Send Completed form to:

Angie Mojeiko

720 Millcreek Lane

Clinton, Iowa52732


Deadline: January 20, 2018




Officer Candidate Name

Please choose ONE position in which you wish to run for state office:

a box / Position Title / Description
President / presides over all Iowa meetings, represents FBLA at all Iowa functions, master/mistress of ceremonies at SLC, make sure parliamentary procedure is followed during all Iowa meetings
Vice President Region 1 / responsible for communication with chapters in region, assist with planning in specified region, and assist president with meetings, help create president scrapbook
Vice President Region 2 / responsible for communication with chapters in region, assist with planning in specified region, and assist president with meetings, help create president scrapbook
Vice President Region 3 / responsible for communication with chapters in region, assist with planning in specified region, and assist president with meetings, help create president scrapbook
Secretary / takes minutes at all official state meetings; sends minutes to FBLA state officers and state committee, help create the newsletter, and create the president scrapbook
Treasurer / presents the proposed budget at fall conference and updates chapters on expenditures, assist president with organizing state scholarship canvassing

I agree todo a campaign speech and booth onMarch 16th, 2018 at SLC, in Coralville

attend State Officer Training, June 11-12, 2018, inDes Moines

attend State Fall Planning Session, date TBA

attend the Unified Fall Leadership Conference, Oct. 21st-22nd, 2018 in Des Moines

attend the State Leadership Conference Planning Session, Date TBA

attend SLC 2018, March 13th-16th2019in Coralville, IA

purchase shoes, slacks/skirt/dress, shirt, belt, etc. to complete officer uniforms

** Attendance at National Conferences is recommended but not required.

Officers, by signing, understand and agree to follow the terms above or can be removed from officer position.


Officer Candidate Signature E-mail address

Advisers or parents, by signing, agree to accompany their student to all trainings, planning sessions, and conferences that they have to attend, if elected. In the event of a conflict, the adviser will arrange for the officer’s parent or other school and/or FBLA officials to travel with the officer. Advisers will need to have proper paperwork filled out and given to the State FBLA Adviser prior to the event. Students are not permitted to travel to state sponsored events on their own.


Chapter Name Adviser Signature E-mail address

Parent Signature


List organizations you currently belong to or belonged to in the past? What offices did you hold?

What committees did you belong to? What projects did you get involved in?

What FBLA conferences have you attended?

Why do you feel you are qualified for this FBLA state office?


Please pay close attention to deadlines. They will be strictly enforced!

January 20, 2018Application forms due to Angie Mojeiko

(email preferred)

January 23, 2018Study Guides e-mailed to your school

February1, 2018 Officer Tests e-mailed to your school

February 8, 2018Complete officer Tests due toAngie Mojeiko

February 15, 2018Notification sent of those who passed the test

March 15-18, 2018Officer Candidate campaigning and elections

at State Leadership Conference, Coralville