



10.01Each Enforcement Officer shall be issued the following equipment and clothing articles on a per capita basis:

A.Issued Uniform: Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement (BLCE) Identification Card, badge and case, two (2) short sleeve blueuniform shirts, two(2) long sleeve blueuniform shirts, baseball cap, raid jacket, raincoat, two (2) black Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) embroidered undershirts, BDU trousers, socks, boots, and trouser belt.

B.Issued Equipment: Utility belt and keepers with weapon and holster, extra magazines and pouch, ASP baton and holder, mini flashlight and holder, mace and holder, handcuffs and case, pancake holster, fanny pack, ballistic, andtactical vests, raincoat, coveralls, gloves, three (3) nametags, one (1) mourning pin (lapel), and large report holder. Enforcement Officer 3s shall be issued five (5) Supervisory Insignia pins.



A.The District Office Commander/Unit Supervisor or their designee shall determine the uniform of the day consistent with the provisions of this regulation unless otherwise directed.

B.The District Office Commander/Unit Supervisor or their designee may designate the uniform of the day for any special circumstances regardless of the season.

10.03Requirements and Restrictions: Enforcement Officers wearing the uniform shall adhere to the manner of dress as prescribed herein.

A.Whenever practicable, the prescribed uniform shouldbe worn for raids. The prescribed uniform should also be worn for open inspections, licensee inspections (routine inspections), joint operations, the “Choices” program, recruiting activities and other designated times with the approval and direction of the District Office Commander/Unit Supervisor.

B.Enforcement Officers in uniform shall only wear or carry issued articles unless otherwise authorized. Miscellaneous articles such as pens, sunglasses, combs, etc. may be carried in the pockets or on the uniform if not readily visible. Enforcement Officers in uniform shall not wear earrings, and hair shall be pulled back behind the head and secured.

C.Uniforms shall not be intermixed, nor will civilian clothes be worn with the uniform unless authorized, except that the raid jacket and ball cap may be worn when identity is desirable for officers dressed to perform undercover duties.

D.Unauthorized modification or alteration of the uniform is prohibited.

E.When they are not authorized to be worn on the outside of the uniform, holsters and weapons shall be concealed. The issued fanny pack or pancake holster may be utilized for concealment of the weapon.

F.Enforcement Officers shall have the uniform and all issued equipment readily available in the event proper authority directs uniform wear. The uniform shall be kept in such a manner that when worn, it will reflect a clean, neat and professional appearance.

10.04Issued uniform and equipment description and display.

A.Wearing Date:

1.Summer – May 1 to September 30 inclusive.

2.Winter – November 1 to March 31 inclusive.

3.Optional – From April 1 to April 30 and from October 1 to October 31, will coordinate with corresponding Troop.

B.Uniform Attire:

1.Shirt – The uniform shirt shall be worn tucked into the trousers, and only the top button on the shirt shall be unfastened. The black PSP embroidered undershirt shall be worn under the uniform shirt at all times. Officers are encouraged to wear the ballistic vestwhich shallalso be worn under the uniform shirt.

2.Nameplate –The nameplate shall be worn centered on the flap of the right chest pocketof the raid jacket.

3.Supervisory Insignia – The Supervisory Insignia issued to Enforcement Officer 3s shall be worn as follows:

a.On the raincoat: on both sides of the collar, parallel to and centered one-half inch from the front edge of the collar.

b.On the raidjacket: centered on the cross-stitching of the epaulets on each shoulder, one and one-half inches from the shoulder seam.

4.Trousers – The trousers shall not be bloused or tucked into the boot. All fasteners shall be secured.

5.Boots – The boots may be worn on duty. They shall be worn in conjunction with the uniform or during other special assignments as authorized.

6.Trouser Belt – The belt shall be worn through the loops of the trousers.

7.Utility Belt – The utility belt shall be worn over the trouser belt. The four belt keepers shall be used to secure the utility belt to the trouser belt.

8.Issued Weapon – The issued weapon shall be placed on the strong-hand side on the utility belt. When worn concealed within issued fanny pack, the issued weapon shall be secured inside the fanny pack by the Velcro safety strap.

9.ASP Baton – Placed directly behind the issued weapon.

10.Magazine Pouch – May be worn either vertically or horizontally on either side of the belt buckle.

11.Handcuffs and Handcuffs Case – Shall be placed on the weak-hand side.

12.Mace and Mace Holder – Shall be placed directly behind the handcuffs case.

13.Mini Flashlight Holder – Shall be placed behind the mace holder.

14.Raid Jacket – The jacket may be worn with the uniform. In addition, it may be worn without the uniform when appropriate for identification purposes.

15.Baseball Cap – The cap maybe worn with the uniform and/or raid jacket. The cap may also be worn without the uniform and/or raid jacket for identification purposes while the Enforcement Officer is on duty. Enforcement Officers wearing the uniform and working together in public view shall be similarly attired as determined by a supervisor.

16.Fanny Pack – When worn with the uniform, the fanny pack shall be worn on the waist, in the front of the trousers, with the support strap fastened to the trouser belt. Required issued equipment shall be carried in the fanny pack as specified by the circumstances and assignment. The fanny pack may be worn without the uniform at the officer's discretion. Enforcement Officers are permitted to utilize the fanny pack either on or off duty.

17.Personal Weapons – All personal weapons shall be worn in a manner, which conceals them from the public.

18.All other issued equipment may be secured inside the fanny pack or in trouser pockets.

19.Ballistic and Tactical Vests – The vests may be worn at any time while on duty or other times in accordance with the provisions of Field Regulation (FR) 4-4.

20.Rain Gear – The black raincoat may be worn in inclement weather over the uniform.

21.Coveralls – Coveralls are provided for use when performing duties which could cause soiling or damage to the issued uniform or civilian attire. Coveralls shall not be worn in lieu of the uniform.

10.05Department Awards:

A.Meritorious Service Award: An Enforcement Officer may wear the meritorious service award pin with civilian clothes.

10.06Mourning Pin:

A.A smaller replica of the mourning pin, designed as a lapel pin, will be issued to all personnel for wear on civilian attire. Personnel may wear the lapel pin during the same time periods authorized for uniformed members.

B.The Department mourning pin shall be worn in the following circumstances:

1.When personnel are killed in the line of duty under honorable circumstances.

2.When Enforcement Officers attend the funeral/memorial services of a law enforcement officer of another law enforcement agency who was killed in the line of duty.

3.The mourning pin shall be worn beginning with the date of death, or at the direction of the Commissioner. It shall be removed following the completion of memorial services, or at the direction of the Commissioner.

4.The mourning pin may also be worn with the approval of the Bureau Director for Department personnel who die from other than line-of-duty circumstances. It shall be worn beginning with the date of death and shall be removed at the completion of memorial services.


10.07General: Enforcement Officers are responsible for the proper care and maintenance of all issued equipment, to include cleaning of the uniform in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

10.08Alterations: The Bureau will pay for alterations upon initial issue of the uniform trousers. Authorized alterations consist of waistline and hem only.

10.09Replacement: All unserviceable equipment shall be turned into the District Office Commander/Unit Supervisor for replacement. The District Office Commander/Unit Supervisor shall contact Bureau Headquarters (BHQ) for an exchange. Arrangements shall be made to have the unserviceable item returned to BHQ as soon as possible.


10.10Upon notification of an Enforcement Officer pending separation, the District Office Commander/Unit Supervisor or designee shall obtain the clothing equipment record for the officer from BHQ. In addition, when an Enforcement Officer is on a long-term absence due to military activation, sick leave, Heart and Lung, etc., all issued equipment shall be collected and securely stored at the DistrictEnforcement Office. The District Office Commander/Unit Supervisor or designee shall obtain the clothing record and conduct an inventory of collected equipment.

10.11At the time of separation from the Bureau, the Enforcement Officer shall turn in theweaponwith 3 magazines and case, badge, and all uniforms and equipment issued on their clothing equipment record to the District Office Commander/Unit Supervisor. Refer to Appendage 10-A. All uniforms and equipment must be accounted for. Before any serviceable item of uniform clothing is turned in, the item shall be properly cleaned and pressed at the officer's expense. Incases where officers are leaving the Department and the uniform clothing is not cleaned and pressed before being turned in, final salary checks will be adjusted as necessary for reimbursement of cleaning costs.

10.12Upon turn in, the District Office Commander/Unit Supervisor shall ensure the weapon/accessories and badge are placed in a secure location. The weapon/accessories and badge shall be delivered to BHQ within five (5) business days, utilizing Form SP 3-417, Invoice – Transfer and Receipt of State Property. A separate form shall be prepared for each item. Refer to Appendage 10-A. District Office Commander/Unit Supervisor or designee shall coordinate delivery of the weapon/accessories and badge with BHQ personnel.

10.13Any other miscellaneous items shall be turned in at the District Enforcement Office/Unit.

10.14Form SP 3-404, Loss of or Damage to Commonwealth Property or Equipment shall be prepared and forwarded through channels in an expedited fashion for any item that cannot be located.


10.15The BLCE Dress Policy for Enforcement Officers is as follows:

A.Court Attendance:

1.Male – Sport jacket or conservative business suit with tie, dress trousers, dress shirt, dress shoes.

2.Female – Appropriate business attire.

B.Public Speaking/Meetings with Civic Groups, District Attorneys, etc.:

1.Male – Sport jacket or conservative business suit with tie, dress trousers, dress shirt, dress shoes, or the issued uniform upon approval by the District Office Commander/Unit Supervisor.

2.Female – Appropriate business attireor the issued uniform upon approval by the District Office Commander/Unit Supervisor.

3.“Choices” Programand Recruiting Presentations: The issued uniform should be worn for "Choices" and recruiting presentations. However, situations may exist where more casual wear may be appropriate, with the approval and direction of the District Office Commander/Unit Supervisor.

C.Auditing and Routine Inspections:

1.Male – The issued uniform, or appropriate business attire, as approved by the District Office Commander, or other higher authority.

2.Female – The issued uniform, or appropriate business attire, as approved by the District Office Commander, or other higher authority.

3.Exception – An officer working an undercover assignment immediately prior to an assigned audit/routine inspection, or who needs to perform an immediate audit/routine inspection as a result of that undercover assignment is exempt from this section.

D.Scheduled Raids:

1.Enforcement Personnel shall wearapproved Bureau Raid Gear as determined by the District Office Commander/Enforcement Officer 3. Bureau raid gear may include the issued uniform, raid jacket, ball cap, ballistic/tactical vests, and issued equipment. Whenever practical, supervisors shall endeavor to have officers attired in the issued uniform and encourage the wearing of the ballistic or tactical vest.

2.Exception – Officers working in an undercover capacity assigned to the raid detail shall dress for maximum effectiveness.

E.Undercover Assignments:

All Enforcement Personnel – Dress for maximum effectiveness.


10.16Each District Enforcement Office of the BLCE maintains a supply of preliminary breath testing devices. Enforcement Officers are authorized to use these devices for preliminary breath testing only upon consent of a minor suspected of consuming alcohol or where the officer has probable cause to believe that a minor was consuming alcohol. The device shall be calibrated per established Department policy.


10.17The District Office Commander/Unit Supervisor and the custodian of such equipment stored at BHQ shall be responsible for maintaining security and control of all specialized equipment assigned to Bureau facilities.

A.Issued equipment, with the exception of portable radio units, shall be kept in a secured locker/cabinet/room.

B.Secured equipment shall not be kept in evidence rooms; however, the equipment may be kept in an authorized evidence holding area. A detailed inventory shall be maintained of the secured equipment.

  1. The inventory shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
  1. Cameras
  2. Night Scopes
  3. Binoculars
  4. Auxiliary Lighting
  5. Megaphones
  6. Leg Irons
  7. Portable Breath Testers
  8. Coin Counters
  9. Gambling Machine Inspection Kits
  10. Back Support Belts
  11. Tools (bolt cutters, pry bars, etc.)
  12. Dictaphones Not Assigned

13.Twin Task Ultra Violet Flashlights

14.Miscellaneous items assigned to the office which require secured storage and accountability.

D.The following format shall be used and completed with available information:

Item No. / Description / Make / Serial No. / Property No.

E.This inventory listing shall be maintained in the front of a binder containing the Equipment Use Log, Form LCE-19, (Appendage 10-B)which shall be secured in the Special Use Equipment Area. A designated custodian to ensure that all property is maintained and accounted for shall conduct a monthly inventory. Said inventories shall be documented via the appropriate entries in Blocks 4 and 5 following the date of the last entry on the most current log.

F.Keys for the secured location shall be in the possession of the District Office Commander/Unit Supervisor/Enforcement Officer 3 or the designated custodian of this equipment.

G.Portable radios and cellular phonesare not required to be secured under lock and key but shall be kept in an area under the direct supervision of the District Office Commander/Unit Supervisor/Enforcement Officer 3.

1.District Office Commanders shall ensure that one cellular phone is designated at each District Enforcement Office as the contact phone which the Command Staff will utilize to contact on-duty personnel at each office during other than normal business hours.

2.When available, the on-duty supervisor will be the point of contact. However, when necessary, District Office Commanders may designate an on-duty Liquor Enforcement Officer as the point of contact in the absence of a supervisor.

3.Any changes to the designated cellular phone numbers shall immediately be reported to the appropriate Section Commander, who shall provide the changes to BHQ personnel. Designated cellular phone numbers are included in the Department Headquarters Quarterly Telephone Directory as “Non Public –After NormalBusiness Hours Contact Numbers” for each District Enforcement Office.

H.The District Office Commander/UnitSupervisor/Enforcement Officer 3 shall use the Equipment Use Log and Hand-Held Radio Equipment Use Log(Appendage 10-C)for the issuance and return of equipment. All required information, including the initials of the issuing/receiving District Office Commander/Unit Supervisor/Enforcement Officer 3, shall be legibly recorded on the forms. Both logs shall be maintained in separate three-ring binders. The Equipment Use Log shall be kept within the secured equipment area. The Hand-Held Radio Equipment Use Log shall be kept in the designated controlled area.

I.In the event supervisory personnel are not available and the use of a portable radio or cellular phoneis deemed necessary, the Liquor Enforcement Officer shall complete the log using their initials. This procedure shall be considered an exception and not the rule.

J.In order to facilitate the temporary storage of evidence, District Office Commanders without pass through lockers shall place an empty four or five drawer filing cabinet, with a lock, in an area accessible to all Enforcement Officers. The cabinet will be utilized for the storage of evidence at times when the Custodial Officer or designated Receiving Officer is not on duty. Each file drawer shall be left slightly ajar; however, the lock mechanism shall be engaged. A metal file clip shall be placed on the side of each drawer to avoid an accidental closing. After placing seized evidence in the cabinet drawers, Enforcement Officers shall remove the clip and close the drawer.