“Slowly, Slowly, Slowly,” Said the Sloth

Eric Carle

Book Description:

· A sloth defends his personality and character to his rainforest family.

Academic Objectives:

· MKN1: Students will connect numerals to the quantities they represent.

o d. Sequence and identify using ordinal numbers (1st-10th).

Brilliant Star Objectives:

· Cognition/Thinking: Seriation: Students will be able to order a set of related elements or events according to a given rule.

Reading Level:

· Accelerated Reader ® 2.7

· Lexile: 410L

Essential Question(s): How can I order sets of objects using numbers words?

Vocabulary: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, ordinal numbers

Activating Strategy:

· Line 10 students up in front of the room. Tell them that they are going to be lined up in a special number order. Have students count from 1 to 10. Stand behind the first child and say, “first.” Have the students repeat what you say, and record the ordinal numbers on chart paper. The teacher will continue this process until all ordinal numbers are introduced.

Acquisition Lesson Activities:

· The teacher will have 10 pictures of animals to give to the students in small bags. The students will be paired up in partners. The teacher will give the directions to put each animal in order that they come in the book. The teacher will have larger pictures, and will do the activity with the class. The teacher will read “Slowly, Slowly, Slowly” Said the Sloth to the students, stopping with each animal that is read.

· After reading the story, and ordering the pictures, the students will glue the ordinal number words below the pictures with their partners. After all students complete the task, then the teacher will check answers with the class.

Extend/Refine Activities:

· Create an ordinal number game. Have students match the ordinal number word with the ordinal number picture.


· http://www.lessonplanspage.com/MathOrdinalNumbersIdea1.htm

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