Multimodal 54

Meeting 2 - June 30, 2016

hosted by the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce


GoTriangle: Patrick McDonough, Mary Kate Morookian

Chapel Hill Transit: Brian Litchfield, Nick Pittman, Mila Vega

Town of Chapel Hill: David Bonk, Kumar Neppalli

Town of Carrboro:James Thomas

City of Durham:Ellen Beckmann, Mohammad Islam

DCHC MPO: Felix Nwoko

NCDOT:RichardHancock, David Keilson

AECOM: Chris Werner, Mark Johnston

Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce: Aaron Nelson

Regional Transportation Alliance:Joe Milazzo II

Discussion items

Recap of May 19 meeting

- Participants provided feedback on theMultimodal 54 initiative 2-pager. RTA staff agreed to revise the two-pager by the next meeting.

Presentations and reports provided

- The group discussed the June 20th NCDOT internal meeting on NC 54 corridor study (U-5774).

- The group learned that given current environmental, design, funding, right-of-way, and construction schedules and timelines, the earliest year that significant improvements that could emerge from the study and be open to the traveling public would be approximately 2028.

- Milazzo and McDonough summarized the TRB report on transit advantage (TCRP Synthesis 110).

- The group received an overview presentation on Synchronized Streets (flier, overview) in North Carolina.

- Milazzo provided an overview of the Keystone Parkway compact multimodal roundabout interchange design (image, map) used in Carmel, Indiana.

Potential data

- Re transit usage: transit providers agreed to compile information on transit usage, on-time performance, frequency, and hours/span of service.Geoff Greene from GoTriangle will review/compile transit travel time performance.

- Re overall data: group members noted that performance/changes over time would be useful. RTA staff will review and compile traffic count information over the past ten years.

- Re signal timing: Chapel Hill and Durham staff will review signal timing, delay, and travel time information to look for opportunities to improve performance

- Re signal coordination: Chapel Hill and Durham staff will look into signal coordination opportunities between the two systems.

- Themodeling: the group noted that both VISSIM and Transmodeler were or had been used for past and ongoing initiatives related to the corridor.

Next steps: The group agreed to meet again on August 8, 2016.

Multimodal 54 is a cooperative initiative of GoTriangle and the Regional Transportation Alliance to enhance the multimodal performance of the NC 54 corridor between I-40 in southwest Durham and US 15-501 in Chapel Hill