Ruff Class News for the Week of February 16th- February 20th

Thank you for making Valentine's Day extra special for the class. A BIG THANK YOU to Shannon Moninger for doing such a great job coordinating these activities for us. Our Caldecott Challenge is going really well! Our class has read close to 300 books so far, with some children who have read over 50 books! A BIG THANK YOU TO OUR PARENT READERS- ShaRon James and Rosemary Evans and this week!

Upcoming Events:

  • Monday, February 16th – President’s Day ( No School)
  • Wednesday, February 25 -2:00 Dismissal, Teacher In-Service
  • Friday, February 27th –Last Day of the Caldecott Challenge
  • March 13th-End of the Nine Weeks
  • March 16th -20tht Spring Break

Announcements & Reminders:

  • Copies of the script for drama will be coming home today to help your child memorize their lines at home. Please work with your child to make sure they are prepared. The play will take place in early May.
  • Please keep reading nightly with your student and practicing addition and subtraction math facts. It's the time of year that math facts should be coming automatically and reading should be becoming fluent and expressive. Go to for some fun games to play to help memorize addition and subtraction facts.

Curriculum Topics for the Week:

Reading & Language Arts: Our story this week is realistic fiction and is titled, "Gloria Who Might Be My Best Friend" by Ann Cameron. The target skills are understanding characters. Spelling words this week are homophones, so make sure your child practices using them in a sentence when they study for their test. In grammar we will be learning about homophones. We will be writing personal narrative pieces entitled, “If I was the President…” We will be editing and revising them with partners.

Math: The students are doing terrific with fractions! They even learned how to make fractions with legos!! Now that we understand the concept, we will be working on equivalent fractions and continuing to write fraction for collections.

Science: We are continuing our unit on rocks, soils and fossils.

Social Studies: The students will be learning about banking.

Enrichment: Students are continuing to work on fractions.

Have a wonderful long weekend!

Warmest Regards,

Allison Ruff