Pupil Participation

  • Set up new Eco-Action team for the whole school meeting monthly
  • Eco-Action team to develop new Eco-code to reflect the whole primary school


  • Ensure recycling bins installed and in use across the whole site
  • Wasteless Wednesday initiative (in consultation with eco-action team)


  • Walking for water


  • Revise School Travel Plan for whole site


  • Energy poster/switch off fortnight initiative
  • Thermal Heat Loss project
  • Solar panels on Junior Building

School Grounds

  • Forest School Development

Global Citizenship

  • Global Week

Rudston Primary School

Eco-School Action Plan September 2012 – July 2013

General Eco-Schools Issues
What / Who / When / Success Criteria
Keep staff regularly informed of Eco-school initiatives & ideas

Set up & keep Eco-school notice board updated

Eco-tips to be included on school website
To disseminate information throughClass Council/assemblies and receive feedback from Class Councils
To update school eco-code for primary school and keep in the minds of the children
To consider possible future large scale projects to work towards
To keep Eco-schools section of website up to date
To maintain Green Flag Award
Eco-Week cross curricular and key stages / Rachel/Vicky
Eco-team/ Rachel/Vicky
Eco-team/All / Ongoing
Half termly
New website from Jan 2012
Summer Term / That all staff are informed and have relevant information
That all staff & children know about the notice board & use it.
Parent/pupil feedback
School Council bring ideas from rest of school to meetings, and vice versa
New eco-code developed, adopted and shared with whole school community
Large project underway or in pipeline (Forest project underway)
To raiseawareness of all eco-issues amongst parents
Maintain Green Flag Status
Whole week of eco activities based on global initiatives successfully run
What / Who / When / Success Criteria
Set up Eco-monitors/eco-guardians across whole site in all class rooms to close doors and switch off lights, white boards & PCs
Children to produce posters re: energy saving to be displayed as reminders around school
To create laminated reminder coasters by reducing down some of the posters for leaving next to all PC and light switches
To ensure that IT suite computers and monitors and photocopier & music room equipment are switched off when not in use and at end of day.
Consider installation of green energy technology to help reduce the carbon footprint across the school site.
Complete Energy Audit / All class teachers
All class teachers


All class teachers/ caretaker
Melissa / Ongoing
March ‘13

April ‘13


Installation part of dining centre

/ Children are aware why they have eco-monitors and what it means environmentally.
Children are interested understand eco-issues to be able to produce posters

More lights and PCs being switched off

Monitor weekly at the end of the day, and monitor electricity bills
Photovoltaics being installed on junior roof as part of new dining centre planning permission.
Progressive improvement in energy rating
What / Who / When / Success Criteria
To hold an assembly about litter bugs possibly with KeepBritainTidy/Encams to raise awareness of litter issues
Make a request for Eco-buddies from parents/local residents to help litter pick with KS2 children in the immediate vicinty of the school / Rachel


/ Summer 2013
March 2013 / For playground and surrounding areas to be tidier.
For Rudston Road and surrounding area to be tidier.
Waste Minimisation/Recycling
What / Who / When / Success Criteria
Ensure paper recycling bins are available across the site &continue to be used in main office & staff room
Fruit waste sent for composting to Rotter’s local composting facility
To review what is being composted across the school and hold another assembly to raise awareness with the children
To hold regular assemblies on recycling and waste issues using external tools where possible
Regular Bag2School clothing collection extended across the site
Consider installation of extra recycling facilities in car park as a community facility / Melissa/Lucy
Melissa/Lucy / Ongoing

May/June ’13


Twice yearly

After building work complete / Bins being used correctly and are available across whole school
Regular collections/payment through PTA
Ensure implemented across whole school
Children more aware of the right things to compost and school compost bins working well. Rotters assemblies
Capture the chilren’s imaginations with respect to eco-issues (use Rotters and Keep Britain Tidy potentially)
Understanding social enterprise/ recycling initiatives and fundraising
Providing additional recycling facilities for both school and community benefit (consider tetrapak/aluminium recylcling)
What / Who / When / Success Criteria
To consider installation of rainwater harvesting system for grey uses
Conversion of water cooler in staff room to mains water / Mel/Lucy
Mel / By June’13

September 2013


Feasibility of cost and installation.

Water cooler in reception already converted to mains. More sustainable, cheaper

What / Who / When / Success Criteria
Review School Travel Plans following amalgamation
Implementation of School Travel
Plan through promotion - walk to school events/ bike to school events (regular in-school surveys)
Regular reference on eco-school section of website
Monitor usage of bike racks and promote
Promote considerate parking through police surgery /

Melissa/Lucy/ Vicky

Melissa/Vicky/ Rachel

Rachel/ All class teachers

Melissa/ Lucy

Melissa/ Vicky /

By Summer 2013

Beginning Summer 2013

Start Spring 2013


Spring 2013
February 2013 /

School Travel Plan revitalised and new initiatives put forward

More children travelling to school on foot/bike regularly
More children travelling by sustainable means and greater awareness for parents
Children have greater ability to bike to school regularly
Improved parking less complaints from neighbours
Healthy Living
What / Who / When / Success Criteria
Regular review of school menu
Growing own fruit and vegetables across site through Gardening Club
Review what cleaning products are used in the schools and whether environmentally friendly products can be used / Melissa/Food for Thought
Mrs Arrow-smith/ class teachers
Melissa/ Lucy /


Summer terms
Summer 2013 / Increasing numbers of children staying for school dinners/ dinners not being wasted
Soil Association status maintained.
Children understand the benefits of growing organically and eating fruit and veg.
Healthier cleaning products in use throughout school
What / Who / When / Success Criteria
Maintain insect hotel
Have more outdoor learning based around biodiversity (contact Mersey Biobank)
Make pond more wildlife friendly /



Rachel/Vicky / Ongoing

Spring/Summer Terms

Summer 2013 /

More biodiversity in wildlife garden

Greater understanding of biodiversity amongst children.
Improved biodiversity in wildlife garden
School Grounds
What / Who / When / Success Criteria
Re-vamping year 1/year 2 outdoor areas
Creation of Forest School area within Junior playground / Mel/Y1/Y2 staff
Melissa/Rachel/Vicky / Easter Y1
Summer Y2
Spring 2013 / Improved outdoor learning capabilities for both Y1/Y2
Improved outdoor learning area for nursery
Global Perspective
What / Who / When / Success Criteria
Regular assembly topics on global issues
Adoption of a child (Ana Rosario – Guatemala)Foundation/KS1
- Adoption of Lalit KS2
Adopted charitiesGlobal Week / VickyPTAPupils/parents
Mgt teamVicky/ Rachel / Half termly – ongoingOngoingMonthly 10p Thursday
Annual – ongoingSpring 2013 / Interesting assemblies on a variety of issues which can impact globally
Correspondence between the children and Ana Rosario – understanding from children about less fortunate countries
Children understand about charitable issues locally and globally
Eco-action week long initiative based on global issues
Pupil Participation
What / Who / When / Success Criteria
Regular ongoing participation in environmental, ethical and sustainable topics
Ongoing eco-team for children to express their views on eco-school issues / Vicky/ All class teachers
Vicky/ Lucy / Half termly
Monthly/ Half termly / Greater awareness for children, visitors to school on various topics, extending to community
Children have an active voice in being able to influence their school