Spanish Class Guidelines

Rules/Consequences are posted on classroom bulletin board.

Before Class Bell Rings:

1.  Read the instructions on the chalk board (translate vocab words if listed)

2.  Check with partner for any missed work due to absence (Student Responsibility)

During Spanish Class:

1.  Raise hand to speak or ask questions. Stay alert and pay attention

2.  Student must have a pass signed by Ms. Ward in order to leave for any reason

3.  Wait to be dismissed by Ms. Ward if bell rings and I’m still teaching.

4.  Not allowed to use teacher computer or move furniture around.

Absentee Work:

1.  One day is allowed for each day absent to complete makeup work.

2.  Work is due at the beginning of class to Ms. Ward and not the box.

3.  Set up time to make up tests/quizzes during tutorials. Your responsibility, porfavor.

Helpful Hints for a Successful Year in Spanish Class:

1.  Attendance is critical. You miss valuable instruction when absent.

2.  Complete all work and study vocabulary every night. Regular drill is essential.

3.  Maintain notes and handouts. (Be organized and neat)

4.  Ask for help when needed. Tutorials are set up to ensure your success.

5.  Find a Spanish class buddy, exchange phone # for outside help.

6.  Let Ms. Ward know if there are extenuating circumstances or problems which affect your work.

Spanish Grading System:

1.  At least 10 daily grades which includes homework/quizzes/class work, and participation. These assignments CAN NOT be retaken.

2.  At least 3 major test grades which could include projects/grammar tests/notes tests, and speaking assignments. These may be retaken if you receive a failing grade no later than a week from the 1st try.

3.  Test Grades Below 70:

*Student is responsible for making time to attend tutorial and then re-test.

*Re-takes are given within one week from the original test date.

*Can’t retake quizzes/daily work, or homework.

*The higher of the two test grades will be recorded, not to exceed 70.

To Contact Ms. Ward:

School e-mail:

Classroom#A204 Conference 2nd period


(Please return this signed sheet to Ms. Ward by August 31st)

I have read the Spanish Class Guideline and agree to abide by the rules, daily expectations, absentee policy, and grading system.


(Student Signature) (Date)

I have read this guideline and am aware of the requirements for my son/daughter in Ms. Ward’s Spanish Class.

Parent Signature and date:______