This form is designed to be an aid to you in evaluating your ministry as a Master Catechist. Although it need not necessarily be done only at the time your team does its self-evaluation, that does provide a an opportune time for your own evaluation.
On the following pages read the descriptions of each behavior and answer the questions for your personal evaluation and growth. You may find it helpful to write down your reflections or perhaps silently reflect on within your heart. Those reflections may, in turn, suggest other questions as well.
A.In the Area of Spirituality
Reflecting on the faith dimension of life experiences to build an ever deepening personal relationship with the Lord that calls to accept social responsibility and to respond positively to persons and needs, within family, work and local environment, realizing God's power to transform people's lives...
1.What new insight/awareness have I gained about my personal relationship with the Lord?
2. What am I doing to develop my sense of mission and witness called for in that relationship?
3.How is my prayer life evolving?
B.In the Area of Ongoing Education & Formation
Using opportunities of reading, lecture, and discussion to integrate into the person and the program the current knowledge of Scripture and theology, its sources and methodology...
1.What do I read rather regularly to enrich my knowledge of the Lord, His Church, the
sacramental life, and faith life?
- What opportunities do I avail myself of for further theological enrichment (i.e. workshops,
Master Catechist sessions, etc.)
C.In the Area of Attitude
Opening myself to the uniqueness of each team member, each catechist learner, through sensitivity to needs; sensing, verbalizing and encouraging gifts and talents...
1.In what ways have I let the team members share their gifts with me?
2.How have I let members know I appreciate them?
- For what gift of my own do I continuously thank the Lord? Which talent(s) am I cultivating?
A.In the Area of Lesson Preparation
Consistently searching for ideas, materials, activities to use in broadening the base, expanding the experience...
- How do I prepare, specifically for each lesson? e.g. reading GDC, reference materials, etc.
2.Do I block out specific time to read, pray and study for my presentation?
- Am I open to the challenge to try new subject material by researching to expand my present knowledge and understanding?
B.In the Area of Methodology
Integrating large group, small group and independent learning experience, providing alternative styles of teaching, and appreciating different learning styles…
1.Do I investigate and try a variety of teaching techniques? Do I try a variety of media andaudio-visual aids?
2.How do I consciously use body image, body language and manner of presentation
(voice inflections, etc.) in communicating the message?
3.What expectations have I set for myself as a master catechist within the next ______(days, months)?
4.What types of changes do I see necessary to strengthen a specific area of weakness?
C.In the Area of Attitude
Sensing and acknowledging the freedom and uniqueness of each individual, affirming ethnic pride, respecting ideas, opinions, contributions and personalities...
1.Am I comfortable with not having all the answers?
2.In what ways have I recently recognized and encouraged the gifts of the catechist learner?
3.Have I allowed and encouraged feedback from the catechist learners even when contrary to my beliefs?
4.In what ways have I tried to build community among the catechist learners and the team?