Green Bay Lightning Soccer Club
Meeting Minutes
January 16, 2011
Present: Erin LeMoine, Steve Jossart, Cindy Wienkers, Ann Kaufmann, Tom Moule, Norma Seehawer, Blair Bandow, Brian Tristani, Jill Stenson, Tim Sewell, Tracy Smith, Emily Wells, Tammy Hermans, Tyler Thomas, Wendy Gillaume, Jeff Walton, Ann Clermont, Jim McCabe, Sherry O’Neill, Greg Kunzer, Nick Olsen
Teams Not Represented: U11 Boys Silver, U14G Maroon, U16G Maroon
Meeting Called to Order: 6:30 p. m. by Erin LeMoine, President.
Secretary’s Report: December meeting minutes presented motioned for approval. Ann Clermont made a motion to accept the minutes; Wendy Gillaume seconded the motion; motion passed; December 2010 minutes approved.
Registrar’s Report: It is now time to get complete rosters to Ann Kaufman. Throughout the team reports, Ann reminded teams of coach pass expiration dates and discrepancies in rosters.
Treasurer’s Report: Tom presented the financial report, reminding all that fees are due for all players by January 31. He stated that this year, we will be stricter about receipt of the fees. If fees are not paid on time, and no alternate arrangements are made, the player pass for the player(s) who do not pay will not be given to the team. At the February meeting, Tom will have information available about any outstanding fees.
Additionally, if you are pre-registering for a tournament, you can bring your applications and rosters to the February meeting and Tom will send them. After that point, you will need to pay for the tournament and present a receipt to Tom for reimbursement.
Coaching Director’s Report: No report
Trainer’s Report:
Aurora BayCare will be hiring a new trainer for Green Bay Lightning. This individual will be introduced to the club after hire. There is an ACL program by Dr. Schock on February 23. This will give ways to reduce chance of ACL injury. Flyers were distributed.
Teams need to turn in the athlete information forms. Bring to next board meeting or drop off at Aurora Sports Med Clinic.
East Central Report: no meeting held
Website Report: No report
Green Bay Invitational Report:
- The following roles were assigned to our club for the 2011 Green Bay Invitational Tournament:
- Webpage revamping and maintenance – Garth Seehawer
- Garth will be making major changes to the website to make it more user friendly – easier navigation, less cluttered, etc.
- We will be responsible for coordinating concessions at Akzo Nobel along with FC Green Bay. Volunteers to work at the concession stands will be handled the same as in the past.
- Our club is responsible for providing a site director at Akzo Nobel, along with FC Green Bay.
- We will need to have an ad coordinator; FC Green Bay has overall responsibility for coordinating ad sales and program development.
- We will want to ask all teams to let us know if they know of any individual or company who wants to be a “major sponsor” for the tournament. This would be a contribution of $2,000 or more.
- Ashwaubenon is responsible for coordinating all volunteers. We will need to have a volunteer coordinator to work with the overall coordinator.
- Registration will is now open.
State League: State league placements were posted. We are working on fields for spring games.
Ref and Fields Coordinator: Referee training February 19 and 20
Equipment/Uniforms: Soccer World will be changing the type of ball; not Brine any more. Payments for uniforms are due; delivery will occur soon. Next warm-up and apparel orders will be March 1, 2011.
Team Reports:
U-11 G Maroon – 13 on roster, now in second session of indoor
U-11 B Maroon – 13 rostered; practicing; four tournaments selected (GBI, Fox Cities Classic, Tom’s Drive-in, Oregon)
U-11 B White – 12 rostered; practicing; four tournaments selected (GBI, Tom’s Drive-In, Blaine and Oshkosh)
U-11 B Silver – no report
U-12 G Maroon – 12 rostered; indoor practices start in February; four tournaments selected (Tom’s Drive-In, Reddan, GBI and Blaine)
U-12 G White – 12 rostered; undecided on tournaments
U-12 B State – Placed in Premier again, indoor at Soccer Heaven; will play two fall tournaments; two fall tournaments are Flatgrass and GBI
U-12 B Black – 14 on roster, indoor in March, practice starts in February; five tournaments selected (Reddan, Flatgrass, GBI, Steven’s Point, Appleton)
U-12 B White – 12 on roster, indoor in January, F.C. camp at G.B.; four tournaments selected (Flatgrass, Hudson, GBI, Steven’s Point)
U-13 G Maroon – playing indoor, practicing at St Thomas More
U-13 B Maroon – 15 rostered; practices started
U-14 B State – 17 rostered; placed in Premier again; practices started; will play third session of indoor at Sports Emporium; new coach; tournaments so far are State Cup and GBI
U-14 B Maroon – 18 on roster, practicing, second and third sessions at Sports Emporium; four tournaments (Hudson, GBI, Steven’s Point and Upper Midwest)
U-14 G Maroon – 14 rostered; one may be dropping, practicing
U-15 G Maroon – No report
U-15 B State – playing indoor; practicing; tournaments so far are GBI and Blaine
U-16 G Maroon – no report
U-17 B Maroon – 19 on roster, indoor practices through March
U-17 G Maroon – 16 on roster, second sessions at Sports Emporium
U-18/19 B Maroon – 19 rostered; tournaments include Flatgrass, Brookfield, Oregon
U-18/19 G Maroon – High School
U-18 G State – High School
President’s Report:
· Level 8 USSF Referee Clinic February 19 (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) and February 20 (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
New Business:
Old Business:
. The Bay Area Recreational Complex is now going to be holding informational meetings; packets are being put together. They expect to break ground in Spring 2012. They need additional cabinet members to solicit contributions. Information on a kick-off meeting will be sent out shortly.
Next Meeting: Sunday, March 6 at 6:30 p.m. at Aurora Bay Care Medical Center, Willow Room. All teams must be represented.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:21 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Norma Seehawer