Provost’s Council

September 9, 2014

2:00 pm.

Ruby Hicks Hall, Room 248

Members Present: Dan Averette, Jackie Blakley, Tim Bowen, Jenni Creamer, Dan Holland, Lynn Lewis, Marla Roberson, Brian Swords, Hap Wheeler

Members Absent: Scott Harvey, Sarah Shumpert

Others Present: Margaret Burdette, Matt Edwards, Kevin Steele

Length of Meeting: 2 hours

Topics Discussed:

After a motion from Lynn Lewis, seconded by Marla Roberson, the minutes of the July 22, 2014 meeting were approved.

Matt Edwards presented Lync, a Microsoft communication product. Matt noted the many different communication possibilities, the current advising pilot, and the need for a training process. The group briefly discussed ways to use Lync to address college/student issues. Matt welcomes all ideas.

Margaret Burdette discussed the pending SACS decennial reaffirmation and reviewed the handout that she distributed. She noted the components, the process, the timeline, and the responsibilities of the reaffirmation. Margaret will write the report, but will request input and information from across the campus. As information, Galen Dehay distributed the report Top 10 Most Frequently Cited Principles… and briefly discussed the findings.

Professional development allocation was discussed. Galen reported that according to Debbie Nelms around $50,000 was unspent during the last fiscal year, and he reminded the members of the group to use their allocations. Debbie can answer any questions about how the funds can be used. Galen reported that the mini-grant process did not change. Mini-grants will only be awarded once a year, and this year’s deadline is Monday, September 15.

Galen reported that the Executive Staff membership has expanded. All direct reports to the Senior Vice President (Dean of College Transition Programs, AVP for Instruction & Institutional Effectiveness, AVP for Student Engagement & Development, and the Economic Development Director) will be members of Executive Staff.

Galen discussed the Student Success Center next steps.

·  Charretts are underway

·  Looking at exemplar sites

·  Hire construction manager by the end of September

·  Process marries design and construction so that decisions are made together and things move more quickly.

Galen distributed Proposal for Comprehensive Studies, ENG 100, MAT 101, MAT 102, and SCI 033, and discussed the document. All areas impacted by the change agreed that this was a good move. The change will have some Banner implications, since a new college will need to be created. It will require significant work, but it is the right thing to do.

Galen distributed Faculty Credentialing Process. He noted the requirement of a standard minimum work experience requirement of one year, and stressed the SACS requirement for credentialing for an instructor teaching an occupational/technical course who does not have a bachelor’s degree in the field.

Under Announcements:

Marla (Faculty Senate)

·  Posted the link to vote for adjunct representatives for Faculty Senate.

·  Still working on the upgrades to the By-laws.

Marla (Library)

·  Michelle Gregg has resigned. Marla is re-working that position description.

·  The library is hosting an OVID workshop. An OVID trainer will facilitate.

Dan Holland

·  Attend the Title IX conference and noted that any institution receiving federal funding must have procedures in place to address any harassment/violence issues.

·  Encouraged the members of the group to familiarize themselves with Title IX.

·  Noted there are serious ramifications if the college is not in compliance.

Hap Wheeler

·  Adjunct faculty study committee is active. Asking questions and reviewing best practices regarding adjunct faculty.

·  A very basic division advising center is up and running. About 450 student have met with faculty and staff.

Brian Swords

·  The LLR Board has approved the college to offer cosmetology. If offered, it will be conducted through CCE in partnership with the Pickens County Career Center. The instructor will be a Tri-County employee.

Jenni Creamer

·  With Renae Frazier’s resignation, the college is re-evaluating her position, so it is not posted yet.

·  Recruiter position will be posted soon.

·  With the state proviso, Diana Walter will move into a director role. We are in the process of filling a support staff position, which will funded by the proviso.

Dan Averette

·  The Michelin proposal has been re-worded to focus on funding for equipment for the career centers.

Lynn Lewis

·  Kennel construction will start soon.

·  Pharmacy Technician construction will start soon.

·  The Pharmacy Technician program will start in January. It will always be a January start.

·  After discussions, moves and renovations are underway to accommodate the Science department and to create classroom space, and to address office space needs.

Galen DeHay

·  Program Strategy will be an agenda item for the next Provost’s Council meeting.

·  Will roll out the strategy for the next 3-5 years to allow the college to be ready to offer programs that are needed.

·  TSE project will be presented to Executive Staff next week and will be an agenda item at our next meeting.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Recorded By: Anne Bryan

Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 23, at 2:00, in Fulp 400