The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Poughkeepsie is looking to hire a quarter-time Children’s Religious Exploration Coordinator. Presently, volunteers are performing all tasks which include planning, communications, and teaching. The CREC will provide assistance with those tasks that do not involve curriculum planning and teaching.

Qualifications: Successful applicants should have at some administrative experience:

· Be detail oriented, work independently and be highly reliable

· Have strong organizational skills

· Have excellent interpersonal skills

· Be proficient with basic computer skills such as Word, Google Docs, spreadsheets and communicate with technologies Including list serve and social media platforms

· Open to increasing responsibilities as time and familiarity with duties develop.

Scope of Responsibilities:

· Maintain registration and attendance records for all RE activities

· Develop and maintain schedule of teachers and assistants for all classes

· Find and schedule babysitters for nursery

· Communicate with teachers, parents and congregants.

· Develop and maintain RE calendar in coordination with Fellowship administrator and RE Committee

· Coordinate scheduling of and attend monthly RE committee meetings

· Attend at least two Sundays per month

Typical 10-hours average work week:

· Present twice monthly at RE program on Sunday from 10 AM to 1 PM

· Attend various RE meetings for two hours per week

· Nominally six hours of administrative tasks per week

The salary for this position is $10,000.

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