SBI 3UI: Evolution Unit Task
Are Humans the Next Macro-evolutionary Mechanism?
It can be argued that human beings are currently increasing evolutionary rates of many species on Earth both intentionally and unintentionally.
You will write a 1000-1250 word research essay that supports this argument. You must include examples of 3 specific organisms (i.e. genus and species names given) where humans are currently influencing drastic changes in the characteristics of these species on a genetic or reproductive level by either natural or artificial selection. Ensure that you have chosen species that have demonstrated evolution relatively recently; where evidence has been accumulated in the last 50 years or so (do not use examples from class notes like the industrial melanism of the peppered moth, AIDS or the human appendix). Be sure to highlight the characteristics the organism used to have, compared with those it is currently developing due to its evolution.
Please ensure that the mechanisms for evolution between the 3 organisms you have chosen are not the same (i.e. do not choose more than one bacterial species demonstrating that each has evolved due to their similar abilities to resist antibiotics. Likewise, do not choose the evidence of change due to pollution of more than one species). Each of the three examples should cover a different evolutionary cause.
Your essay will be handed in and graded using the TurnItIn website. More information on using this site will follow, but be aware that this site allows the teacher to compare your essay to other information available on the Internet as well as that of your classmates. As always, it is extremely important that the work you turn in is your own.
-Please use 12pt Arial or Times New Roman font, double spaced
-Name, date, course code required in upper right corner on first page, and title centred
Introduction: including thesis statement which indicates the 3 species you will outline. (4-5 sentences)
Body: 3 paragraphs, one paragraph per species, containing supporting evidence demonstrating evolution of the species. ( ¾ -1 page each)
Conclusion: short conclusion restating how you have illustrated your thesis, branching out to a global statement. (4-5 sentences)
This is a formal research paper; be sure to use terminology appropriate to a grade eleven biology student. Avoid use of personal pronouns. Some key terms you should use if they apply to your research are: artificial selection, natural selection, sexual selection, selective breeding, genetic drift, reproductive success, mutation, adaptation, speciation, and others you have learned this unit.
Works Cited:
As a research paper, you are required to reference your sources throughout the body of your research paper. Every time you cite a fact from research, you need to indicate the source for that fact with the author and date of publication in brackets like this: (Renkema, 2015). Since most of the information contained in your essay will be new to your and not ‘common knowledge’ you should expect to have many citations throughout your paper.
You will need to also have an alphabetical list of “Works Cited” at the end of your research paper (not included in word count!). Use MLA style.Consult the library website for more information on citing references or use a website like more than one source per species will be awarded (esp. when using Wikipedia; reliability of source is then more credible).
Some ideas to get you started:
Agriculture: artificial selection of livestock
genetic modification of crops
pesticide resistance
Climate Change: average global temperature increase (changes in mating season, migration patterns isolating groups)
rising water levels (affecting specific species’ habitat or reproductive success)
Microbiology: bacterial antibiotic resistance
Human Preference elephant tusk hunting
plant height/flower colour due to selective picking
Human beings: development of new features in cerebral cortex?
Other: please check your choices with me before completing your final draft
Please Note: Extinction is NOT an adaptation. Animals that face extinction are doing so because they have failed to adapt to human influence and will therefore NOT evolve. While this is also important it is not the focus of this assignment.
Important Dates:
**You will have one research period on the computers to accumulate some rough work. The rest of this assignment will be completed for homework.
Research Period: ______
Rough Work homework check: ______(3 specific organisms chosen, supporting evidence rough notes gathered)
Final Draft Due Date: ______