellery.