Rules and Procedures for Mr. Young’s room
Tardies and Absences:
Tardies will be based upon the judgment of Mr. Young to determine who is tardy to class. I will keep both tardies and absences in the red grade book for documentation. I understand that the hallways are cluttered and that it can be difficult to get from one class to the next in the allotted time, but that is still not an excuse for excessive tardiness or for being repeatedly late to class. I will follow the schools guideline for excessive tardies, which can be found in the student handbook.
Bathroom Passes (optional)
Bathroom passes are passed out at the beginning of every 9 weeks. Students will get 3 per 9 weeks that will be used for going to the bathroom. This does not include going to the nurse, going to talk to a coach or another teacher, and was not intended for going to your locker. After all bathroom passes are taking up, you may not leave the room to go to the bathroom for the rest of the nine weeks. These will be worth point values that Mr. Young has already designated for each classroom.
Periods 1, 3, 6,: Books will be provided by the teacher and will stay in the classroom unless given permission by teacher to take book home. If you need to take a book home, you will check it out with Mr. Young and then bring it back in the allotted time. Please make sure at the end of class that books are put back in the same place they were found, underneath your desk.
Periods 2,7: Your Psychology books and Bibles will be found on the bookcase located in the back of the room. The person who is sitting in the first desk of the row will be the one responsible for going to get enough books for their row when the teacher asks for the class to get their books. During days when the class uses books, the teacher will allow 3-5 minutes at the end of class for the students to put away their material and put their books back on the shelf, and the books will be the responsibility of each student.
Homework Policy/Missing Assignments:
Homework is to be turned in during the class period you are in on the date it was assigned to be due. On certain occasions more time may be given depending upon circumstances that the teacher will hear and evaluate per circumstance. Excuses such as a sporting event, my dog ate my homework, something spilled on it, or aliens from outer space told me not to do it, is not acceptable.
If you are absent and have missed an assignment, you must come to the teacher and ask for the missing assignments. I have around 150 students and there is no possible way I can keep up with who has missed what day and what you may need to make up. I will have extra copies of all the assignments that I have given either during the day or for homework. You may also find missing assignments in the red folders next to the book shelf. You can look up what you have missed on infinite campus. Anything with a 0 on it will more than likely be a missing assignment. It is your responsibility to come to me and ask for missing assignments.
Late assignments will be graded in this order:
- Letter grade for each day late (1 day, from A to B, 2 days from B to C, 3 days from C to D)
- 1 week- automatically 60 % if everything completed
- 2 weeks till end of 9 weeks- best you can get is 50%
Also, each week there will be a set of 5 bellringer activities that we will do that will result in 10 points per week, which will consist of your daily grades. If you have missed any days, make sure to ask a friend or come to talk to Mr. Young and I will direct you in a way of getting these assignments. Unless you miss everyday during the week, or on Friday, you will be expected to turn the bellringers in for a grade. If you are absent, and put absent on your paper, it will not count as a grade for that day.
Behavior issues in class
Cell Phones
Cell phones are not to be out during class at all. This has been a major distraction to me as a teacher and I also know that it has been a distraction to those students who are really trying to learn. Follow the guidelines of the handbook, unless otherwise noted by the teacher.
IPods are not to be seen in class during instructional time, when working on an assignment (unless given permission), and definitely not during a test. Unless you have permission to listen to your ipod, I will follow the student handbook guidelines.
Food and Drink
There is to be zero food or drink in my classroom unless it is water or permission has been given by the teacher.
Sleeping in Class
There is to be no sleeping in class. Since I cannot sleep, no one can sleep. Please make sure to keep your head up and stay focused during class. I know that this can be difficult from time to time, but please let me know if you are feeling sleepy and we can work things out. We only have 50 minutes and let’s work hard and do the best we can.
Language/crude, racist remarks
Foul language will not be tolerated in my class. This language is a zero tolerance policy as well and this is your warning.
Talking or any other disruptions
Back Talking
Talking with a friend
Making weird or obnoxious noises