Rules and Guidelines for Special Olympics Participation

Rules and Guidelines for Special Olympics Participation


1. Child must be at least 8 years of age to participate (child under 8 may participate in practice only)

  1. Child must have a physical completed.
  2. Child must cooperate and respect coaches, volunteers and all other participants at all times.
  3. Child must not maliciously tease, threaten, mistreat or purposely cause injury to another child or damage property of others.

5. Child must stay with the group at all times and may not wander off alone.

  1. Child may not at any time use inappropriate language or gestures.
  2. Child must attend all practices to be considered for the tournaments. (sickness is excused)
  3. Elementary participants must be accompanied by parents on over night stays.
  4. A child with medical conditions and new participants may need to be accompanied by parent on overnight stays at coach’s discretion.
  5. Other behaviors not listed above as they occur will be discussed with the parent.
  6. Parents must make arrangements to pick up their child after practices.(day students only)
  7. Parents must provide appropriate clothing for the sport. (We will send information as needed.)

If these rules are violated the procedure will be as follows: a coach will explain the inappropriate behavior to your child. Second offense, again explain and child will be warned that next time they will not be able to participate. Third offense child will not be able to participate in the event. Your child may participate in the next scheduled event as long as behaviors are appropriate. Some circumstances, such as maliciously causing injury to another child may be cause for immediate action and your child may not be permitted to continue the event. This will be at the coach’s discretion. The agreement must be signed and returned with the packet for your child to participate.

These guidelines are to assure the safety of your child and all others involved. We will discuss these rules with your child at the first practice. By signing the agreement below you are letting us know you support and agree with the rules as well as the consequences. We appreciate your cooperation and support in this matter. If you have questions please contact us. Susan (578-2140), Diane (578-2221) or Tyrone (578-2162)

------Detach and return ------

I have read the rules and guidelines for (child’s name) ______to participate in Special Olympics.

I agree and support the rules as well as the consequences. I may at any time contact a coach with any concerns.

Parent’s signature______date______




Last name______First name ______

Date of Birth______Age______Sex ______Ethnic background______

Address ______City______Zip ______

Telephone (home) ______Social Security Number ______Grade ______

Parent/Guardian ______Phone (home)______

Address ______City ______Zip ______

Place of employment______Work phone ______

EMERGENCY INFORMATION………….Person to contact in an emergency

Name ______Home phone______

Address ______City______Zip ______

Place of employment ______Work phone______


Private Insurance Co or Medicaid ______policy #______


I, the undersigned represent and warrant that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, I am /my child is /my ward is, physically and mentally able to participate in Special Olympics. With my approval a licensed physician is authorized to preview the health information set forth in this application and administer a medical exam as to certify that there is no medical evidence which would preclude me/my child’s/ my ward’s participation. I understand that if I/my child/my ward has Down’s Syndrome, I/my child/ my ward cannot participate in sports or events which by there nature result in hyper-extension, radical flexion, or direct pressure on the neck or upper spine, unless a full radiological examination establishes the absence of atlanto-axial instability. I am aware that the sports and events for which this radiological examination is required are equestrian sports, gymnastics, pentathlon, swimming, butterfly strokes, diving, diving starts, high jump, alpine skiing, and soccer.

Special Olympics has my permission to use my/my child’s /my ward’s likeness, name, voice, and words, in television, radio, film, newspaper, magazines and any other media and in any form, for the purpose of advertising or communicating the purpose and activities of Special Olympics and/ or applying funds to support those purposes and activities.

f a medical emergency should arise during my/my child’s/my ward’s participation in any Special Olympics activities and I am not able to give my consent, for whatever reason, I authorize Special Olympics to take whatever measures are necessary and which it deems advisable, to protect my/my child’s/my ward’s health and well-being including hospitalization.

I have read and fully understand the provisions of the above release and have explained the provisions to my child/ my ward. I understand that through my signature on this release form I am agreeing to the above provisions on my own behalf or on the behalf of my child/my ward and hereby give my permission for my child/my ward to participate in Special Olympics games, recreation programs and physical activities.

Signature of Parent/Guardian or Adult Athlete over 18 ______Date ______