Continuing Professional Development

for actuaries


23 – 30 November 2017

11 December 2017


Rue de la Vièrge Noire – Zwarte Lieve Vrouwstraat 32

1000 Brussels


The course will be organized in 3 sessions

Session 1 : General session (3 CPD Points) / When
-  Introduction to IFRS 17 and the different measurement approaches by Dominique Van de Peer and Katrien De Cauwer
-  Presentation of the results of the IA|BE working group IFRS 17 by Ann Duchêne / 23/11/2017
(17h00 – 20h00)
Session 2 : Building block approach (3 CPD Points) / When
By Steven Simon
-  Measurement:
o  Fulfillment cash flows
o  Discount rate
o  Risk adjustment
o  Contractual service margin
o  Contract boundaries
o  Level of aggregation
-  Presentation:
o  Statement of financial position
o  Disclosures
-  Examples / 30/11/2017
(17h00 – 20h00)
Session 3 : IFRS 17 for non-life (incl. premium allocation approach (2 CPD Points) / When
By Erik Van Camp
-  Measurement
-  Presentation
-  Examples
/ 11/12/2017
(18h00 – 20h00)


Katrien De Cauwer

Katrien De Cauwer is IABE qualified actuary and is the partner leading the EY Actuarial practice in Belgium. During the first 10 years of her career Katrien has worked as internal employee in several roles in Risk, Finance and Product Development. During that period she has among other things been involved in the IFRS First Time Adoption. Katrien joined EY in 2009 and has since then assisted several clients in the implementation of regulatory frameworks such as Solvency II and since recently IFRS 17.

Dominique Van de Peer

Dominique Van de Peer is IABE qualified actuary and Director in the EY FSO Assurance practice. She is certified auditor (Bedrijfsrevisor / Réviseur d’entreprise), auditor accredited by the National Bank of Belgium (NBB – Belgian regulator) for the audit of insurance companies and auditor accredited by the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA – Belgian regulator) for the audit of IORP. Dominique has extensive experience in auditing financial statements of insurance companies, both under BGAAP and IFRS.

Ann Duchêne

Ann Duchêne is Principal at KPMG. Ann is specialized in financial insurance reporting. She has a broad knowledge of the Belgian insurance market and has been involved in US GAAP and IFRS conversion projects. Ann is familiar with Solvency ll, is the president of the IABE working group on IFRS 17 and member of the insurance accounting committee of the International Actuarial Association. She has followed the IFRS project since 20 years and is currently assisting several insurance companies in implementing IFRS 17.

Steven Simon

Steven Simon is a senior manager at PwC, and he teaches Risk Management at the VUB at the Solvay Business School. Steven has a wide experience in the actuarial field and in financial modelling, obtained during his 15 years in the financial sector and academics. On the actuarial side, he has gained a strong expertise in life modelling and ALM. On the financial modelling side, Steven has a wide experience with the modelling of and valuation of exotic interest rate and credit derivatives.Steven has obtained various academic degrees: MSc in Mathematics, MSc. in Actuarial Sciences, and a PhD in Finance, and he is a full member of the Institute of Actuaries in Belgium (IA|BE).

Erik Van Camp

Erik Van Camp has over 25 years of experience in the insurance industry. He first worked seven years at AXA (then Royale Belge), first in the IT and then in actuarial department. He already worked for KPMG from 1995 until 2003, when the actuarial team was acquired by Aon. There he was as Director responsible for the actuarial consulting on the Belgian market. He returned to KPMG in 2012 as head of the (insurance) actuarial consulting team.

Since 20 years he is the appointed actuary (now actuarial function) of several insurance companies and mutuals; this implies an annual opinion on the reserves, the profitability and the reinsurance, and an ad hoc report whenever a new product or tariff is launched and in case of revision of the reserving policy.

Registration form


23 – 30 November 2017

11 December 2017

Please complete and return by mail before 20/11/2017 :

Name of the participant :

 E-Mail address :

Invoice to be sent to

Company name
V.A.T. number
Email of person to be addressed to / …………………………………………………….

q Session 1 : 23/11/2017 q Member IA|BE: € 150 q Others: € 250

q Session 2 : 30/11/2017 q Member IA|BE: € 150 q Others: € 250

q Session 3 : 11/12/2017 q Member IA|BE: € 100 q Others: € 165

Cancellation policy: If you need to cancel your registration, please note that you have to send a mail to 48 hours at the latest before the starting date of the training or seminar.

After this date, the payment of the participation fee is due.

You can always let a colleague (member of IA|BE) take your place.