Rugby Borough Council59 Lime Tree Avenue

Planning DepartmentBilton

Town Hall, Evreux WayRugby

RugbyCV22 7QT

CV21 2RR

Attention K. McCulloch

10th June 2016

Dear Karen


I am writing on behalf of the Friends of Lime Tree Avenue Association and its membership of the local community, to make the following objections to the above application:

1.We are concerned about the the mix of housing and the high percentage of 'affordable' social

rent housing and their poor basic design. The mix and quality of housing is, in our opinion, not in keeping with the the character of the surrounding area of Bilton, Dunchurch and even nearby Cawston. We assume that RBC will have learnt by their mistake in approving the low quality development on the Bilton Road adjacent to the Lidl store and ensure this proposal is upgraded.

2. There is no transport linkage to the adjacent WCC site on Coventry Road, covered by R15/1816.

Whilst we appreciate that each planning application is considered on its own merits, since WCC own the adjoining land and both sites are part of RBC's Local Plan, linking pedestrian, cycle and vehicle routes on these sites would seem to be just common sense. The same surely applies to land to the south east of the Bellway site.

a) what pedestrian access is being planned for the journey from this site to Bilton village? The road and pavements narrow on Coventry Road as it enters Bilton village. One side of the road is almost always partially or completely blocked off by cars parked on the pavement. This same route is used by residents of Cawston who are forced to cross at an unsatisfactory mid road island. This route will become even more dangerous with this development and the one planned on the WCC site. This issues tends to force young parents and children to rather travel into Bilton or elsewhere by car. What consideration of this issue has been made?

An additional route is via the public right of way R167 on the private road Lime Tree Avenue. It is stated that this application may affect this right of way, but not how. Please provide details, as we object in principal to the right of way being moved from its historical route. Have the appropriate public notices to change a right way been made? There is also no mention of how it might be improved and maintained along its whole route after construction of this development which will create greater use and therefore increased safety issues.

b) the access to Lime Tree Avenue is via a pedestrian only public right of way. No mention is made regarding the restriction of access by cycles with appropriate barriers and signage. This should be made the responsibility of the developers not least because the right of way crosses their land.

c) what safe cycle route is planned from the site to Bilton village? There is a serious safety issue for cyclists with all residents having to exit blindly from their residences between the trees.

d) the existing lockable gates to Lime Tree Village will presumably be moved to the other side of the site. Please clarify where these will be sited and how this will affect the right of way. It is not clear what the piece of land, lined by trees, nearest to Lime Tree Avenue will be used for, so please clarify.

3. We object to protected trees being felled to make way for an access road. This will spoil the overall character of the Avenue and since they have a protection order on them, should not be allowed.

4.We are concerned about the the risk of of flooding, as drainage from adjoining land R15/1816 along Coventry Road currently is routed via this development. Mr Steve Burton is in communication with you regarding this issue and the need to cater for the flood risk from the two sites. Chris Kingham has told me that this is still under discussion between the two sites and in the case of R15/1816, when finalised, the application will again be be put out for public consultation.

5.There will be a large amount of construction traffic and we want to be assured that no access to the site will be allowed from Lime Tree Avenue. A temporary sign should be erected to this effect at the entrance to Lime Tree Avenue to avoid heavy trucks wrongly and dangerously entering and having to back out. We also request reasonable working hours from 0830 to 1700 Monday to Friday and 0830 to 1230 on Saturdays to be enforced.

6. We would like to see the modelling assumptions used to assess traffic volumes and manage potentially increased congestion for this site, WCC R15/1816 and the adjoining land likely next for development south east of this site.

Thank you in advance for taking note of the above and we trust that you will be able to revert where appropriate by return. Please copy Mr Steve Burton with your response.

Yours sincerely

John Robards

Treasurer F.O.L.T.A.