Improvement of livestock production through skill based training and livestock technology demonstration in East Shoa zone
- Background and justification
In east Shoa zone, the LIVES project operates in Dugda, Bora and Lume districts. These districts have a huge livestock population (Dugda district cattle = 223,279; Sheep = 43978, Goat = 46126, Equines = 22384, Poultry = 109748; Bora, Cattle = 89964, sheep = 46044, goat =57130, equines = 8653 poultry= 48119; Lume cattle=131305, sheep =38985, goat =40305 equines= 30291, and poultry= 105411). Nevertheless, different studies have indicated feed shortage in terms of quantity and quality to be the critical limiting factor livestock production and productivity.
- Objectives
◦To demonstrate to farmers, DAs and experts the use of EM in improving the feeding value and conservation of different feeds (EM treatment of feeds)
◦To reduce livestock feed losses of farmers through the use of better utilization and conservation techniques their by improve their drought mitigating strategies (UMMB, treatment of crop residues)
◦To cascade feed improvement and conservation techniques to other farmers
◦To demonstrate new livestock technologies in dairy, beef and poultry
◦To introduce to farmers, DAs and experts the california mastitis test and;
◦To create awareness on better estrus synchronization
- Expected Outputs/milestones/outcomes
◦53 farmers, 10 DAs, 12 district livestock experts, and 3 livestock office heads were exposed to skill based livestock feed training and new livestock technologies
◦Key training materials were offered to the development agents and experts to guide the farmers
◦Use of improved livestock feed management and utilization system
- Methods/activities
- Selection of participants (farmers and DAs)
Model farmers were selected from each district from each of the commodity in dairy, beef and poultry) who are willing to make changes in their livestock feeding system, are able to purchase the necessary feed ingredients and other following the small provision for demonstration purpose. Livestock development agents from each district were also selected. Moreover, the district livestock heads attended the skill based training and livestock technology demonstration for giving strength to the coaching and mentoring purpose
- Place and components of the skill based training and livestock technology demonstration
The training has been undertaken in each of the district towns (Meki, Bote and Mojo) and selected farmer PAs. The program has taken 2 to 3 days in each district.The skill based training and livestock technology demonstration will be undertaken by guest from feed company, district livestock experts and LIVES regional livestock expert.
Profile of the Training Participants
The capacity building activitywas started at Dugda district with the involvement of farmers, experts and DAs.The same training was held at Bora and Lume districts.
Project District / Farmers / DAs / Experts / TotalMale / Female
Dugda / 14 / 4 (2 FHH) / 3 / 4 / 25
Bora / 14 / 3 FHH / 6 / 4 / 27
Lume / 11 / 7 (2 FHH) / 3 / 5 / 26
39 / 14 / 10 / 15 / 78
EM Treatment of Wheat Bran and Crop Residues
The first area of focus for the training was Effective Microorganism (EM) technology which is provided by the private distributer named ‘Waljeji PLC’. The company is located in East Shewa zone, Debrezeit. Stock-EMabbreviated as S-EM is manufactured by EMRO located in Japan. The EM solution has several advantages besides improving the quality of local feed materials for dairy, poultry and fattening purposes. The discussion points raised by the trainees include the farmers would like to get the stock EM. However, the company prefers cooperatives due to the quality issue and activated EM supply problem experienced at Meki before. The company is ready to train and support organized farmers who can utilize for themselves or disseminate to other farmers. As an alternative, the firm is planning to establish distributer agents.
Practical training, the application of EM solution on teff straw
Application of EM solution on wheat bran (Bokashi) and keep it in anaerobic condition (Rotto cylinder)
Urea Molasses Treatment of Crop Residues and Urea Molasses Block
During the training introduction on the benefits and ingredients for the two types of improved feeding methods has been discussed.The concern raised by the farmersis that if urea treated residue may have any toxicity problem on animal products and health. It has been briefed that the important point is feeding the right ratio to the right animal type. It will not be given to horses, poultry, pigs, calves and pregnant cows.
Mixing up the ingredients for urea-molasses treatment of teff straw
The issues raised on urea molasses block include that some materials are not available with farmer and how to prepare it. Farmers can use locally available materials and can be simply prepared with different methods.
AI and Synchronization Support
AI technicians trained at Asella shared the knowledge and information they got from the training and their experience. The trainees questioned about the effectiveness of the AI given to Borena breeds even if it was the right time, it was not effective.On the effectiveness of AI service, the reason is that due to lack of semen the technicians fail to arrive on time.AI technician’s error also contributes for the failure that we may not place the semen inright position of the egg. In addition, giving the AI service with dead semen and without examining its status is the other important problem.
California mastitis milk test
Mastitis is the disease which causes problems on the udder of dairy cows. Once the udder is shut due to mastitis, there is no solution unless treated on time. California Mastitis Test (reagent) detection method was demonstrated for the trainees.
Demonstration of different livestock technologies in beef, dairy and poultry
The different equipment were displayed by briefing onhow to use, the benefits and how to acquire them. The equipment includes hatcher,feeders and drinkers both plastic and iron type. These are for chickens, pullets, layers, and so on. Moreover, disinfection material, cattle drinker, and milking machine (electric or manual) were also demonstrated.
Monitoring and Feedback
Along with the focus of improving the existing livestock feeding practices, awareness creation will followpractical implementations and further monitoring. For gathering important feedback from the farmers, formats have been developed and provided so that they keep records of the feed mix given for the livestock and the changes on the outputs of milk and poultry.The perception of farmers will also to be dealt.
It has been noted that the project provided the major feed ingredients in the initial demonstrations,nonetheless sustainability is to be thought ahead of time. Farmers are raising the problems with the access to molasses thoughit is availablewith cheap prices form the nearly located Wonji Sugar Factory. The only problem that has been observed is towards its transport. In other markets where it is supplied by the private traders, the quality problem is the challenge (also for wheat bran and EM). Thus, the constraints pose influences on the adoptions and further diffusion of the technologies. Besides the commodity intervention, apparently the LIVES project is aiming institutional and organizational leverages.The supply of the EM technology is performed by the existing private actor and linkage has been already initiated. For the continuity of the practices, the target is to help farmers to organize themselves in acquiring the feed inputs.Facilitation with the existing feed suppliers and farmers union is the other option to be sought.
LIVES intervention on Improvement of livestock production through skill based training and livestock technology demonstrationsin East Shewa Zone