Ruislip Victoria Cricket Club
Minutes of the 50th AGM held at Brikbeck College Sports Ground
on 7th December 2008
1.0Attendance and Apologies for absence:
There were 24 members in attendance.
The following apologies were received:
Ali Ajmal, Andrew Petter, Azfar Hussain, Bob Khan, Carl Clarke, Chris Goodchild, Danny Maher, Ian Freeland, Simon D’costa, Steve Hills, Steve Hookens, Terike Mitchell.
2.0Acceptance of 2007 Minutes
The minutes of the 49th AGM were accepted as a true and accurate record.
3.1ChairmanFaisal Ansari (FA)
FA thanked everyone for attending and informed the members of an important year for the Club in which:
- The club membership grew to 55 members and managed to attract 23 new members.
- However, emphasis was laid on getting some old faces back in the fold.
- On average, 6 teams were out every week with the 3rd XI playing on an adhoc basis.
- FA commended the 3rd XI captain for doing what was a difficult job.
- BSNL were a group of players who approached RVCC for logistical support. After weighing the pros and cons, the committee accepted the proposal from BSNL.
- FA thanked the fixture secretary for arranging fixtures for BSNL at a later notice.
- 2nd XI had a great year and won the championship in the 3rd division of BCL.
- 1st XI had a good year finishing at 4th place compared to 8th place in 2007.
- Financially, the club made a small profit despite the increasing costs of home teas and pitch hire.
- New landlords were not as easy to work with as the previous landlords but we continue to build a good working relationship.
- On the friendly side, both Presidents’ game and Abid’s memorial game look to be regular fixtures due to the success achieved. However, FA would like to see more attendance from the current membership.
- There have been a few resignations this year due to which the positions for 1st XI captain, Hon. Secretary and Sunday Captain are open.
- FA thanked the officers for their respective roles.
- FA thanked the committee especially the members who attended regular meetings for ensuring the smooth running of the club.
3.2Hon. SecretaryMilton D’costa (MD)
- MD informed the club that a total of 8 committee meetings were held with attendance being very poor.
3.3Hon. TreasurerFuaad Khan (FK)
- FK reported a difficult but productive year for RVCC.
- Made a small profit. There were 2 lifers in 2008 compared to 2007.
- Fundraising was down but winter nets and the club dinner were successful making us some profit.
- There was a significant increase in home teas and pitch hire, which was unexpected.
- 2nd XI had to provide umpires for league games adding to the costs.
- FK thanked AC for getting cheap deals on club trophies.
- FK forecasts a challenging 2009.
See Appendix for Financial Accounts for 2008.
3.4Hon. Fixture SecretaryAndrew Charalambous (AC)
- AC said 2008 was quite a stressful year.
- 22 friendly fixtures were arranged with new clubs.
- Quite a few Sunday and Mid-week games were rained off.
- Saved some money by not having to use CCC.
- 2 new Sunday fixtures have already been arranged for 2009.
- BCL fixtures will be out in the New Year.
- AC is looking into arranging more fixtures for Somerset tour.
- 2009 season will commence with a club game on the 25th April.
- AC attended league AGM and the new season will start after Easter.
- AC provided with an update from BCL AGM.
3.5Saturday First Team CaptainCarl Clarke (CC)
In the absence of CC, Ilija Krunic (IK) provided with the first team update.
- The first team started off well but lost momentum after some rained off games.
- 1st XI finished fourth and could have done with one additional bowler.
- On the positive side, 8 out of 11 players consistently turned up.
- Bowling was pretty good but batting was not consistent and fielding needs some improvement.
- There were certain individual performances that were commendable but overall there is room for improvement.
3.6Saturday Second Team CaptainMilton D’costa (MD)
2nd XI won 3rd Division of BCL and gave the club its first championship win in six years. MD commended the second team for its excellent performance and will be playing in Division 2 in 2009. In addition to this, there were several highlights, which included:
- The second team losing just 1 game in the entire season.
- Hasham Khan being the only bowler to take 50 wickets in the league.
- 2nd XI performances winning most awards in the league.
- Excellent teamwork throughout the season that resulted in some great and monumental wins.
3.7Saturday 3rd Team CaptainAlan Oakley (AO)
- AO reported that the 3rd XI played 6 games.
- There were a few new players and the team had good fun.
- AO showed concern about not getting enough support from the club.
3.8BSNL Team CaptainRajeev Unzia (RU)
- RU informed the AGM that BSNL had joined RVCC through Samad Ansari.
- Unfortunately, there were quite a few rained off games.
- No games were won but overall BSNL were happy with the fixtures.
- BSNL players need improvement.
- RU will speak to BSNL about integrating with RVCC in next couple of years.
3.9Sunday Team CaptainBrian Pike (BP)
- The main highlight of the Sunday fixtures was bad weather.
- Almost one-third of the games were cancelled.
- The season ended with 4 wins, 1 draw and 10 losses making it a disappointing season compared to last year.
- Many players from the previous season were not available.
- The Sunday team lacked quality and there is a need for more players in their prime.
- It was nice to see the likes of Keith and other senior players back in the fray.
- Batting was a struggle with the exception of Francis who looks promising.
- BP will be taking a break from captaincy for 2009.
3.10Mid-Week CaptainIlija Krunic (IK)
- IK summed up the mid-week season as interesting, fun-filled, action packed.
- A few individual performances stood out.
- IK struggled with numbers towards the end of season.
3.9Membership & Colts SecretaryPosition Vacant
3.10Press SecretaryAkbar Ansari (AA)
- AA managed to get articles in the Uxbridge gazette on a weekly basis.
- There was a good response to the online campaign.
- Except for house-keeping rules, no other changes were passed at the AGM.
5.1Hereford 2008 Tony Fairfax (TF)
In the absence of Tony Fairfax, AC gave an update on the 2008 tour.
- It was a successful tour enjoyed by all.
- AC informed members that Tony has volunteered to organise
next year’s tour which will run from 29 – 31 May 2009.
5.2Bournemouth 2008Akbar Ansari (AA)
- AA reported on a dismal tour where only one and a half games
were played.
- Struggled with numbers for all games and had to borrow from
the opposition.
- AA feels the tour has run its course and will now be replaced by
the tour to Somerset.
5.3Somerset 2009Andrew Charalambous (AC)
- The tour will run from 19 – 23 July 2009 and will not clash with theleague games.
- AC has booked 1 fixture so far in the Taunton area.
- Keith Gooding has volunteered to organise the tour.
After detailed discussions, a new fee structure that was proposed by the committee was approved. See Schedule 2.
See Schedule 3.
See Schedule 4.
- AC wants day of next AGM to be debated at committee meeting.
- Winter nets to be discussed at committee meeting.
Schedule 2
Subscriptions and Match Fees for 2009
1 / Colts / Under 16 on 01-May-2009 / £102 / Student / Under 21 on 01-May-2009 and in full/part time education (meaning greater than 21 hours of contact time at college or university) / £30
3 / Full / Per game basis / £60
4 / Senior Citizen / Over 65 / £30
5 / New / New Club Member / £30
6 / Lifer / Full year open to new and existing members / £250
7 / Unemployed / UB40 / £30
8 / Bring a friend discount / Members bringing in new members obtain a discount of £15 on membership, up to value of their subs.
*Tour matches excluded from the Lifer Membership and will be charged at the friendly fee rate.
Class / Sat. League Matches / Friendly Matches / Tour Matches1 / £2 / £2 / *All players touring are to equally pay sufficient funds to cover the cost of the teas and pitch fees. This includes Class 6 members who have paid up front the £250 membership fee.
2 / £5 / £5
3 / £10 / £8
4 / £10 / £8
5 / £10 / £8
6 / £0* / £0*
7 / £5 / £5
Match Fees
Summary of increases:
Student, Senior, New, Unemployed Subs raised by £5 to £30.
Full member subs raised by £10 to £60.
Schedule 3
Club ChairmanFaisal Ansari
Hon. SecretaryKeith Gooding
Hon. Fixture SecretaryAndrew Charalambous
Hon. TreasurerFuaad Khan
1st XI CaptainIlija Krunic
1st XI Vice Captain Puneet Kapoor
2nd XI Captain Milton D’costa
2nd XI Vice CaptainHasham Khan
3rd XI CaptainFuaad Khan
Sunday Captain Andrew Charalambous
Sunday Vice-CaptainKeith Gooding
Mid Week CaptainIlija Krunic
Membership & Social Sec.Committee to nominate
Press OfficerAkbar Ansari
Committee MembersCommittee to nominate
Schedule 4
Club Awards for 2008
Position / Won By1st XI Batting / Ravi Gilbert
1st XI Bowling / Sidney Kombrinck
1st XI Fielding / Ravi Gilbert
1st XI League Performance / Ravi Gilbert
2nd XI Batting / Keyur Dhruv
2nd XI Bowling / Hasham Khan
2nd XI Fielding / Thiru Mahendran
2nd XI League Performance / Milton D’costa / Ali Ajmal
Sunday Batting / Terike Mitchell
Sunday Bowling / Simon D’costa
Sunday Fielding / Brian Pike
Mid-week Player of the year / Simon Fry
Young Player Award for 2008 / Francis Booth
Clubman Award for 2008 / A. Charalambous
M. D'costa